Quote Originally Posted by biatch View Post
I hope you do not get me wrong. We are all here just looking for help and I am based on my feelings and numbers (I know numbers mean nothing).
But I am here as a PFS user and I recovered from it once (80%). I then used a prohormones who shuted me down and later arimidex who shutted down my aromatasi enzyme as well.
Because of this, I had different blood tests between January till now and my estrogens used to be in range, but after arimidex (I used it in February) they dropped down and they re still very low...
I would like to ask if you guys think that soy and fitoestrogens (coming from food) would be a good idea to run fo a while and try for a while trying to raise my estrogens up and see how I do feel.
I was orinted to run R andro as part of the protocol, but in my case (being shuted down) I don't guess it is an optimal idea in this moment.
Any suggest?
Don't get me wrong or in a bad sight if at this stage I am deviating from the written protocol I am following regarding herbs, gym, diet, cold showers (when I am not sick) etc.
Thank you
Listen... You keep asking the same question over and over again and we keep giving you the same answer but you are not accepting it.

You're simply not listening to the advice that we are giving you. Stop focusing on your numbers and start doing the protocol. Just because you keep asking us the same question over and over again doesn't mean you're going to get a different answer.

You're coming about this all the wrong way.

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