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  1. #11
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 0 burlyman30's Avatar
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    Part 4.

    Things had been going amazingly well during the first four weeks of my cycle. I was getting everything I wanted from it, AND MORE. So, being consistent with previous weeks, I ramped up dosages once again. I bumped the Anadrol to 150mg/day and the Test to 300mg for the week.

    I noticed a bit of a headache starting that first day, but I didn't think much of it. Then it continued to get worse each day. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so I didn't really let it affect what I was doing too much, but it began to affect my training. Any time I would strain in the gym, my head felt like it was in a vice and about ready to pop from the pressure. A LOT of pain. Again... I toughed it out, even though each day seemed to get worse than the previous. I only planned to stay at this dosage for a week anyway before I began tapering down, so I was determined to stick it out.

    Then things got worse.

    I was driving in town (I had a '78 Datsun 280Z at the time) and I sneezed. When I went to wipe the wetness off my nose and upper lip, I realized it was red. Blood red. My nose was bleeding pretty seriously and it took a few minutes to get it stopped. I didn't think too much about it until training time came and it was squat day.

    Well, I was using what was heavy weight for me with all this new found strength. I was up to about 465 for sets of 6-8 deep reps. I wasn't going to break any powerlifting records, but for a guy of 180 lbs, it wasn't too bad. So I worked up through my warm up sets and worked my way up to the 465 range. At this point I am doing my best to block out the excruciating pain as I strain to push the weight up. About 6 reps in, my nose decides to explode again. Blood all over the mat. All down my face. I obviously wasn't going to be doing anything heavy for the rest of the night.

    I took some time to get the bleeding stopped and everything cleaned up and just settled for doing some leg extensions and curls to finish out the leg night. I knew these problems were obviously tied to the higher dosage of Anadrol, but I was determined to see the week through, and I had one more workout to complete.

    The last workout of the week came and I knew what I was up against with the headaches and nosebleeds. After all, by this time I had experienced several nosebleeds throughout the week, so I tried to play it smarter. I tried to avoid exercises that would create the greater internal pressure from strain and ended up relatively unscathed for this workout.

    I was SO HAPPY to be able to taper back down on my Anadrol. The constant headaches had gotten so bad from the higher dosage that I could barely think straight or concentrate on anything. I finally gave in and dropped the dosage a day early. Within a couple of days, I was feeling much better and the headaches subsided.

    Unfortunately, I wasn't ready for what would hit the next week...

    End of Part 4.
    Last edited by burlyman30; 12-13-2012 at 02:02 AM.
    All advice given is for entertainment value only. And it's free. Take it for what it's worth.

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