Alright fellow PFS boys, it's that time again.

I'll be starting my cycle tomorrow morning. I will be doing 300-400mg/day of IML Super R-Andro X. I plan to do at least four weeks, but I'm fine doing as many as eight if I can handle it (probably won't happen).

My workout routine is pretty light, because I'd rather skimp and preserve energy than overdo it. I do three lifting days per week (pulling muscles, pushing muscles, and legs) for about 25 mins each, and two 20 minute sprinting sessions per week. I often end up playing basketball a couple days as well.

Diet is paleo plus peanut butter, rice, and milk, with a shit ton of fruit and OJ.

I'll try to get some before pictures up tonight if I can figure out how to do it on my phone (don't have a computer).