Hi all,

I've just registered in this forum, after lurking in PH for many years.
My situation is simple to describe: about 8 years ago, I took 4 days worth of finasteride, and 1 week later ended up with chronic prostatitis.

After trying numerous herbs and protocols, I've broke it down to this conclusion:
- Whenever I take something that blocks 5-ar it will worsen my prostate symptoms in a matter of 2-3 days (upon stopping, pain returns to baseline). I've taken herbs that wasn't aware were 5-ar blockers, and once I got worse, went online to discover they were blocking that enzyme. My prostate became that much sensitive: it's a highly-sensitive anti-5-ar sensor.
- Conversely, the thing that helps it is stimulating 5-ar or giving it more fuel. I've done best in TRT, when I'm pumping more T for the prostate to work with. This works up to a degree, and I don't want to do T+Adex+Hcg for the rest of my life. I have tried a shit load of things over these 8 years, but haven't found any reliable herb or supplement that compares to TRT in terms of relief of prostate pain.

And now, having just registered, I'd like to ask for your advice on what herbs and DHT pro-hormones (R-Andro, 5a-DHP,...) you would choose, if you wanted to increase 5-ar activity in prostate?

Thank you friends.