Quote Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
day 6... same shit not too bad. I keep falling asleep later and later but the actual sleep I feel is getting deeper and only wakeup once a night and that once a night period is shrinking, fell back asleep in 10 minutes. After my fast when I add some sleep discipline eg) having a waking window I think the later falling asleep thing will fix especially with the sleep supplements.

Getting antsy to start eating again but it's not too bad to keep going if I keep my mind engaged. I can't imagine how people just lay down for 21 days with Loren Lockman that's when it's hardest for me eg) doing holosync and the delayed sleep.

I still actually have a lot of adipose tissue so might even be able to transcend my goal of 7 days. anti-androgen crash fundamentally changed my body composition although not that bad. I have more water retention, and torso fat than before. My strength remained unchanged though cuz I kept pushing up my gym numbers.

would be nice if I can go 10 days so then I can make the juice feast shorter as well :P
Same bro I had to actually do stuff like clean, go shopping or work on stuff, run errands, take a shower otherwise the day drags way too long time goes by way to slow haha. I could only lay in bed for small part of the day then I had to get up and do stuff, couldn't imagine just being bed ridden 24/7 for multiple weeks.

At one point, I went for shopping for other people haha