I like Ultradrol. In fact, it's probably my favorite methylated designer steroid. But I learned a few things about it the last time around.

It is side-effect free (ONLY MEAN THIS IN THE SUPERFICIAL SENSE. I DO NOT WISH TO DOWNPLAY IT'S PHYSIOLOGICAL IMPACT ON THINGS THAT CANNOT BE FELT) at up to 12mg FOR ME. However, the last cycle I pushed it up to 16mg and I began to get very negatively aggressive. Everything was pissing me off. It also started to give me moderate lethargy. While it was still not nearly as bad as 1-DHEA's lethargy, it was noticeable.

One other strange thing it did to me was created insatiable hunger. I simply could not eat enough. I felt hypoglycemic at many points during the day because I felt like I was vaporizing food in my system. I could not stay full to save my life.

While some might look at this as a good thing on the outside, it was extreme - extreme enough that it was disrupting my daily life.

I was playing band gigs shaking and ready to pass out because I needed food. It was the strangest thing.

One thing I did NOT ever experience, though, was elevated BP or loss of libido while on cycle. The profile Markam posted makes assumptions about BP and loss of libido. I've yet to see anyone complain of either while on UD. It is a very unique compound in that respect, with its own unique properties.

For me, it was the ultimate steroid. I could eat whatever I felt like and it melted fat off, made me harder, dryer, leaner, more vascular, I had a libido and, at doses less than 16mg, I felt amazing. Plus, did I mention it put on clean bodyweight?

Unfortunately, I won't be taking it again as I'm done with methyls. My partner at work is trying to persuade me to do a Halodrol cycle before hanging methyls up, but I don't know if I want to or not. Time will tell.