Quoted from link "Best way to counter act this is watch sodium, take an aromatase inhibitor and drink plenty of water."

Why do orals cause back pumps?

I had some pretty wicked back pumps yesterday while raking leaves. I came across this ^^^^^^. Anyone else use this method? it is only mentioned once and there is no elaboration.

I am almost 2 weeks into mechabol 100, trenazone 1.5 and i'm just starting to feel hot, not quite infuego but i feel it brewing.

I have l-taurine and have began back pump protocol 1-a of 3g a day split between am and pre w/o meal, I had not expected back pumps and there is no back pump plan b.

I have Anastrozole on hand and was going to dose at .25 e3d as my gyno contingency. My nipples look as good as they are going to look and gyno is not a concearn at the moment.