Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
If you’re that worried about your diet I would probably also drop the almond butter and just eat almonds. I’m not extreme about my diet but nut butters are still something I avoid, all natural or not.

If you have everything that you eat logged you might as well post it here so people can give you some feedback. Couldn’t hurt,

Edit: my bad CD I meant to reply to @LetsGo
Yeah I guess so. It feels like there’s nothing appetizing I can eat anymore. I don’t see why it would be okay to eat raw, but not raw + blended into a paste, but usually it’s better for me to do the opposite of what I think is right.

Posting my diet here could be good in the abstract, but I’m really not feeling up to it today. There will be lots of do this not that, etc, and I already feel like I’m being pulled in too many directions. Over the course of the day I gradually became more and more filled with thoughts of self-harm, and it was so rough in the gym and walking home. Just feelings of - even a full recovery would be too late for me because I’m too old, and I should have done it earlier when I still had a chance at a normal life.

I could post diet things in the future but I don’t feel up to it now. And I guess it also makes more sense to post a longer time’s worth of data because if I make it part of my daily routine people aren’t going to like that.