Quote Originally Posted by Gomesgame View Post
Hi everyone, I have some questions about waterfast.

I postponded my water fast to yesterday, cuz last week (when i first planned it) was the finals of Libertadores (a latin american soccer championship, the biggest here) and my team was one of the competitors, so i found better to follow a normal routine till the game day since it would stress me a lot, and indeed it did. But fortunately we won and it gave a looooooooooot of energy to start the fast.

Anyways, I'm now on my second day of waterfast (about 39 hours) and i'm pretty much weak and dumb as fuck, lol. At least, rn i'm not feeling very hungry, in fact a little bit dizzy and nauseous, is it normal?

And I'm planning to do it for five or seven days, seven if everything runs smoothly. After that I'm gonna follow English's advice and run a 3 day bone broth and L-Glutamine fast. The thing is that I'm often catching myself up about the duration of the vast. I'm reading a lot about it and i'm afraid that 5 or 7 days wont do much, majority of people i've seen made a 14 days long water only fast. Is 7 a good duration for benefits, including autophagy?

Also, i'm having a lot of boredom while on this, since i can't eat and exercise and my brain is not that up to make creative things or even reading, at least rn... Any suggestion?

Lastly, can i supplement my vitamines normally?

Already thankful for the answers guys
NOTHING else on the water fast but water...no vitamins, herbs, nothing. 7 days is better then not at all, but yes, the longer you can go, the better. You're going to be bored. Use the time to practice your breathing exercises and meditation. Other then that, you have to do nothing else but REST. That's IT. And yes, everything you're feeling is normal. But this is why I always suggest doing a water fast at a supervised clinic.