Quote Originally Posted by MileyCrabz View Post
Weren’t you and that other dork making fun of someone else's suicide attempt the other day? SMH.

You also said you weren’t spamming other members threads, which is now a complete lie. The cringe lord strikes again.

If TRT, Hcg and clomid worked so well then why is PFS still a thing? People been trying those since the 2000’s. They might work for a small few? usually its seems to only be temporary and also can come with side effects/serious complications. Just like any pharma it can be a double edged sword, you of all people should know this. How can someone who claims to be so fucked up say they know how to fix PFS? That’s like a 500Ib obese person trying to give someone personal training or dietary advice. You can’t take them seriously.

I am very curious though, did you get the COVID vaccine?

The second last sentence is certainly


Birch do you think sunshine ducking filmmaker

Lazarus gives out advice the cunt