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  1. #10
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 2 (100%) DJM's Avatar
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    i think the diet and workouts question wasnt so much your schedule, but more so the macro breakdown in the diet, you said you wanna be huge, how will you do this nutrition wise? your workouts look like what? specifics please, interested, considering this heavy cycle, what your approach is

    im also interested how this will go with regards to the stack.....iv never wanted or needed to go that high with tren, curious what you get out of it results/sides wise......deca id never touch, recently had a friend who is in great shape at 200, ran only 300mg a week mainly for joints and aches, it worked great for that but puffed him up alot, a guy who is cut and an unreal arent quite in the same shape which id assume might cause estrogen issues with the combo of bodyfat and its afinity for aromatisation, compounded by the tren and how it can be unpredictable in each user.......and the said you had a history of bp issues no? both those drugs suck for that too

    i dont eat certain things at certain hours, nor do i do chest on a certain day, or even specific exercises for a given part either.....BUT i will follow certain rep schemes, poundages, rest periods, ect in a given period, and i try to hit certain amount of protein

    ***i can see you dropping that prewo inside 10days lol

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