Quote Originally Posted by Cobalt View Post
Outside of the specific compounds being mixed, why do you say that?
Ok, I needed some time to reply to this which I didn't have yesterday. I'm no expert with all these compounds, but fuck man, you're taking test, deca, and tren all at the same time. What I do know is that deca and tren will wreak havoc on your bp and lipids. Then on top of that, you're taking all this pre workout CRAP that you really don't need. All this pwo stuff will do to you is increase your blood pressure higher than it already is going to be with those 3 hardcore compounds. I seriously would never use deca or tren, but your using both, along with test... And pre work out stims for pumps... TO me something is wrong here. Ditch the bs pre workout stuff, and be safe. It will be hard to keep your bp is a safe range with all 3 of those compounds alone. Don't take this as bashing, but I just feel you're really asking for trouble here. When I cycle, I try my very best to be as safe as possible, as odd as that may sound. You're a pretty big guy already, what is your goal for this cycle? More mass?? Look at weekend, the dude is just on 500 mg of test, 50mg of proviron daily, and var the last 4 wks of his cycle, and he's put on 35#s already... To me thats a very safe way to cycle, not throw the 2 hardcore compounds on top of test and pre workout stuff and expect to come out healthy or safe.