Hey Fellas.
So here's an outline of the cycle
EOD Mast 100mg
E4D Test E 250

Intend to run 12 wks, I'm at week 7 ATM

Started at 218lbs and weighed 229 this morning. Checked BF before the holidays and it was unchanged at 5.6% I believe.
I unfortunately see no use in keeping track of 1RM's, since I'm not a power lifter, but lifts are definitely up. For next time, I wanna do a better job of tracking this improvement.

Now, this is my 1st injectable cycle, so I appreciate any input and disclose that some experimentation here might be stupid to the more experienced users. Again, feedback is appreciated.

HCG 350iu E3D. I started late, so I pre-loaded per Eric's protocol.
When I started, I was running exemestane. Had slight sensitivity on the nips that the exemestane would take care of right away.
I stopped having any signs of gyno or anything that I could recognize as high estro, so I stopped the exemestante. Don't know if the Mast kicked in and took care of anything or what. Was that dumb as shit? Should I go back on it?

I recently moved and because of my distraction and others handling some of my stuff, my reconstituted HCG found its way to the freezer. Froze and thawed. Chuck it and reconstitute a new vial or am I still good? Last couple of days was the 1st time I think I noticed some testicular shrinkage, not sure I'm not being paranoid, but still...

Will have pics tomorrow or something.

Never logged anything, so let me know what's interesting to put here.
