Well, initially I was against testosterone use, as it really can more backfire than fight gyno- but recently I've changed my opinion and sided with Weekend, for other reasons than gyno: from old pp forum I had impression of you as a well organised person, but somehow it seems that you are slippping away, I mean all thins anti-gyno cycle was not well executed, and generally I've got a feeling that you are not really feeling too good, and I think for that reason test would be helpful. Not high dose, but maybe 150. So basically, I would kind of bridge current cycle with TRT as it seems that this can take a longer time. Obviously as estrogen is issue AI is must have, but even with HCG only you seems that you aromatise a lot anyway, so only you need to increase AI dose.
Adding proviron is not bad idea, you dont really need that much, maybe 2X 25mg a day on top of masteron.