Quote Originally Posted by Justice View Post
Im sorry to hear you got in this mess from minox.. It certainly has an effect on the androgen receptor according to studies (suppression) and maybe that is why is effective for hairloss like fin and dut and sp.
Most people dont get heavily affected by minox and my guess is that your system was about to go down easily..i used minox too before fin, spironolactone and other stupid stuff like nizoral
Shampoo. I was even using saw palmetto for a period. Things got down after a couple of fin pills so i guess i ve messed my body with all these substances before fin and fin was just the fatality in all this.

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Thank you for believing my situation bro, it means a lot because many people brushed me off telling me it was in my head, haha these things are far beyond what my head could dream of... and I see you are well read on minoxidil, I am extremely impressed. I am so sorry to hear you are in this unfortunate club, but we will live to fight another day. I am looking for friends to talk to and support for this journey. I would love to add you guys on skype and we can exchange strategies and check up on how each other are doing

Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
Welcome. I've heard of anecdotes of your situation before but you're the first person I've interacted with that has this situation. There's plenty of great information on this site - form a recovery protocol using that information that works for you and then set it and forget it.
Thank you bro, yes I wish I had read those anecdotes before blindly dressing my head in such poison, not to worry, I am stronger than it is As I said earlier, I'd like to keep in close contact with you guys, it would be helpful.