Quote Originally Posted by bruschi11 View Post
Change of plans here- I sound like a tease.

But due to the severity of my adrenal problem- low cortisol leading to the body running on adrenaline rest of day, doctors and I have come to conclusion body is not anywhere ready for an actual fast. The body running on adrenaline causes bacteria from intestines to be moved into the blood stream toxicating it even more. Cortisol is needed to clean the body and that has to get under control before a fast can take place.

Once I get ahold of the adrenals, I'll end up going to True North as they are holding my money for my next stay. This may take awhile, but need to be smart here and be able to make the most of a fast.

That said, tomorrow will be day 1 of an 18 day or so juice feast before Easter. Mostly greens with some fruit. Plenty of asparagus trying to boost 5ar2 with protodioscin.

I realize juice is probably my best shot with the adrenal issue. I read about BrazilianDude on PH making a full recovery with 1.5 years of juicing. Honestly not afraid of doing something to that degree. Pretty much realize my life is over unless something drastic happens. I'm in pretty bad shape. I'll juice as long as I can to fix digestive system as I think that is truly my biggest weakness.

Can coffee (black) be included in a juice feast?
Entirely your call bro, but just be aware that most doctors despise the idea of fasting and you will be advised away from it always by those in conventional medicine. You do what is right for you, but just to mention that fact. Good luck.