Quote Originally Posted by Vahn View Post
Hey guys,

Apart from the juice feast, I am slowly implementing the whole protocol and I’m getting used to it. I know I should juice asap.

I’m in a severe downswing at the moment. I know I shouldn’t be symptom watching and try to keep a positive mindset and outlook, but I guess I am looking for some encouragement today.

My shrinkage is getting worse and worse and is starting to hurt. My baseline is lowering and it’s keeping me from mentally relaxing. I don’t understand why this is happening so many months after stopping the drug.

Any tips on the mental aspect and keeping up the good fight? It’s as if My body is incapable of relaxing. ��‍♂️

Really trying to convince myself I will overcome this, but fuck me this shit is relentless.

You guys really need to READ. I know it's hard in the state you're in, but it is very clearly stated on the site. NOTHING ELSE during a feast/fast except water and juice....THAT'S IT.