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Thread: Recoveries

  1. #81
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

  2. #82
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogglaw View Post
    go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  3. #83
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Hey all.

    I used to use this forum a lot during my darker days, just checking in to say I've got my life back.

    I took Fin for around 4 fucking years and crashed after a solid week of binge drinking and smoking massive amounts of weed.

    I'm not even sure its worth listing symptoms because I had so damn many, but a few gems include:

    Giant veins
    Dick changes
    Loss of body hair
    Muscle thinning
    Moon face
    Low volume jizz
    Voice changes
    And a million other damn things. Go read the threads if you like.

    I'm a little veiner now and my dick looks thinner when flaccid (its fine when hard). Other than those two nothing problems, I'm cured.

    I'm happy with my life. I'm in a long term relationship with a girl I met AFTER I crashed, I beat my fin induced anxiety and make good money now, I can laugh and cry again, and I can fuck without worrying about going soft or not being able to nut.

    Full disclosure: Back in 2019 I did a week of soundwave therapy (which did nothing) and a few months of daily cilias alongside the herbs (which I think actually helped a little). I don't say this as a reccomendation I'm just being honest. I also don't drink or smoke anymore just because I associate it with trauma. I haven't checked in here for a while so I don't know the consensus on weed but I would HIGHLY advise against it. I truly believe it was the catalyst for my crash. If you don't think that qualifies as fully cured well I don't give a fuck. I don't miss them, I don't want them, and my life is better without them.

    I take no cillas now. I rarely even take the herbs anymore for no other reason than I don't need to and I just tend to forget to. Over lockdown I ate tons of junk food and haven't exercised at all and I'm STILL fine. My body found its new equilibrium. Years of grind earned me the right to spoil myself a bit, I'll jump back on fitness when the gyms open again.

    Aside from the above mentioned all I did was follow the protocol and 1 round of R Andro. Thats it. The only silver bullet I can give you is to STOP obsessing over this. Stop measuring your dick and checking your physique or voice or whatever horrible shit is trying to bring you down. You CAN get better but obsession will ruin you. Leave social media, stop comparing your life to others, don't obsess on your past, and just get on with your life. When you find your momentum you'll come here less and less and you'll think about PFS less and less.

    Anyway, this will be my last post. I have no secret knowledge to give you guys CD has spelled it out for you a million times. I associate this place with a lot of sadness and I'm just done with that stage of my life now and have already moved on.

    CD, you're a good man and what you do for these guys is important. Honestly thanks for giving me guidance when I was lost.

    Thanks and good luck guys


  4. #84
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zardoz View Post
    Hey all.

    I used to use this forum a lot during my darker days, just checking in to say I've got my life back.

    I took Fin for around 4 fucking years and crashed after a solid week of binge drinking and smoking massive amounts of weed.

    I'm not even sure its worth listing symptoms because I had so damn many, but a few gems include:

    Giant veins
    Dick changes
    Loss of body hair
    Muscle thinning
    Moon face
    Low volume jizz
    Voice changes
    And a million other damn things. Go read the threads if you like.

    I'm a little veiner now and my dick looks thinner when flaccid (its fine when hard). Other than those two nothing problems, I'm cured.

    I'm happy with my life. I'm in a long term relationship with a girl I met AFTER I crashed, I beat my fin induced anxiety and make good money now, I can laugh and cry again, and I can fuck without worrying about going soft or not being able to nut.

    Full disclosure: Back in 2019 I did a week of soundwave therapy (which did nothing) and a few months of daily cilias alongside the herbs (which I think actually helped a little). I don't say this as a reccomendation I'm just being honest. I also don't drink or smoke anymore just because I associate it with trauma. I haven't checked in here for a while so I don't know the consensus on weed but I would HIGHLY advise against it. I truly believe it was the catalyst for my crash. If you don't think that qualifies as fully cured well I don't give a fuck. I don't miss them, I don't want them, and my life is better without them.

    I take no cillas now. I rarely even take the herbs anymore for no other reason than I don't need to and I just tend to forget to. Over lockdown I ate tons of junk food and haven't exercised at all and I'm STILL fine. My body found its new equilibrium. Years of grind earned me the right to spoil myself a bit, I'll jump back on fitness when the gyms open again.

    Aside from the above mentioned all I did was follow the protocol and 1 round of R Andro. Thats it. The only silver bullet I can give you is to STOP obsessing over this. Stop measuring your dick and checking your physique or voice or whatever horrible shit is trying to bring you down. You CAN get better but obsession will ruin you. Leave social media, stop comparing your life to others, don't obsess on your past, and just get on with your life. When you find your momentum you'll come here less and less and you'll think about PFS less and less.

    Anyway, this will be my last post. I have no secret knowledge to give you guys CD has spelled it out for you a million times. I associate this place with a lot of sadness and I'm just done with that stage of my life now and have already moved on.

    CD, you're a good man and what you do for these guys is important. Honestly thanks for giving me guidance when I was lost.

    Thanks and good luck guys

    Congrats to you, and I don't blame you making this your last post. Go out on a high note my friend. All the best.....and thank you.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #85
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    Hey guys,

    I hope CD doesn't mind but I was combing through my thread and remembered this encouraging message I received from a recovered member especially at a time when I wasn't in a good place. Thought it might be a good idea to pop it in here. His username was Jimmyjonas and his recovery post is somewhere in this thread. Below is what he had to say a few years after his recovery post

    Hello @Comewhatmay I got a notification that I got tagged in a post, it’s been a while since I’ve been here, maybe a year since I last logged in, I won’t stay long but just to say I am still recovered, an awful lot has happened in my life and have since had a healthy baby daughter, the whole pfs nightmare is a distant memory now thankfully, I just want to say to everyone and you who are suffering, I was there, in hell for a long time, I wanted to die but I got better, my side effects are gone. The key is keep it simple, stick to what’s laid out and you WILL get over this, nowadays I don’t work out like i did during recovery, I don’t go to gym anymore but I do walk a lot, so nothing too strenuous but I’m fine, I have no sexual side effects anymore, from going from feeling like i had no penis i can gladly say all is good in that department now. I’ve lost some people close to me and have gone through ups and downs since but it’s normal life stuff not the pfs black hole shit that dominated my life for a long time, thank god. Keep pushing through lads and avoid negativity, don’t go down the rabbit hole of living on forums, the plan is laid out here by cd to get better, get on it and stay off the sites as much as possible, a lot of bad shit online that will f your head up, get the permanent label out of your head (that really fucked me up mentally as in people saying it’s impossible to recover from) you can get past it. One good thing that’s come from this dark chapter is that now when i face more real world challenges I say to myself if you can beat pfs you can beat anything. Best of luck lads

  6. #86
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quite the contrary! Thank you for's been a minute since we had a post here, even if it is a recovered member reinforcing what he did.

    Good looking man.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  7. #87
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    Hi lads, me again.

    I am now at least 95% recovered to how I was before. It's difficult to say exactly, as I dealt with many things before this ordeal (major stress, leading to some anxiety, mental health issues, and possibly even some depression) but the onset of issues that I did have from the PFS are all gone or at least vastly diminished.
    What had really fucked me up at the beginning was the fact that I used 3 times the amount of saw palmetto that was recommended by the manufacturer, and I thought this put me in a unique position. I was wrong of course. The onset of symptoms has nothing to do with the dosage. Human trials have used dutasteride (a 5ari inhibitor with a half life of 4 weeks) at 20 times the dosage, on humans with no ill effects. The fact of the matter is that these persistent adverse reactions are more to do with your personal genetic background. You can take a miniscule amount for a day and be screwed or you can take a month's worth of fin in one day(dosages have gone up to 80mg for 3 months on people with no ill effects) and be fine. Once I realised that taking 3 times the necessary dose wasn't the be all and end all for my condition, I already started feeling better.

    It did take a while longer to feel as before, but what greatly helped me was exercise and weight lifting, which allowed me to feel relaxed. I feel that exercise is the most important aspect in recovery owing to the multitude of benefits it offers, physically but most importantly, mentally. My ED and libido are back to how they were before the crash, and I no longer have brain fog or fatigue / memory issues anymore. The only times memory issues resurface are when I have taken too many stimulants, mainly caffeine, but that is also something I experienced before the crash. The only thing I can think of that I still have is a bit of numbness in the penis, but that's it.

    I feel fine now, and over the summer I was really eager to start my life again. I took a long month holiday where I travelled and took in the sun, and I felt relaxed and happy. I celebrated my birthday with friends, and went a little overboard with the drink and for about three months, I completely forgot about the condition. I think that's the most important part. Keeping busy enough that eventually, alongside the necessary steps to improve, the condition fades to the background, and eventually you heal completely. I went from manically scrolling through different forums in October of last year, to now taking on various opportunities as they come to me. Wish you all well. Message me your emails or whatsapps if you wish to connect privately. I'll be on here too at times if you need me.

    Take care boys

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by MungYarlon View Post
    Hi lads, me again.

    I am now at least 95% recovered to how I was before. It's difficult to say exactly, as I dealt with many things before this ordeal (major stress, leading to some anxiety, mental health issues, and possibly even some depression) but the onset of issues that I did have from the PFS are all gone or at least vastly diminished.
    What had really fucked me up at the beginning was the fact that I used 3 times the amount of saw palmetto that was recommended by the manufacturer, and I thought this put me in a unique position. I was wrong of course. The onset of symptoms has nothing to do with the dosage. Human trials have used dutasteride (a 5ari inhibitor with a half life of 4 weeks) at 20 times the dosage, on humans with no ill effects. The fact of the matter is that these persistent adverse reactions are more to do with your personal genetic background. You can take a miniscule amount for a day and be screwed or you can take a month's worth of fin in one day(dosages have gone up to 80mg for 3 months on people with no ill effects) and be fine. Once I realised that taking 3 times the necessary dose wasn't the be all and end all for my condition, I already started feeling better.

    It did take a while longer to feel as before, but what greatly helped me was exercise and weight lifting, which allowed me to feel relaxed. I feel that exercise is the most important aspect in recovery owing to the multitude of benefits it offers, physically but most importantly, mentally. My ED and libido are back to how they were before the crash, and I no longer have brain fog or fatigue / memory issues anymore. The only times memory issues resurface are when I have taken too many stimulants, mainly caffeine, but that is also something I experienced before the crash. The only thing I can think of that I still have is a bit of numbness in the penis, but that's it.

    I feel fine now, and over the summer I was really eager to start my life again. I took a long month holiday where I travelled and took in the sun, and I felt relaxed and happy. I celebrated my birthday with friends, and went a little overboard with the drink and for about three months, I completely forgot about the condition. I think that's the most important part. Keeping busy enough that eventually, alongside the necessary steps to improve, the condition fades to the background, and eventually you heal completely. I went from manically scrolling through different forums in October of last year, to now taking on various opportunities as they come to me. Wish you all well. Message me your emails or whatsapps if you wish to connect privately. I'll be on here too at times if you need me.

    Take care boys
    Congratulations my friend. Remember....keep the protocol going for at least three more months, full throttle, or at what ever pace you were doing it at.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    Congratulations my friend. Remember....keep the protocol going for at least three more months, full throttle, or at what ever pace you were doing it at.
    I'll keep it going for a while, I boozed up over my birthday but otherwise kept it quite clean. Thanks again man!

  10. #90
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MungYarlon View Post
    I'll keep it going for a while, I boozed up over my birthday but otherwise kept it quite clean. Thanks again man!
    Looking forward to that recovery post!!
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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