Quote Originally Posted by Comewhatmay View Post
Just to jump of the back off what T25 said I had the majority of the same symptoms you speak of minus the brain fog but physically I was severely messed up especially muscle wise as it felt like I'd been deflated like someone popped a balloon and the air or muscle in this case had just gradually shrunk to nothing.

After my waterfast and jumping on board the protocol within 4 months I'd say I recovered muscle wise like 40 to 50 percent through being super consistent and bare in mind 5 months before I just couldn't see any way back. The changes are also so subtle you don't realise them sometimes and you can take them for granted. For example when I crashed whenever I Sat on the floor or Hard surface I could feel my bones and joints on the floor and it was super uncomfortable and painful and then a few months on the protocol and it felt normal. This was something I only really realised recently as I've crashed myself and minus the initial anxiety and depression I'm pretty much back to where I was physically unfortunately but I am a lot calmer now then at the beginning because I have literally seen and felt the improvements.

Just gotta put in the work
I second this. Progress is so slow that you take it for granted. At times I don’t remember how bad it used to be until I hit a bad downswing and realize how far I’ve come.

@DKnighten keep going bro, you’ll be fine