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  1. #21
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael View Post
    Hello ! So sorry to bother you but a reply would be appreciated I have a mild pfs but my only issue which gives me sleepless nights is the face, i think I have facial bone thinning or whatsver I dont even know what that is, my face looks puffy and thin at various times, jaw shape is kinda there but bones feel uncomfortable and mildly sensitive to touch. Loose skin on face. Pointy chin etc. did you have all this? Any reply would be appreciated, just finished a waterfast and feel very good but this is bugging me..
    Hope is correct. You can't see that he in fact did have that in his pics? I thought they were very thorough.

    And I'm not sure if you realize you're replying to a year old thread. I'd be surprised if he responded. I think he is done, living life with no more need for this place. As all of you will day.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  2. #22
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I wish I had got to a fucking gym

    I didn't go once during pfs I just used dumb bells and did a lot of walking

    That's as actually enough to cure me

    But during the first lockdown I felt super energised in Z MA glycinate which I had only taken for sleep, felt like roofs for a few weeks was doing HIIT exercises felt great.

    Just had ducking luck man guns were closed for a few months

    When I thought about going back to the gym I was starting to crash as we came out of vivid in late 21 early 22 having taken seroquel a few times

    - - - Updated - - -

    I still maintain if I had been clever enough to take hcg myself instead of rigidly obsessing about paleo(made no difference during mild.ofs) alcohol juicing and that shut and had just done TR T man fuck could have been out of here

  3. #23
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    If I I blame debuts

    If I had binned quetipine in 2019 and not taken it a gain thisnwoukd not have happened

    I definitely should have come here for advice 2018 to 2020

    Even a what's app group but I didn't know they existed

    They should be a stickied that here

    I moan about hcg and trt but Z MA alone could have saved me

    But that isn't even On this gimps list of herbs

    His way or the highway

    Fucking gimp

    - - - Updated - - -

    So yes damn you are kind of right

    This is a space but it's also this cunt barking at you to take herbs and juice and Smith and mine of that by itself works

    Fucking gimp

  4. #24
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    Now I feel like I've been fucking Chernobyl loads

    My dock is dead rubber shrunk by twenty per cent muscle wastage probably worse than fans zero.libido tinnitus all sides except bad vision

    Listen birch I used to go to.Wimbledon and ogle 're tennis olayes!

    But I never fuck ED once in ten years councilman

    Just had a load of great wanks lol

    Will.I ever be near normal again gonna take fucking years man to research a cure

  5. #25
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    Whose fault is it

    Me taking seroquel here and there

    Me not walking away from a toxic pfs bullying environment in 2019
    Me not confusing about that here
    Me not going to a urologist in several years when I had a libido and normal genitals and normal everything

    Me not fucking a hooker

    Me not

  6. #26
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    I fun I man I blame this crap instead of going to a fucking urologist

    - - - Updated - - -

    Of I had. Suited a urologist I would have been fixed

    On tr T
    Like tigershull

  7. #27
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    The only thing that fans pics do is at least reassure us to a small degree that muscle wastage is reversible under the right circumstances, if science can find them

  8. #28
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Damn is absolutely right about stress as well

    Man I wish I had gotten out of that stressful environment


    I could actually have posted a recovery in the section here if I had

  9. #29
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Damn I will talk to you please
    But I don't think you can help
    Your survival plan was basically my life when I recivered
    Volunteer to help the less fortunate ended up getting me her

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