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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKnighten View Post
    Which vaccine would you guys recommend? I'm strongly considering it because I'll be working with Covid-positive patients soon.
    Pfizer, anecdotally I've seen more people feel fluey after moderna shots. I got pfizer yesterday, zero issues

  2. #62
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    Covid 19 Vaccine

    Quote Originally Posted by Jado View Post
    That's awesome. Honestly, I'm sure it's fine for the vast majority of people - just like most pharmaceuticals. Also, it's become a thing of principle for me at this point. I don't like when the government tries to force we the people to do anything - for better or for worse...
    I just want to recover from this nightmare, and I definitely don't want to argue with my fellow brothers in suffering.
    It is a matter of principles for me as well. Also, I know personally at least 4 people who had the virus and recovered just fine without lingering symptoms. As for long term effects we do not know. Imagine first couple of months of fin getting released in the market… everyone was oblivious. Also, Fin is FDA approved and yet here we are… it’s origins and the way it was “discovered” are shady as can be and a huge red flag.
    Someone once asked a man how he was. He replied, “I’m going through hell!” Said his friend: “Well, keep on going. That is no place to stop!”

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holistic View Post
    It is a matter of principles for me as well. Also, I know personally at least 4 people who had the virus and recovered just fine without lingering symptoms. As for long term effects we do not know. Imagine first couple of months of fin getting released in the market… everyone was oblivious. Also, Fin is FDA approved and yet here we are… it’s origins and the way it was “discovered” are shady as can be and a huge red flag.
    More like the first 12+ years - there was no warning on the label about the potential for long lasting side effects when I took finasteride in 2009, even though it came out in the 1990s. The only reason I was willing to take it was because the warning said the side effects always go away when you stop taking it, and the doctor told me he prescribed it to his own son and that in 10+ years of prescribing it, the side effects were very rare and ALWAYS went away when you stop taking it.

    I assumed that if a drug that had been approved for 12+ years, and could cause long term sides, that would be on the warning label. It wasn’t. If I had waited a few years and looked at it in 2012, with the new warning, I never would have even considered it for a second.

    Anyway as for the vaccine, I don’t see the connection between it and PFS, unless someone is just swearing off all Western medicine in general because they were betrayed by finasteride.

    Most people who get Covid have no long term effects, but long haul Covid is not rare among the unvaccinated. I felt more concerned about the risk of long haul covid than any risks associated with the vaccine. Others feel the opposite, and that’s fine.

  4. #64
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    Its different from finasteride though... Finasteride is a petrochemical, so is minoxidil, antidepressants, most pharmecueticals... they are inherintely poisonous. The vaccine is just mRNA and lipids, salts, sugars. Its actually extremely biocompatible. Completely different from medicaiton, petrochemicals should be avoided at all costs! Too bad they're in the air, food, in water.

  5. #65
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    For what its worth, a local lad dropped dead from the vaccine here a few weeks back. He was 30 years old and semi professional rugby player. He complained of a tight chest after receiving the second jab and had a massive heart attack whilst playing a rugby match a week later.
    Also in Ireland a few weeks back a 21 year old professional football player in perfect health suffered a bleed on the brain hours after the Johnson Johnson vaccine and died.
    I am also aware of a number of people suffering ongoing issues with blood disorders and neuropathy since having the vaccine. I think the narrative that this isn't an experimental drug (at best) and is completely safe is a reckless narrative. I certainly wouldn't say it was safer than Finasteride, you just need to look at the pure numbers of adverse reactions reported and the fact that as far as we know, nobody has dropped dead from taking 2 pills of Propecia.
    Each to their own though and personal freedom of choice with our own biology is what is absolutely paramount.

  6. #66
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    After months of debating, I got the first dose of Pfizer today. Will keep ya'll posted.

  7. #67
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    @Wez Billions of people have been vaccinated and people die everyday, even apparently healthy ones.
    So the probability of someone dying after getting the shot is inevitable, it doesn’t mean there is causation.
    At least ftm there is no reason to think otherwise

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilien View Post
    @Wez Billions of people have been vaccinated and people die everyday, even apparently healthy ones.
    So the probability of someone dying after getting the shot is inevitable, it doesn’t mean there is causation.
    At least ftm there is no reason to think otherwise
    Except for the known and reported side effects of Myocarditis in young men from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and the blood clotting from the Astrazeneca and Johnson vaccines. They are scientifically proven/accepted side effects of these vaccines, and just so happened to be the cause of death of those two young men directly after having the shot.

    By your logic, millions of people contract chronic illnesses every day regardless of taking Finasteride or not, does that mean we can not attribute the condition guys are experiencing on this forum to Finasteride? no evidence of causation?
    I wonder if many PFS guys would agree.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wez View Post
    Except for the known and reported side effects of Myocarditis in young men from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and the blood clotting from the Astrazeneca and Johnson vaccines. They are scientifically proven/accepted side effects of these vaccines, and just so happened to be the cause of death of those two young men directly after having the shot.

    By your logic, millions of people contract chronic illnesses every day regardless of taking Finasteride or not, does that mean we can not attribute the condition guys are experiencing on this forum to Finasteride? no evidence of causation?
    I wonder if many PFS guys would agree.
    Pretty sure the odds are way worse if you get COVID. So, yeah, fuck it. Jab me motherfucker.

    And for what it's worth, mRNA vaccines are definitely going to be the next cancer treatment going forward. Sounds a helluva lot better than bombarding our bodies with radiation.

  10. #70
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    I personally think you guys are nuts for getting that shot. “The chances of side effects are slim, to none” yeah, I’ve heard that once before somewhere. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…..

    My friend lost his feet and hand because Covid clotted his blood. Still don’t even care. I might eat these words later, who knows.

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