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  1. #11
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 xxaleksi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brooks View Post
    Sounds like you’re just not quite done yet! It’s probably a little difficult to hit the protocol with the same vengeance you had originally since your so close.

    Over the last 6 months or so, I’ve seen your symptom lists/descriptions get smaller and smaller, and now I guess it is just this final thing. I bet if you go full on savage mode, you’ll be reporting back this is resolved in not too long.
    Yeah it could be just a lingering PFS symptom - it's just strange as people always say libido is the last thing to come back, and my libido's fine. Also, I had this emotion issue even before PFS, PFS just made it worse.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Queens1984 View Post
    Buddy try Celery Juice. It Deff helped with my emotions. Look up the medical Medium on Celery juice and it’s BENEFITS.
    Gonna give that a shot. The smell and taste of celery juice always gives me flashbacks from the first few months of PFS, when I did my juice feast lol.

  2. #12
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Bankai9000's Avatar
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    Haven't read much, you probably have done cold showers via the protocol. But my personal advice would be try to find some sea or lake which is still cold and just go in there for 3-10min, to give that a shot if once available. Maybe some HIIT right after. Also oldschool better get too much sun.

  3. #13
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
    I think I just read an article about what you’re talking about, the dopamine fasting thing. Basically this guy said to go to work, gym, then go home and read books and that’s it. Nothing with any sort of mental stimulus for at least a week, including even engaging in thought. Apparently it helps to reset your dopamine.

    Could be anecdotal but I was thinking of trying it just for the hell of it.
    It makes perfect sense that this would help. Perfect sense. I've never heard of it before just right now. But yes......good shit.

    Same way you get guys to have normal relationships with women again.....stop them masturbating to porn online. Re-sensitizing.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  4. #14
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxaleksi View Post
    Hey guys so I consider myself recovered from PFS. One thing I'm still dealing with though is some sort of emotional numbness. Basically feels like my emotions are being suppressed, like I feel them at only 30% or something. I had this issue a bit pre PFS as well but PFS made it much worse.

    It's hard for me to enjoy social situations and feel a connection to people as I don't get that feeling you're supposed to when having a nice conversation. I often feel like I have to fake excitement when talking to people so I don't seem so dull and boring. Also lost my gf of two years recently because of this as I was emotionally distant a lot of the time despite loving her. It was hard for me to "show" her I love her because of the emotional numbness thing. It was really depressing because she was really supportive during my pfs although I can imagine how difficult it can be for someone to understand issues like these unless they experience them themselves.

    So I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to improve this naturally? This is the only symptom I'm still dealing with although I can't really remember 100% how I felt pre-PFS but my life is great now other than this lol.

    Interestingly nicotine makes this issue go away pretty much completely, though I only take it very sparingly due to it being addictive. So perhaps it's low dopamine or desensitized dopamine receptors? Saw some people on reddit saying going on ADHD meds fixed it but I'd rather not touch pharms
    Has this issue fixed itself?

  5. #15
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Also wondering the same

  6. #16
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Xxaleksi is a ducking gimp

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