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Thread: Recoveries

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    Looking forward to that recovery post!!
    Just writing to confirm that everything has stabilised for me. I'm very active now, and keep myself very busy throughout the days. As long as you don't get yourselves bogged down in all of this, and find ways to keep your mind off it, you would be surprised at how much you can progress in a short space of time.

    All the best, and DMs are always open.

  2. #92
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 xxaleksi's Avatar
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    Hey all,

    Just wanted to say that I am indeed 100% recovered from PFS and have been so for about eight months now. I was a severe case and it took me about two years of protocol to recover completely.

    I could write a longer story but honestly I just want to forget about PFS for a while as it was such a huge part or my life for so long.

    Best advice I can give people is to just do the protocol 100% and you’ll be there before you know it. At some point (depending on your symptom severity) your life will become livable and after that it’s smooth sailing.

    Thanks everyone, CD especially, and good luck!

  3. #93
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxaleksi View Post
    Hey all,

    Just wanted to say that I am indeed 100% recovered from PFS and have been so for about eight months now. I was a severe case and it took me about two years of protocol to recover completely.

    I could write a longer story but honestly I just want to forget about PFS for a while as it was such a huge part or my life for so long.

    Best advice I can give people is to just do the protocol 100% and you’ll be there before you know it. At some point (depending on your symptom severity) your life will become livable and after that it’s smooth sailing.

    Thanks everyone, CD especially, and good luck!
    CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve it my man. You never wavered in the face of adversity and you stuck to the plan. Thanks for coming back and posting!
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  4. #94
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    Hi everyone,

    I was going to wait until I made a full recovery to post, but I think it's better that I post now to help some of those who are going through the thick of it.

    I took Saw Palmetto (SP), Fin, and Dut, and crashed on August 25th, 2021. I was taking SP for a couple months with no symptoms. I transitioned to Fin for 3 days and began to see symptoms (light sleep, no morning wood, lack of sensitivity down under), so I stopped both SP and Fin for a month. It only took a week or 2 for all the symptoms to completely disappear, so I felt safe to give 5ar Inhibitors a longer try. After that month break, I took 1 pill of Dut followed by 4 days of Fin (genius, right..). After that 4th day of Fin, I was having serious trouble sleeping. I remember waking up feeling anxious, like I was late for some important event. I ceased taking the Fin, Dut and SP, but the symptoms continued to progress. This was my crash.

    Here were my initial symptoms:
    - Insomnia
    - Depression
    - Anxiety (especially at night)
    - Loose, stretchy skin
    - Change in muscles (not as dense)
    - Moderate lack of sensitivity on penis
    - Major lack of sensitivity on the boys down under
    - Cracking ankles
    - Sore feet (my feet would get wider as I walked compared to pre pfs, something to do with the change in muscle)
    - Difficult to get or stay hard
    - No morning wood
    - Acid reflux
    - Heart pain (like my heart was being pinched)
    - Nipple sensitivity
    - Discomfort in right shoulder/bicep
    - Rapid eardrum fluttering

    I was lucky enough to find this site almost immediately after crashing. In the early days of this journey, reading through CD's (and other recovered members) posts helped me stay sane. I hopped on the protocol instantly. Since I was very thin at the time, I opted for a week long juice feast instead of a longer water-fast. After the cleanse, I hopped on the supps, herb rotation, breathing exercises, cold showers, and the rest of the protocol.

    I want to point out that insomnia was by far my worst symptom. In the first month, I was only sleeping about 2 hours a night. There was even a 5 day stretch where I didn't sleep at all. Needless to say, it was a very difficult time. Positive affirmations helped a lot.

    Over the course of the following months, my sleep slowly but surely improved. 6 months after crashing and I was able to get about 6 hours of sleep a night (pre pfs I would usually get 7-9 hours). It is now 8 months post crash and my sleep is truly about 85-90% back to what it used to be. This in itself is a massive success for me, even if I am not yet 100% recovered.

    In hindsight, I think it was the meditation, diet, proper sunlight, daily exercise, nightly walks, and magnesium + glycine (Sleep brand for magnesium and the Now Brand for glycine) that helped most with restoring sleep. I also tried Ziziphus and Albizia powder from LEH. They were somewhat helpful, but I stopped using them as they weren't making much of a difference for me.

    After 8 months of protocol, here are the symptoms I am left with:

    - Loose, stretchy skin
    - Change in muscles (not as dense)
    - Moderate lack of sensitivity on penis
    - Major lack of sensitivity on the boys down under
    - Cracking ankles
    - Sore feet (my feet would get wider as I walked compared to pre pfs, something to do with the change in muscle)
    - Testicle pain (right side only)

    Pain in my right ball is a new symptom that developed in Jan, 2022. After it developed, I stopped the herb rotation for a month and got bloods done. I wanted to see if there was something specific causing the ball pain. Most of my bloodwork came back fine, but my estrogen levels came back very high, outside the normal range. I don't think this imbalance is due to the herb rotation but rather due to a lack of 5ar from SP, Fin, and Dut that never recovered. I'm back on the herb cycle again, and soon will move forward with a pro-hormone cycle. What do you think is the best pro-hormone to take in my case?

    Apart from the ball pain, the other symptoms are totally manageable and not even that big of issues. Of course I'd like them to resolve, but they are not substantially hindering my quality of life. In addition, my life is in many ways better than pre-pfs. I just moved to Austin Texas with a college friend, I'm lifting, going out to bars (sober), creating relationships with beautiful woman, sleeping well, and am in the final stages of landing a job as software engineer. Before PFS, I was day-dreaming my life away - truly letting the potential of my life slip through my fingers. PFS gave me a somewhat necessary smack in the face, and through the protocol I began to realize limitations I had unknowingly placed upon myself. This last 8 month period has been a metamorphosis of sorts for me, and I like who I am becoming.

    As a last note: Thank you CD and the rest of the community who selflessly come here to help those of us who are in recovery. I don't know if I'd be alive today if it wasn't for you guys..

    - Gravity

  5. #95
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 xxaleksi's Avatar
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    Alright fellas, gonna make a longer post this time now that I have more time.

    I took 1.25mg of finasteride for three days in August 2018 and stopped after sexual side effects started to occur. For the next two months or so, I had horrible depression, numb genitals, crying spells, couldn’t sleep, hot flashes. I had heard of someone mentioning PFS before, but of course, I didn’t expect it to happen to me. Like an idiot I took the drug anyway due to vanity. I didn’t understand PFS meant much more than just long-term sexual dysfunction.

    I didn’t completely crash until November 5th 2018. All of a sudden I could no longer sleep longer than an hour a night. I had brain fog to the point I couldn’t understand conversations, would slur my speech, couldn’t look anyone in the eye, couldn’t even have a conversation with my friends or family without going into constant panic. I had terrible vertigo, when I would lay in bed and close my eyes I felt like I was falling through the bed or like my body was spinning in circles. I had constant burning in my legs and genital area. Couldn’t look at screens without intense head pressure. Couldn’t cross a street or even go into places like public stores without panic attacks. Stress intolerance. Short term memory loss, no motivation in life at all, depression, dick and balls shrunk, no libido, ed, watery sperm, lost 10kg, dry skin, sunken eyes, rubbery skin, weird textured dry hair, no morning wood, prostate pain, you name it. I was so fucked up I don’t even remember all my symptoms. I could barely leave the house, and couldn’t work at all for the first 10 months post-crash.

    I started CD’s protocol in February 2019. I did a one week juice feast and applied 100% of the regimen. Little by little my health would come back. It took about a year until I could sleep more than six hours again. At that point my healing accelerated and life became livable again. By March 2021 I was mostly recovered and started eating cheat meals every once in a while. But during my recovery I never cheated once. By May 2021 I was fully recovered. I waited about six months after recovering to introduce alcohol again, and have had zero issues with that either.

    It’s now May 2022 and not only are all of my PFS symptoms gone, but I’m actually in better health than before finasteride. I’m in better shape, look much better, more confident, and generally feel amazing everyday. I also did a 14-day water fast at home due to toxic mold exposure in September 2021 and felt even better after. I’m turning 22 in a few more months and feel like I’ve went through something very, very few if anyone my age has went through.

    In 2018 I thought my life was over due to a stupid mistake I made, now in 2022 I realize PFS was the biggest blessing of my life and I actually had the best years of my life so far during recovery. Learnt so much about myself, about health and overall had great times during my recovery (after the first year of hell, after that it was livable).

    I was a bad case of PFS, and I recovered. I did it, you can too.
    Last edited by xxaleksi; 08-02-2022 at 05:22 AM.

  6. #96
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxaleksi View Post
    Alright fellas, gonna make a longer post this time now that I have more time.

    I took 1.25mg of finasteride for three days in August 2018 and stopped after sexual side effects started to occur. For the next two months or so, I had horrible depression, numb genitals, crying spells, couldn’t sleep, hot flashes. I had heard of someone mentioning PFS before, but of course, I didn’t expect it to happen to me. Like an idiot I took the drug anyway due to vanity. I didn’t understand PFS meant much more than just long-term sexual dysfunction.

    I didn’t completely crash until November 5th 2018. All of a sudden I could no longer sleep longer than an hour a night. I had brain fog to the point I couldn’t understand conversations, would slur my speech, couldn’t look anyone in the eye, couldn’t even have a conversation with my friends or family without going into constant panic. I had terrible vertigo, when I would lay in bed and close my eyes I felt like I was falling through the bed or like my body was spinning in circles. I had constant burning in my legs and genital area. Couldn’t look at screens without intense head pressure. Couldn’t cross a street or even go into places like public stores without panic attacks. Stress intolerance. Short term memory loss, no motivation in life at all, depression, dick and balls shrunk, no libido, ed, watery sperm, lost 10kg, dry skin, sunken eyes, rubbery skin, weird textured dry hair, no morning wood, prostate pain, you name it. I was so fucked up I don’t even remember all my symptoms. I could barely leave the house, and couldn’t work at all for the first 10 months post-crash.

    I started CD’s protocol in February 2019. I did a one week juice feast and applied 100% of the regimen. Little by little my health would come back. It took about a year until I could sleep more than six hours again. At that point my healing accelerated and life became livable again. By March 2021 I was mostly recovered and started eating cheat meals every once in a while. But during my recovery I never cheated once. By May 2021 I was fully recovered.

    It’s now May 2022 and not only are all of my PFS symptoms gone, but I’m actually in better health than before finasteride. I’m in better shape, look much better, more confident, and generally feel amazing everyday. I also did a 14-day water fast at home due to mold exposure in September 2021 and felt even better after. I’m turning 22 in a couple months and feel like I’ve went through something very, very few if anyone my age has went through.

    In 2018 I thought my life was over due to a stupid mistake I made, now in 2022 I realize PFS was the biggest blessing of my life and I actually had the best years of my life so far during recovery. Learnt so much about myself.

    I was a bad case of PFS, and I recovered. I did it, you can too.
    Thank you my friend. You were a model student to say the least.

    Here is where things get exciting. Keep going, and you'll continue to feel better then you ever thought was possible.

    Thanks for sticking around.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  7. #97
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Hello guys,

    I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

    Take care guys

  8. #98
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyjonas View Post
    Hello guys,

    I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

    Take care guys
    Thank you for that. It means everything.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  9. #99
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 covfefe42's Avatar
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    Hey guys, just wanted to check in real quick and add another recovery to this thread.

    Long story short, I got PFS when I upgraded from finasteride to dutasteride back in 2019. I had pretty bad symptoms to the point where I wasn't able to sleep for several days straight and my mind was all kinds of fucked up.

    Upon researching my condition I stumbled upon the infamous Propeciahelp forum. After reading through a dozen threads on there I thought I was actually permanently fucked.

    I was desperately looking for a way out before I accepted my fate and lo and behold, CDNuts pointed me to this forum.

    It is still so crazy that CD was just a dude who had recovered from PFS and genuinely wanted to help people recover too.

    Your act of kindness has literally turned around my entire life.

    It's been almost 3 years now since contracting PFS.

    I'm fully recovered now and have learned a ton of things about health that I otherwise never would have.

    I've been Paleo ever since starting your protocol and have never felt better.

    It feels great knowing the objective truth to the age-old question of what is the optimal human diet.

    Not to get all religious in here but I'm also starting to believe in God again after being Agnostic for so many years.

    I just can't wrap my head around me being saved from the permanent hell that is PFS.

    I was literally praying for a solution and the universe gave me one in the form of CD's protocol. Like holy shit that's so crazy to me.

    Anyways, it's weird to say but I'm actually so grateful to have had PFS.

    Before, I was a prisoner to my own vanity about my hair. Now, I am free.

    I mean, my hair is still there - not as good as when I was on Fin, but I realized that there's so much more to life than our appearances.

    It's almost like the universe has called each of us to learn that lesson the hard way. But in the end it's so worth it.

    Sorry for going on a rant, I meant to make this short but there's so much to say about this haha.

    To the guys who are still struggling with PFS, don't give up! This procotol works 100%!

    I was super skeptical at the beginning, I was like "there's no way recovering from PFS can be as simple as eating Paleo and exercising and sunning your balls" etc.

    Especially when you see forums like Ray Peat and PH where guys are trying to concoct different potions to alter their hormones to fix this shit lmao.

    But yea follow the protocol and stick to it and you won't just be cured - you will be a massively improved version of your previous self!

    Almost like Gandalf in LOTR fought the Balrog and almost died but eventually emerged as Gandalf the White.

    To CDNuts - thank you. You're an actual hero bro, no joke.

    Still amazes me that there are people like that out there. I will strive to pay it forward and help advance humanity when my time comes as well.

    I don't come on here very often anymore, but if anyone has any questions on the protocol or symptoms or anything, feel free to hit me up.

    Anyways, thanks guys and good luck!


  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by covfefe42 View Post
    Hey guys, just wanted to check in real quick and add another recovery to this thread.

    Long story short, I got PFS when I upgraded from finasteride to dutasteride back in 2019. I had pretty bad symptoms to the point where I wasn't able to sleep for several days straight and my mind was all kinds of fucked up.

    Upon researching my condition I stumbled upon the infamous Propeciahelp forum. After reading through a dozen threads on there I thought I was actually permanently fucked.

    I was desperately looking for a way out before I accepted my fate and lo and behold, CDNuts pointed me to this forum.

    It is still so crazy that CD was just a dude who had recovered from PFS and genuinely wanted to help people recover too.

    Your act of kindness has literally turned around my entire life.

    It's been almost 3 years now since contracting PFS.

    I'm fully recovered now and have learned a ton of things about health that I otherwise never would have.

    I've been Paleo ever since starting your protocol and have never felt better.

    It feels great knowing the objective truth to the age-old question of what is the optimal human diet.

    Not to get all religious in here but I'm also starting to believe in God again after being Agnostic for so many years.

    I just can't wrap my head around me being saved from the permanent hell that is PFS.

    I was literally praying for a solution and the universe gave me one in the form of CD's protocol. Like holy shit that's so crazy to me.

    Anyways, it's weird to say but I'm actually so grateful to have had PFS.

    Before, I was a prisoner to my own vanity about my hair. Now, I am free.

    I mean, my hair is still there - not as good as when I was on Fin, but I realized that there's so much more to life than our appearances.

    It's almost like the universe has called each of us to learn that lesson the hard way. But in the end it's so worth it.

    Sorry for going on a rant, I meant to make this short but there's so much to say about this haha.

    To the guys who are still struggling with PFS, don't give up! This procotol works 100%!

    I was super skeptical at the beginning, I was like "there's no way recovering from PFS can be as simple as eating Paleo and exercising and sunning your balls" etc.

    Especially when you see forums like Ray Peat and PH where guys are trying to concoct different potions to alter their hormones to fix this shit lmao.

    But yea follow the protocol and stick to it and you won't just be cured - you will be a massively improved version of your previous self!

    Almost like Gandalf in LOTR fought the Balrog and almost died but eventually emerged as Gandalf the White.

    To CDNuts - thank you. You're an actual hero bro, no joke.

    Still amazes me that there are people like that out there. I will strive to pay it forward and help advance humanity when my time comes as well.

    I don't come on here very often anymore, but if anyone has any questions on the protocol or symptoms or anything, feel free to hit me up.

    Anyways, thanks guys and good luck!

    Congratulations on your recovery. I read through your thread and dont think I saw specific mention of these things, so for the sake of clarity on the recovery thread, would you mind telling us a little info about your regimen over the course of your healing? Primarily, did you ever use pro hormones? If so, how many runs, and what kind? Also, what was your herb rotation like? Did you ever get to where you were rotating more than 7? What was your exercise routine like? Just some points I'm always curious about, if you dont mind filling in the blanks...

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