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  1. #21
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Those cunts in that office should murder the bastrds !an. Didn't have pfs until those cunts.

    Had mild not even mild basically recovered pfs

    Mild pfs is loss of libido.I had a libido.

  2. #22
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    What bad reactions to pharmaceutical did you have?

    I was allergic to penicillin. Never took see US unril.pfs first two.years was On all sorts of drugs

    I remember back then guys On BB forums telling me. To take bit d et C for t boosting and thinking fuck me that will never work and eventually it did. This was after quetipine had normalised my sleep and banished fatigue though that may have been just a lucky qccident.

    Stuff lol AM A always heloed.Me even before recovery and yet this nuts prick said to me why are you taking that?

    Mans a gimp

    I did the 478 thing too during lockdown helped restore my sleep.

    But I took seroquel here and there like an idiot and just taking it in the odd day in 2019, 2020 and 2021 sent me to hell.

  3. #23
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    I basically didn't have pfs until 2022 and was too Stupid to see it.

    No discord groups then improperly compare in real time your eyes just glaze over these bland forums stories after a while.I

    Life's fucking gone

  4. #24
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    I sent a pm to that fucking awor gimp in 2019 and he said you sound like you have recovered but didn't even ask me how it seem happy about it. I had sent a pm saying here should be a success stories section as recoveries had been scrapped and he just blanked that suggestion.

  5. #25
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    I wish I hadn't taken the vaccine either

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MileyCrabz View Post
    Weren’t you and that other dork making fun of someone else's suicide attempt the other day? SMH.

    You also said you weren’t spamming other members threads, which is now a complete lie. The cringe lord strikes again.

    If TRT, Hcg and clomid worked so well then why is PFS still a thing? People been trying those since the 2000’s. They might work for a small few? usually its seems to only be temporary and also can come with side effects/serious complications. Just like any pharma it can be a double edged sword, you of all people should know this. How can someone who claims to be so fucked up say they know how to fix PFS? That’s like a 500Ib obese person trying to give someone personal training or dietary advice. You can’t take them seriously.

    I am very curious though, did you get the COVID vaccine?
    When I had mild pfs I used to.laugh at fat bastrds on those yank shows like six months to save midlife or whatever

    Now I'm much worse than them much much worse

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MileyCrabz View Post
    Weren’t you and that other dork making fun of someone else's suicide attempt the other day? SMH.

    You also said you weren’t spamming other members threads, which is now a complete lie. The cringe lord strikes again.

    If TRT, Hcg and clomid worked so well then why is PFS still a thing? People been trying those since the 2000’s. They might work for a small few? usually its seems to only be temporary and also can come with side effects/serious complications. Just like any pharma it can be a double edged sword, you of all people should know this. How can someone who claims to be so fucked up say they know how to fix PFS? That’s like a 500Ib obese person trying to give someone personal training or dietary advice. You can’t take them seriously.

    I am very curious though, did you get the COVID vaccine?
    Quote Originally Posted by Zerolibido View Post
    When I had mild pfs I used to.laugh at fat bastrds on those yank shows like six months to save midlife or whatever

    Now I'm much worse than them much much worse
    Not so much laugh but feelmsmug

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MileyCrabz View Post
    Weren’t you and that other dork making fun of someone else's suicide attempt the other day? SMH.

    You also said you weren’t spamming other members threads, which is now a complete lie. The cringe lord strikes again.

    If TRT, Hcg and clomid worked so well then why is PFS still a thing? People been trying those since the 2000’s. They might work for a small few? usually its seems to only be temporary and also can come with side effects/serious complications. Just like any pharma it can be a double edged sword, you of all people should know this. How can someone who claims to be so fucked up say they know how to fix PFS? That’s like a 500Ib obese person trying to give someone personal training or dietary advice. You can’t take them seriously.

    I am very curious though, did you get the COVID vaccine?
    Quote Originally Posted by MileyCrabz View Post
    Honestly I’d rather try a non-pharmaceutical option. Let’s just say having some bad reactions to pharma over the years, then getting PFS, plus what happened during the pandemic, well my view of pharma has become very tainted.

    It’s really just a healthy lifestyle. A lot of it has now been backed by trusted scientists: cold exposure, breathing exercises(wim hof, 4-7-8), meditation, sun exposure(especially early morning), blue blocking glasses or no electronics after sun set and obviously exercise. Dangers of xenoestrogens. Even a few of the herbs like Tongkat Ali have some science to back them now. I personally tried tongkat long before PFS as a natural and had good results. Also a Good diet, Vit D, mag and glycine. Plus some of my own add ons.

    I don’t care for everything on the protocol and believe it should be tailored for the individual. I’ve gone through some trial and error with it. Skin brushing not great. Lots of the herbs didn’t feel much if anything. Carb backloading was meh. Among others.

    Like anything in this life, what works for some doesn’t necessarily work for others and vice versa. If it doesn’t work, just move on and try something else?

    I’ve come along way from where I was a year ago, so might as well continue if the results keep coming.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I spend time on AM forum. See guys get fucked up from Clomid, hcg, nova and TRT sometimes and those guys don’t even have PFS. If it can be done naturally, it’s gonna have a better end result. Just my opinion.
    What's AN forum?

  8. #28
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by MileyCrabz View Post
    Weren’t you and that other dork making fun of someone else's suicide attempt the other day? SMH.

    You also said you weren’t spamming other members threads, which is now a complete lie. The cringe lord strikes again.

    If TRT, Hcg and clomid worked so well then why is PFS still a thing? People been trying those since the 2000’s. They might work for a small few? usually its seems to only be temporary and also can come with side effects/serious complications. Just like any pharma it can be a double edged sword, you of all people should know this. How can someone who claims to be so fucked up say they know how to fix PFS? That’s like a 500Ib obese person trying to give someone personal training or dietary advice. You can’t take them seriously.

    I am very curious though, did you get the COVID vaccine?
    Tr t would have worked had normal dock and balls and.libidonfornyesrd

    Check out Georg on Proepcia He'll I was like I'm woukdntbeven have pfs really

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