Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
Yeah, I actually still have my ultrahard bottles I bought at the beginning of everything. They expire in November I think, but I've rely just not felt the need at all for anything other than the bare bones protocol on tmo.com.I seem to be a hyper responder to herbs🌿 ive had consistently stronger and stronger upswings, and improvement after every one for the last 1.5 years, so I figure, why mess with a good thing?
my decision to incorporate creatine was just a desire to have some fun with body comp.
Having said all that, I still haven't entirely ruled out PHs. I do want to get my estrogen checked before I do them however, and at this point I really must recover my baseline health from before the creatine debacle before I consider doing ANYTHING out of my ordinary. Secondly, I think I need a better understanding of how we are supposed to modulate use of ultrahard and alpha four if needed. I need a clearer picture of what symptoms necessitate use of one or the other, and I honestly haven't gotten a clear understanding of that in all of my reading on here 🤷‍♂️
Please keep us posted on how your PH run goes. I know it seems like Noone uses the forum, but when I go to specific user profiles I notice people are indeed "active," i.e., likely just lurking around like I do for months sometimes.
What I noticed from the PHs was that UltraHard gave me terrible insomnia, but Super R Andro doesn’t. It seems like the dose I was taking crushed my E and it would take awhile to bounce back, so I would stick with lower doses for the first cycle, if/when you decide to do it.