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  1. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
    Yeah, I actually still have my ultrahard bottles I bought at the beginning of everything. They expire in November I think, but I've rely just not felt the need at all for anything other than the bare bones protocol on seem to be a hyper responder to herbs🌿 ive had consistently stronger and stronger upswings, and improvement after every one for the last 1.5 years, so I figure, why mess with a good thing?
    my decision to incorporate creatine was just a desire to have some fun with body comp.
    Having said all that, I still haven't entirely ruled out PHs. I do want to get my estrogen checked before I do them however, and at this point I really must recover my baseline health from before the creatine debacle before I consider doing ANYTHING out of my ordinary. Secondly, I think I need a better understanding of how we are supposed to modulate use of ultrahard and alpha four if needed. I need a clearer picture of what symptoms necessitate use of one or the other, and I honestly haven't gotten a clear understanding of that in all of my reading on here 🤷‍♂️
    Please keep us posted on how your PH run goes. I know it seems like Noone uses the forum, but when I go to specific user profiles I notice people are indeed "active," i.e., likely just lurking around like I do for months sometimes.
    Oh I'll definitely be posting more often now. Going to be starting a legal job in Autumn (my first real job), so I'm thinking with that I'm going to go back onto the full protocol, and try to optimise in all walks of life: health, career, relationships etc.

    Really feel that I can use this as the starting point to doing some great things in the future, and for that I need to be in the very best shape possible, physically and mentally.

  2. #112
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    I'm not Paddy

  3. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
    Yeah, I actually still have my ultrahard bottles I bought at the beginning of everything. They expire in November I think, but I've rely just not felt the need at all for anything other than the bare bones protocol on seem to be a hyper responder to herbs🌿 ive had consistently stronger and stronger upswings, and improvement after every one for the last 1.5 years, so I figure, why mess with a good thing?
    my decision to incorporate creatine was just a desire to have some fun with body comp.
    Having said all that, I still haven't entirely ruled out PHs. I do want to get my estrogen checked before I do them however, and at this point I really must recover my baseline health from before the creatine debacle before I consider doing ANYTHING out of my ordinary. Secondly, I think I need a better understanding of how we are supposed to modulate use of ultrahard and alpha four if needed. I need a clearer picture of what symptoms necessitate use of one or the other, and I honestly haven't gotten a clear understanding of that in all of my reading on here 🤷‍♂️
    Please keep us posted on how your PH run goes. I know it seems like Noone uses the forum, but when I go to specific user profiles I notice people are indeed "active," i.e., likely just lurking around like I do for months sometimes.
    What I noticed from the PHs was that UltraHard gave me terrible insomnia, but Super R Andro doesn’t. It seems like the dose I was taking crushed my E and it would take awhile to bounce back, so I would stick with lower doses for the first cycle, if/when you decide to do it.

  4. #114
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    If you can't getta fuck IN hard on to her
    You probably have

    Post finasterude syndrome

  5. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by LetsGo View Post
    What I noticed from the PHs was that UltraHard gave me terrible insomnia, but Super R Andro doesn’t. It seems like the dose I was taking crushed my E and it would take awhile to bounce back, so I would stick with lower doses for the first cycle, if/when you decide to do it.
    Super r andro, is that the one that was real popular a few years back which is no longer available?
    Secondly, hVe you any experience stacking UH with alpha four to counteract estrogen crushing? It's always this point about estrogen crushing that gets to me when I start going down the PH rabbit hole, and I just go back to "I'm doing great, why mess with it?"
    I'm still curious about it though, because it's no been ruled out in my mind.

  6. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by MungYarlon View Post
    Oh I'll definitely be posting more often now. Going to be starting a legal job in Autumn (my first real job), so I'm thinking with that I'm going to go back onto the full protocol, and try to optimise in all walks of life: health, career, relationships etc.

    Really feel that I can use this as the starting point to doing some great things in the future, and for that I need to be in the very best shape possible, physically and mentally.
    Congrats on your professional success. Your trials with beating PFS is like an almost mythical-proportion wellspring of experience that can be used to guide you to ever greater heights in this life. Sometimes I am totally speechless when I think about the incomparable lessons and progress in every facet of my life that have already been gained over the last 1.5 years. It is my greatest ambition at the moment to get to precisely where you are, at the far side of this, with its corpse lying behind you, to unlock further levels of self knowledge and mastery by continuing with this lifestyle thereafter.

  7. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
    Super r andro, is that the one that was real popular a few years back which is no longer available?
    Secondly, hVe you any experience stacking UH with alpha four to counteract estrogen crushing? It's always this point about estrogen crushing that gets to me when I start going down the PH rabbit hole, and I just go back to "I'm doing great, why mess with it?"
    I'm still curious about it though, because it's no been ruled out in my mind.
    IML Super R Andro Rx capsules were very popular on this forum years back. Ironmag Labs discontinued the capsules and have since made the formula Transdermal: IML Super R-Andro Cream which is still available.

    Unfortunately Iconic Formulations Alpha Four has been discontinued for about a year now. Rob(Owner of IF as well as this forum) told me that it was due to licensing patents that another company held for the active(4andro). Alpha4 is sold out now at all 3rd party sellers that I’ve seen. I was lucky that Rob had some Alpha Gainz 4-Andro stashed away that I was able to pick up, but he told me it was the last of it a few months ago.

    You can still get 4-Andro from a few other companies. Ironmag Labs has Super 4-Andro Cream, I’ve heard their products are legit, but I’ve never tried myself so can’t fully vouch.

    4-Andro converts to testosterone which can aromatize into Estrogen. Unlike Epiandrosterone and Androsterone which are the actives in UltraHard and only covert to DHT. Hence using them together helps to not crush your estrogen, but then you have to be careful your Estrogen doesn’t raise to high(I know this from experience unfortunately haha). Would recommend a blood test before hand to see where your levels are at.

    Sorry to crash your thread dude. I’ve been dying to talk about something fun on here for once lol. If you guys have any PH questions I’d be happy to do my best to answer. Or if you want more reading on PH’s besides here, than I recommend Anabolic Minds forum.

  8. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by MileyCrabz View Post
    IML Super R Andro Rx capsules were very popular on this forum years back. Ironmag Labs discontinued the capsules and have since made the formula Transdermal: IML Super R-Andro Cream which is still available.

    Unfortunately Iconic Formulations Alpha Four has been discontinued for about a year now. Rob(Owner of IF as well as this forum) told me that it was due to licensing patents that another company held for the active(4andro). Alpha4 is sold out now at all 3rd party sellers that I’ve seen. I was lucky that Rob had some Alpha Gainz 4-Andro stashed away that I was able to pick up, but he told me it was the last of it a few months ago.

    You can still get 4-Andro from a few other companies. Ironmag Labs has Super 4-Andro Cream, I’ve heard their products are legit, but I’ve never tried myself so can’t fully vouch.

    4-Andro converts to testosterone which can aromatize into Estrogen. Unlike Epiandrosterone and Androsterone which are the actives in UltraHard and only covert to DHT. Hence using them together helps to not crush your estrogen, but then you have to be careful your Estrogen doesn’t raise to high(I know this from experience unfortunately haha). Would recommend a blood test before hand to see where your levels are at.

    Sorry to crash your thread dude. I’ve been dying to talk about something fun on here for once lol. If you guys have any PH questions I’d be happy to do my best to answer. Or if you want more reading on PH’s besides here, than I recommend Anabolic Minds forum.
    I'll shop around for some 4-andro when I start my cycle. I'm going to restart the protocol completely though so that I can get the best effects. Will aim for January or February time.

  9. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by MungYarlon View Post
    I'll shop around for some 4-andro when I start my cycle. I'm going to restart the protocol completely though so that I can get the best effects. Will aim for January or February time.
    Smart move restarting protocol pre cycle. 4-Andro is great if you’re looking to put some size on, gains are more wet. Does make for a bigger chance of sides/suppression though, but still fairly safe for most especially when compared to actual AAS. Stacks great with an Androsterone product like Ultrahard or Super R-Andro for a nice lean bulk.

    Rob also told me they are working on a new product and trying to possibly get around the patents on 4-Andro. Might have something new out for when you’re looking to cycle. Here's hoping!

  10. #120
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    Interesting you tell him to get blood tests as Mr nuts where. Advised that anywhere

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