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Thread: Recoveries

  1. #151
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyjonas View Post
    No don’t fucking off yourself, I strongly considered it years ago and could well be not be here another day I wouldn’t have made it because I should have overdosed on the concoction I took of booze and pills, I’m very glad I made it now, I saw no future and there was one but at the time I didn’t give a fuck because all I could focus on was how pfs fucked me up and was irreversible.

    I was wrong, it will get better, this shitstorm will pass but take it from me drop the obsession with pfs, whoever the fuck you have a problem with like these guys you mention, they are ultimately irrelevant, YOU need to focus on yourself and get yourself better, my best advice if you want to take it is leave this forum and shift your focus, all it does is eat away at you and ultimately fucks yourself up, shift your focus away from PFS and get proper mental health support and get off the forums for your own health.
    Mate can you phone me?

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfofciren View Post
    I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.
    White in your fat e up cu n
    What helpless for fuck saje

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfofciren View Post
    I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.
    What were the symptoms

  4. #154
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    So you basically didn't do Th e protocol you twat

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickTheRuler View Post
    I commend him on his preserverance.

    But damn he made it way too complicated.

    Makes me even more grateful that I just hopped on here immedeately. Literally days after crashing. It’s all here!

    Shut up you cunt

    The CURE wintry or hcg not chronicling shite

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by RickTheRuler View Post
    I commend him on his preserverance.

    But damn he made it way too complicated.

    Makes me even more grateful that I just hopped on here immedeately. Literally days after crashing. It’s all here!
    Quote Originally Posted by Mjw1999 View Post
    Thanks for posting and congratulations. Fantastic to have some more positive news on the forum. Keep it up guys!
    Shut up cunt

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyjonas View Post
    No don’t fucking off yourself, I strongly considered it years ago and could well be not be here another day I wouldn’t have made it because I should have overdosed on the concoction I took of booze and pills, I’m very glad I made it now, I saw no future and there was one but at the time I didn’t give a fuck because all I could focus on was how pfs fucked me up and was irreversible.

    I was wrong, it will get better, this shitstorm will pass but take it from me drop the obsession with pfs, whoever the fuck you have a problem with like these guys you mention, they are ultimately irrelevant, YOU need to focus on yourself and get yourself better, my best advice if you want to take it is leave this forum and shift your focus, all it does is eat away at you and ultimately fucks yourself up, shift your focus away from PFS and get proper mental health support and get off the forums for your own health.
    Jew tHINK that I should off myself

    I can't get a HARD on have flatulence massive muscle wastage et c

    This e irangebbastards didnthisnbefirenthatninwasnfine

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogglaw View Post
    go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?
    I want it real had mate
    But my corpus
    Grey haireveryhweher
    Massive muscle wastage
    Rubber skin
    collagen wastage et c

    I'm fucked

  8. #158
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    Imagine so!e gimp lands here and sees why he thinks are 100 plus recoveries in the thread


  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyjonas View Post
    man, you need help, not pfs related, get yourself mental health support, i’m serious, this abuse of everyone etc is not pfs related, your issue is psychological. Get yourself help you need and stop putting all your energy into abusing people on this forum. I work in the mental health field now, do yourself a favour and get help.

    Take it or leave it, the orange men etc aren’t the problem etc, for fuck sake the ira made peace with them after butchering catholics here for years, i know all about prejudice around that, i lived in belfast before, there were cunts on both side of that fence, it’s never as simple as everyone is a cunt because they are from a certain background and i fucking know because i live here, if the ra can make peace with the orange men so can you, but that’s ultimately irrelevant and a side issue, make peace with this pfs shit and get mental help support and move on from it, you’ll get there, suicide isn’t the answer, get back on your feet and get help and put the pfs aside and focus on getting healthy and getting mental health support for yourself.
    help me man

    heeeeellllllllllpppppppppppp mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee



  10. #160
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    Hi I'm Allen Worthington

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