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  1. #11
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holyhead View Post
    Something seriously wrong with folks attacking members here..I didn't say anything other than here's the interview..if you think aa world renowned Dr trying to help and actually trying to get this recognized by medical community is bad are an idiot and I question if you actually even have pfs.....won't be back here...good day.
    Let me step back and re-address this post.

    Most of the people that end up here searching for answers to their propecia problems are usually coming from Propecia help or other related sites. That is how the majority of the users of this site got here as well. If you've just stumbled onto this site by your own accord and know nothing of those sites mentioned, then I apologize for my direct and aggressive nature. You have to understand, that coming from those sites, many of those guys are not interested in learning how to correct their problem, rather they are only looking for the magic bullet to make everything right again. The magic bullet does not exist, nor will it ever exist in regards to this issue. It's too multifaceted and involves too many bodily systems to be "cured" by taking a pill.

    Those sites are also a breeding ground for negativity, self pity and hopelessness. The exact things you need to avoid if you want your life back. We are just so used to being inundated with a conveyor belt of whiny, helpless, close minded people from the other sites that when it comes to new guys providing links and saying self sabotaging things, they kind of get jumped on.....quickly. That kind of talk gets nipped in the bud really quick around here, as you can see. If that is what you're interesting in talking about, there are plenty of other places to do it.....just not here.

    Here we focus on solutions to our problems and we take action. We don't dwell on theories of why this happened and how long it's going to take to find a cure, etc. because there is no need to. We have the cure. it's just not wrapped up in a nice shiny package that you can buy at your local pharmacy.

    If you're truly interested in getting your life back, then you're at the right place. So please let me again apologize if it seemed like we all jumped down your throat, because that's not a good look, and certainly not what we're about here.

    Take the time to go through some posts and get as much info as you can. If you have questions, please feel free to ask. There are plenty of top notch guys here who are in the process of becoming better then they were before they got hit with PFS. They know their shit, and they are here to help.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 12-22-2016 at 04:36 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  2. #12
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 DrivenToRecover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Couldn't have put it better myself. When i first went to propecia help i read the section on there about how fin is an irreversable suicide inhibitor and i can tell you that reading this section pretty much made me crash right there and then. I had no fucking clue what those terms meant back then so i fully believed i was fucked for life. People who write that kind of terminology when they know better pretty much have blood on their hands. A year or so later i find out that like pretty much all suicide inhibitors, the enzyme in question simply regenerates within a week or two back to the old levels, by which point i had thoroughly shit myself and undergone a complete personality change etc.
    BTW, it's a new year soon and i've decided to go not just for my usual 3 months at a time, but permanently now from this and any other forum. I have set my account to no e mail and no PM. I was thinking the other day that i needed to stay for a while longer but actually with guys like Maxout supporting CD there is no need, there are clearly good people coming through. I just want to live life and literally not ever read, type or hear another thing about pfs again!
    So one final thank you for all the support i have received here over the last 18 months or more which ultimately had a lot to do with my full and lasting recovery. I wish you all the same outcome.
    You don't have to leave if you don't want to mate lol. It seems like a part of you wants to leave, and yet another can't help but come back and give another piece of advice because you enjoy helping folks out, and your damn good at it.

    I can completely understand both.
    I would say I'm only 40% recovered and already I find myself wanting to help people that recently crashed.

    Either way, I've definitely been inspired by your words, and its always struck me how your personality seems to come through so strongly in your posts.

    Thanks English

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrivenToRecover View Post
    You don't have to leave if you don't want to mate lol. It seems like a part of you wants to leave, and yet another can't help but come back and give another piece of advice because you enjoy helping folks out, and your damn good at it.

    I can completely understand both.
    I would say I'm only 40% recovered and already I find myself wanting to help people that recently crashed.

    Either way, I've definitely been inspired by your words, and its always struck me how your personality seems to come through so strongly in your posts.

    Thanks English

    Thank you for your kind words Driven, if you're 40% now, know that it is a pretty quick process to jump to 70/80%, but for me to get to 100% i had to have long breaks from all discussion about the whole topic.

    Now i am fully well again, i realise i want something else too - freedom of mind.

    You are correct that it is enjoyable to give advice and i became addicted to it. I have had to wean myself away LOL. Now though i am looking to the future, with lots of challenges in business as well as fun to be had with my young family including my beautiful boy of 18 months now. To do that i can't be having half a mind in the past typing and reading about an illness that is as much an illusion of the mind as anything else (not meant in any way to denigrate the seriousness of being in it though- remember i was there myself)
    Illusions can be extremely powerful, and nobody should be in any doubt regards CD's words earlier in this thread, that if you surround yourself with misery, you get misery, surround yourself with positivity, action etc. that's what you get too. Most people reflect the sum total of the 5 closest people and/or influences they surround themselves with, so you should choose your company very well.
    This forum has become one of my 5 influences and what a wonderful place it is, but i am well now so i must replace it with a 5th influence that is a real person, connected with my future, not the past.
    I'm not running screaming from the past 3 years though, they have been glorious and a wonderful opportunity to solve the worlds most personal puzzle. If you get it wrong you get pain! I've chatted here with both idiots and clever and resourceful people, becoming enduring friends with some. Nothing could have been better as a challenge and along with love, that is when man is truly living, and some of the guys on here could do with understanding that; everything is an opportunity if you truly see it as such.

    These finally are my last words on the subject and the last time i will ever visit this forum or any other on this topic, so don't waste your time with replying, spend your time more wisely, you will never get it again.

    - - - Updated - - -

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by holyhead View Post
    Something seriously wrong with folks attacking members here..I didn't say anything other than here's the interview..if you think aa world renowned Dr trying to help and actually trying to get this recognized by medical community is bad are an idiot and I question if you actually even have pfs.....won't be back here...good day.
    these doctors have it all wrong and these studies have it all wrong... they are looking at it the wrong way. no sex drive, depression, no focus, brain fog, digestive issues, insomnia....all SYMPTOMS of something greater... clearly digestion and the inability to flush out toxins. you are looking at it the wrong way, just like the other hundreds of morons at those forums are, thats why theyre not recovered and dwelling in their misery. I go onto another one, im greeted in their chatbox with these dickheads talking about test levels and cortisol levels as if it makes a fraction of a difference. It means nothing. Learn to cleanse your body and that is when your body will be better, not TRT... NOT AIs.... NONE OF THAT, that is merely covering up a symptom... Don't be a pussy, stick around and fix your self....We all want you to be cured from this mess. You will get results. I have done further research as to why all CDNut's methods work and it's no coincidence. And I am already seeing progress.


    Stop linking speculative bullshit

    take cdnuts routine outline, study it, do it and stop going on those forums filled with losers

  5. #15
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Swill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holyhead View Post
    Something seriously wrong with folks attacking members here..I didn't say anything other than here's the interview..if you think aa world renowned Dr trying to help and actually trying to get this recognized by medical community is bad are an idiot and I question if you actually even have pfs.....won't be back here...good day.


  6. #16
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxLUK View Post
    these doctors have it all wrong and these studies have it all wrong... they are looking at it the wrong way. no sex drive, depression, no focus, brain fog, digestive issues, insomnia....all SYMPTOMS of something greater... clearly digestion and the inability to flush out toxins. you are looking at it the wrong way, just like the other hundreds of morons at those forums are, thats why theyre not recovered and dwelling in their misery. I go onto another one, im greeted in their chatbox with these dickheads talking about test levels and cortisol levels as if it makes a fraction of a difference. It means nothing. Learn to cleanse your body and that is when your body will be better, not TRT... NOT AIs.... NONE OF THAT, that is merely covering up a symptom... Don't be a pussy, stick around and fix your self....We all want you to be cured from this mess. You will get results. I have done further research as to why all CDNut's methods work and it's no coincidence. And I am already seeing progress.


    Stop linking speculative bullshit

    take cdnuts routine outline, study it, do it and stop going on those forums filled with losers
    that chatbox on solvepfs grinds my gears so bad lol

  7. #17
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    This is such a classic Propecia Help post. This is part of the reason you're still struggling so much OP. Instead of spending time fixing your problem you're researching all the horror stories and reasons you're fucked up beyond repair. Are you looking to prove to yourself you're fucked for life? You can make this so much better and get everything back and then some if you'll just buckle down and sacrifice a few years at most of hard work and discipline, but the choice is yours. No one on here, or those who mean a lot to you in life can make that decision for you.
    Classic cdnut S yank shit E

    This cunt
    Had mild pfs
    Look at his Propecia help.profile he has a little bit of insomnia and some.muscle wastage indifference more than this cunt and recovered to.a.similar level

    Not onlynthay but untried this ducking "protocol" and it made zero difference tome.whereas I do Had done try it hcg would have been over the finish line

    Taking tribulus lol and not hcg tr T fucking joke
    Stupid yank spastic cunt

    I've seen you oh had mild pfs

    Hothead is. A test but you giving him this yank mituvational.shit that he isn't try T hard enough

    You ducking piece of shite

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Thank you for your kind words Driven, if you're 40% now, know that it is a pretty quick process to jump to 70/80%, but for me to get to 100% i had to have long breaks from all discussion about the whole topic.

    Now i am fully well again, i realise i want something else too - freedom of mind.

    You are correct that it is enjoyable to give advice and i became addicted to it. I have had to wean myself away LOL. Now though i am looking to the future, with lots of challenges in business as well as fun to be had with my young family including my beautiful boy of 18 months now. To do that i can't be having half a mind in the past typing and reading about an illness that is as much an illusion of the mind as anything else (not meant in any way to denigrate the seriousness of being in it though- remember i was there myself)
    Illusions can be extremely powerful, and nobody should be in any doubt regards CD's words earlier in this thread, that if you surround yourself with misery, you get misery, surround yourself with positivity, action etc. that's what you get too. Most people reflect the sum total of the 5 closest people and/or influences they surround themselves with, so you should choose your company very well.
    This forum has become one of my 5 influences and what a wonderful place it is, but i am well now so i must replace it with a 5th influence that is a real person, connected with my future, not the past.
    I'm not running screaming from the past 3 years though, they have been glorious and a wonderful opportunity to solve the worlds most personal puzzle. If you get it wrong you get pain! I've chatted here with both idiots and clever and resourceful people, becoming enduring friends with some. Nothing could have been better as a challenge and along with love, that is when man is truly living, and some of the guys on here could do with understanding that; everything is an opportunity if you truly see it as such.

    These finally are my last words on the subject and the last time i will ever visit this forum or any other on this topic, so don't waste your time with replying, spend your time more wisely, you will never get it again.

    - - - Updated - - -
    Despise this ducking thick cunt
    Absolute ducking arrogant regard
    Mild pfs and he thinks he fucking climbed Everest the arrogant English cunt
    If live to saw his legs off

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Thank you for your kind words Driven, if you're 40% now, know that it is a pretty quick process to jump to 70/80%, but for me to get to 100% i had to have long breaks from all discussion about the whole topic.

    Now i am fully well again, i realise i want something else too - freedom of mind.

    You are correct that it is enjoyable to give advice and i became addicted to it. I have had to wean myself away LOL. Now though i am looking to the future, with lots of challenges in business as well as fun to be had with my young family including my beautiful boy of 18 months now. To do that i can't be having half a mind in the past typing and reading about an illness that is as much an illusion of the mind as anything else (not meant in any way to denigrate the seriousness of being in it though- remember i was there myself)
    Illusions can be extremely powerful, and nobody should be in any doubt regards CD's words earlier in this thread, that if you surround yourself with misery, you get misery, surround yourself with positivity, action etc. that's what you get too. Most people reflect the sum total of the 5 closest people and/or influences they surround themselves with, so you should choose your company very well.
    This forum has become one of my 5 influences and what a wonderful place it is, but i am well now so i must replace it with a 5th influence that is a real person, connected with my future, not the past.
    I'm not running screaming from the past 3 years though, they have been glorious and a wonderful opportunity to solve the worlds most personal puzzle. If you get it wrong you get pain! I've chatted here with both idiots and clever and resourceful people, becoming enduring friends with some. Nothing could have been better as a challenge and along with love, that is when man is truly living, and some of the guys on here could do with understanding that; everything is an opportunity if you truly see it as such.

    These finally are my last words on the subject and the last time i will ever visit this forum or any other on this topic, so don't waste your time with replying, spend your time more wisely, you will never get it again.

    - - - Updated - - -
    Most of the cunts he talked to.didn't even have pfs on here

    How come I was at a baseline of eighty percent for.nearly a decade and could get drunk and exaggerated I wanted?

    What the fuck did gluten milk et c have to do with it?

    Why is this nuts cunt treated like a doctor?

    He's a fucking arrogant yank regard





  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Thank you for your kind words Driven, if you're 40% now, know that it is a pretty quick process to jump to 70/80%, but for me to get to 100% i had to have long breaks from all discussion about the whole topic.

    Now i am fully well again, i realise i want something else too - freedom of mind.

    You are correct that it is enjoyable to give advice and i became addicted to it. I have had to wean myself away LOL. Now though i am looking to the future, with lots of challenges in business as well as fun to be had with my young family including my beautiful boy of 18 months now. To do that i can't be having half a mind in the past typing and reading about an illness that is as much an illusion of the mind as anything else (not meant in any way to denigrate the seriousness of being in it though- remember i was there myself)
    Illusions can be extremely powerful, and nobody should be in any doubt regards CD's words earlier in this thread, that if you surround yourself with misery, you get misery, surround yourself with positivity, action etc. that's what you get too. Most people reflect the sum total of the 5 closest people and/or influences they surround themselves with, so you should choose your company very well.
    This forum has become one of my 5 influences and what a wonderful place it is, but i am well now so i must replace it with a 5th influence that is a real person, connected with my future, not the past.
    I'm not running screaming from the past 3 years though, they have been glorious and a wonderful opportunity to solve the worlds most personal puzzle. If you get it wrong you get pain! I've chatted here with both idiots and clever and resourceful people, becoming enduring friends with some. Nothing could have been better as a challenge and along with love, that is when man is truly living, and some of the guys on here could do with understanding that; everything is an opportunity if you truly see it as such.

    These finally are my last words on the subject and the last time i will ever visit this forum or any other on this topic, so don't waste your time with replying, spend your time more wisely, you will never get it again.

    - - - Updated - - -
    And yeah maybe hothead is another annoying yank regard posting that shit E here but he's another side of the same coin

    Fucking hate yanks man

    Understandings or go better self.Hemingway



  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Thank you for your kind words Driven, if you're 40% now, know that it is a pretty quick process to jump to 70/80%, but for me to get to 100% i had to have long breaks from all discussion about the whole topic.

    Now i am fully well again, i realise i want something else too - freedom of mind.

    You are correct that it is enjoyable to give advice and i became addicted to it. I have had to wean myself away LOL. Now though i am looking to the future, with lots of challenges in business as well as fun to be had with my young family including my beautiful boy of 18 months now. To do that i can't be having half a mind in the past typing and reading about an illness that is as much an illusion of the mind as anything else (not meant in any way to denigrate the seriousness of being in it though- remember i was there myself)
    Illusions can be extremely powerful, and nobody should be in any doubt regards CD's words earlier in this thread, that if you surround yourself with misery, you get misery, surround yourself with positivity, action etc. that's what you get too. Most people reflect the sum total of the 5 closest people and/or influences they surround themselves with, so you should choose your company very well.
    This forum has become one of my 5 influences and what a wonderful place it is, but i am well now so i must replace it with a 5th influence that is a real person, connected with my future, not the past.
    I'm not running screaming from the past 3 years though, they have been glorious and a wonderful opportunity to solve the worlds most personal puzzle. If you get it wrong you get pain! I've chatted here with both idiots and clever and resourceful people, becoming enduring friends with some. Nothing could have been better as a challenge and along with love, that is when man is truly living, and some of the guys on here could do with understanding that; everything is an opportunity if you truly see it as such.

    These finally are my last words on the subject and the last time i will ever visit this forum or any other on this topic, so don't waste your time with replying, spend your time more wisely, you will never get it again.

    - - - Updated - - -
    Quote Originally Posted by xxLUK View Post
    these doctors have it all wrong and these studies have it all wrong... they are looking at it the wrong way. no sex drive, depression, no focus, brain fog, digestive issues, insomnia....all SYMPTOMS of something greater... clearly digestion and the inability to flush out toxins. you are looking at it the wrong way, just like the other hundreds of morons at those forums are, thats why theyre not recovered and dwelling in their misery. I go onto another one, im greeted in their chatbox with these dickheads talking about test levels and cortisol levels as if it makes a fraction of a difference. It means nothing. Learn to cleanse your body and that is when your body will be better, not TRT... NOT AIs.... NONE OF THAT, that is merely covering up a symptom... Don't be a pussy, stick around and fix your self....We all want you to be cured from this mess. You will get results. I have done further research as to why all CDNut's methods work and it's no coincidence. And I am already seeing progress.


    Stop linking speculative bullshit

    take cdnuts routine outline, study it, do it and stop going on those forums filled with losers
    Ducking retard
    Digestion lol

    You don't have a fucking clue cunt like everyone on here shower of fucktards

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