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  1. #21
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrivenToRecover View Post
    You said it was irreversible and that's why we are so messed up...This isn't a crowd that's open to discussing something like that. We don't let each other get brought down with those kinds of thoughts.

    Nobody is attacking you here my man.

    We just all know that if you are posting things like this then you NEED to hear the kinds of things people have said.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    You're a ducking gimp who.Told a guy with some libido not to try years incident work your fucking test what would you know

    "TR T don't work for pfs but shuffling herbs does" lol
    "cos professor CD nuts neurogenesis Benedictine urology soeiclistbsaid so lol

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    This is such a classic Propecia Help post. This is part of the reason you're still struggling so much OP. Instead of spending time fixing your problem you're researching all the horror stories and reasons you're fucked up beyond repair. Are you looking to prove to yourself you're fucked for life? You can make this so much better and get everything back and then some if you'll just buckle down and sacrifice a few years at most of hard work and discipline, but the choice is yours. No one on here, or those who mean a lot to you in life can make that decision for you.
    Yes bitxh buckle up loser!

    Get to work bitch buckle down and fucking get down tonite bitch what domain think this is some kind of complex neuroendocrine disorder with severe dkwnsatea.m symptoms like penile fibrosis bitch? Are you some sort of fucking loser?!?

  3. #23
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Why does Holyhead...write like this....can't even wipe my ass now...oh well...

  4. #24
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    This sacrifice after years shit

    Is exactly that horseshit

    All I needed was hcg or try not this fucking wheatgrass and sprints and Chung wu herbs bollocks.

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