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  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    Just to add on to this, I believe a lot of the reason the folks remain as they are is most of them are spot-on, stereotypical what I call "crowd pleasers". This is justified by the negative environment those boards have. It's a lot easier to sit and bitch with people who are the "in crowd" as you can call it than to be a rebel and do what might (well, will) make them better. They fail at the protocol because they don't have the discipline or self belief it takes to get anywhere or anything. This lifestyle isn't "cool" or "popular", you won't "fit in" with coworkers or friends because you don't eat pizza or drink ten beers while in recovery, and these same people that want to fit in with the board seek nothing more important than the acceptance of others. The ones who beat it don't give a fuck about that. I'll live my life, you live yours, and that's how I've always looked at it, even before PFS. Unfortunately, PH is nothing but classic crowd pleasers. Just my two cents.
    Maxout you talk about acceptance issues with coworkers and friends ... i have issues with my family... on my 5.5 daya juice feast parents thought some one was misleading me and my wife thought i was on some kind of drugs or some spiritual guru had got me into some pyshscic rituals to please god ... they dint let me go past 5.5 days when my intention was to go 7 days .

  2. #92
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    My journey to the promised land

    Quote Originally Posted by rahaysa View Post
    Maxout you talk about acceptance issues with coworkers and friends ... i have issues with my family... on my 5.5 daya juice feast parents thought some one was misleading me and my wife thought i was on some kind of drugs or some spiritual guru had got me into some pyshscic rituals to please god ... they dint let me go past 5.5 days when my intention was to go 7 days .

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    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  3. #93
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rahaysa View Post
    Maxout you talk about acceptance issues with coworkers and friends ... i have issues with my family... on my 5.5 daya juice feast parents thought some one was misleading me and my wife thought i was on some kind of drugs or some spiritual guru had got me into some pyshscic rituals to please god ... they dint let me go past 5.5 days when my intention was to go 7 days .
    Gotta push past that my man. My fiancee didn't like the fact that I was juice feasting, or the fact that I ordered 15+ herbs and other supplements either - just told her I had to do it to get where I wanted. Didn't frankly care if she liked it or not, as I'm the one who has to either suffer or reap the rewards for my own life.

    If you're mentally not strong enough to do this at this point, you've gotta dig deeper to get there. It's an absolute requirement - to stick to it regardless of what anyone says to you, as well as staying the course when you have the inevitable setbacks. That's why you see very few people on PH posting anything regarding recovery. They won't mentally stick to it. Just like those who are successful in athletics versus those who bust, they don't put in that extra time or that extra effort to get there and find a crutch to say why it didn't happen.

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    There ain't no traffic along the extra mile.

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  4. #94
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Three weeks on R-Andro, just going to do a small update.

    For the most part, everything is still on par with my last update. I'm still killing the gym, my mental capacity is doing fantastic, and sexually, I can still function. The sex is far from great but I can do it. Libido has been minimal, but I think in all honesty I've just had too much sex lately (which in my current case is once a week. Prior to this I would have BITCHED about only once a week). Morning erections are almost everyday and nocturnals every night.

    Played a round of golf this morning, so that's a first since, and had plenty of energy. Generally, my mood and everything is looking up. Added a few herbs to my arsenal for my upcoming PCT after the six weeks.

    Also, to anyone who's having sleep issues, IML's Dream N Grow is fantastic. I just wish I could use it every night, but we all know Kratom wouldn't be wise to use in that manner.

    Hope everyone is having a good Fourth weekend!
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  5. #95
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Had some time on my hands so I figured I'd post.....its been pretty dead here lately besides a few shill topics to jump in on lol.

    My cycle has flown by and now I'm approaching just a week left. Hate I have to get off this stuff because it is absolutely awesome. From where I was when I began to take it to where I am now, it's honestly a blessing. A blessing that came from hard work and disciplined diet and lifestyle, but a blessing none the less.

    I pretty much live day to day on a mentally normal level at the moment, and it feels good. I WAY overestimated how recovered I was earlier now that I'm where I am now. Pretty much only my sexual symptoms remain - and even they are much better. I'm not looking forward to coming off R-Andro but I'm looking forward to the PCT, and even more so to my next cycle. Probably going with R-Andro again, but looked into maybe stacking it with Epi-Andro (to simulate AH v3) but I figured why mess with a good thing.

    I've also noticed the more I get lost in my day to day activities and can live more normally and sleep better, the more my recovery gets kickstarted. I'm proud of myself for where I've gotten from where I was, and I can pretty much see an end in sight now. It's a great feeling. To live, to be cocky, to not be just, I've missed it.

    Hope everyone is doing well out there!
    There ain't no traffic along the extra mile.

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  6. #96
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    good to know you are doing good maxout ...

    i might go the r andro route six months from now ... i am still making life style changes one ata time .. because making all changes at the same time is scaring my family and they are very much becoming hindrence to my progress...

    hope you get healed and still stay on this forum.. i might need your help...

    by the way i am intending to go on another Juice feast ... for a longer time this time.. 14 days max ... this will be my last lengthy Juice feast ... i really like the way juice feast made m e feel... highly energetic .. focused .. motivated ..

  7. #97
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rahaysa View Post
    good to know you are doing good maxout ...

    i might go the r andro route six months from now ... i am still making life style changes one ata time .. because making all changes at the same time is scaring my family and they are very much becoming hindrence to my progress...

    hope you get healed and still stay on this forum.. i might need your help...

    by the way i am intending to go on another Juice feast ... for a longer time this time.. 14 days max ... this will be my last lengthy Juice feast ... i really like the way juice feast made m e feel... highly energetic .. focused .. motivated ..
    I'll definitely remain on here after I cross the finish line because if PFS has done anything for me, it's get me back into my love of weight lifting and fitness.....and I'm always glad to "pay it forward" and help anyone. Something I've learned though is that most of this effort and "protocol" comes from yourself. I spent my early days blowing up CD with a few questions, some more important and helpful than others, but really most of this has come from trial and error and seeing what makes me keep moving in the right direction. No one but yourself is going to "heal" you, and the lifestyle changes you make are the first step in many steps in the right direction. Once it's dialed in and you've got it working for's actually pretty easy if you've got an ounce of discipline in you. The hard part is doing the dirty work upfront to dial in the little pieces of the program that only you can do for yourself (mindset, etc.)......once that is done, with a little discipline it's smooth sailing to the finish line. Don't let the bumps in the road throw you off.
    There ain't no traffic along the extra mile.

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  8. #98
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rahaysa View Post
    good to know you are doing good maxout ...

    i might go the r andro route six months from now ... i am still making life style changes one ata time .. because making all changes at the same time is scaring my family and they are very much becoming hindrence to my progress...

    hope you get healed and still stay on this forum.. i might need your help...

    by the way i am intending to go on another Juice feast ... for a longer time this time.. 14 days max ... this will be my last lengthy Juice feast ... i really like the way juice feast made m e feel... highly energetic .. focused .. motivated ..
    I see this countless times in regards to family members becoming frightened or scared at the drastic changes guys have to make to get themselves back. You can't let them deter you from this. Yes, they me be alarmed at what you are doing, but they have no idea how scared and frightened and miserable a state YOU have been LIVING in for the past period of time. This is about YOU, not them. It's easy for them to judge and make comments because they aren't living in a state of perpetual hell and suffering. If they actually understood what you were going through it would be very selfish of them to try and stop you from doing these things. While they mean well, they just don't get it, and most likely never will. YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO, period. What they think or say is IRRELEVANT. The only thing that matters is you getting yourself back so you can be the best son, husband/boyfriend, brother, friend that you can possibly be.

    You don't need anymore help Rahaysa. Everything you need to do you already know. Maxout is just following the same program as you. The only difference is he is doing it EXACTLY how it is supposed to be done. Do you see the results he is getting? Do you see how by you dragging your feet and only doing one thing at a time instead of implementing the whole thing you are just keeping yourself is this horrible state longer than you need to? What is it do you THINK you'll need from him?

    14 days is not a lengthy juice feast. It's the minimum that I recommend. I always tell guys to try it for a week to see what it's like but it's no where near a long one. If you want to do a solid one go for a month. It can only benefit you. What you experienced in the short time that you were on it only gets magnified with the longer you stay on it. It is one of the most powerful things you can do for your health hands down. At no other time in your life will you flood your body with so many beneficial phytochemicals and bioavailable vitamins and minerals.

    You're getting there.....slowly. You are your own obstacle at this point. You need to get out of your own way and just do it.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    I see this countless times in regards to family members becoming frightened or scared at the drastic changes guys have to make to get themselves back. You can't let them deter you from this. Yes, they me be alarmed at what you are doing, but they have no idea how scared and frightened and miserable a state YOU have been LIVING in for the past period of time. This is about YOU, not them. It's easy for them to judge and make comments because they aren't living in a state of perpetual hell and suffering. If they actually understood what you were going through it would be very selfish of them to try and stop you from doing these things. While they mean well, they just don't get it, and most likely never will. YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO, period. What they think or say is IRRELEVANT. The only thing that matters is you getting yourself back so you can be the best son, husband/boyfriend, brother, friend that you can possibly be.

    You don't need anymore help Rahaysa. Everything you need to do you already know. Maxout is just following the same program as you. The only difference is he is doing it EXACTLY how it is supposed to be done. Do you see the results he is getting? Do you see how by you dragging your feet and only doing one thing at a time instead of implementing the whole thing you are just keeping yourself is this horrible state longer than you need to? What is it do you THINK you'll need from him?

    14 days is not a lengthy juice feast. It's the minimum that I recommend. I always tell guys to try it for a week to see what it's like but it's no where near a long one. If you want to do a solid one go for a month. It can only benefit you. What you experienced in the short time that you were on it only gets magnified with the longer you stay on it. It is one of the most powerful things you can do for your health hands down. At no other time in your life will you flood your body with so many beneficial phytochemicals and bioavailable vitamins and minerals.

    You're getting there.....slowly. You are your own obstacle at this point. You need to get out of your own way and just do it.


  10. #100
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 bighulksmash's Avatar
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    damn .... truth

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