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Thread: Recoveries

  1. #101
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 covfefe42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
    Congratulations on your recovery. I read through your thread and dont think I saw specific mention of these things, so for the sake of clarity on the recovery thread, would you mind telling us a little info about your regimen over the course of your healing? Primarily, did you ever use pro hormones? If so, how many runs, and what kind? Also, what was your herb rotation like? Did you ever get to where you were rotating more than 7? What was your exercise routine like? Just some points I'm always curious about, if you dont mind filling in the blanks...
    Hey lastnoirking, yea no problem.

    I didn’t use any pro hormones.

    I primarily focused on the diet and exercise parts of the protocol. Those are the 2 factors that I attribute most of my recovery to.

    I bought a bunch of the herbs and got to a point where I was cycling one per day of the week, but that was only for a couple of months.

    It got to a point where I was getting too horny where nofap was becoming a challenge, so I stopped most of the herbs and took only the PPP for about a year.

    Now I’m taking no herbs but they work 100% from my experience.

    Exercise routine was heavy lifting 3x per week and 1 HIIT session on the stationary bike. No longer do the HIIT anymore cuz I got lazy haha but still lifting every week.

    I got into the wim hof breathing way later on so it didn’t directly impact my recovery but I highly recommend it for regulating negative emotions.

    Overall I knew if I tried doing all of it at once that I would inevitably fall off track, so what I did was just focus on a couple components on the protocol that I knew I could stick to.

    That ended up being the paleo diet + herbs as I was already lifting regularly.

    Recovery was very slow for the first few months from what I remember.

    At my worst I was unable to sleep, digestive system was fucked up (infrequent bowel movements and most of those were diarrheas), low appetite, no motivation, high negative emotionality, libido nonexistent.

    First symptoms to go away was the mental stuff. Digestive system took about a year to get back to normal.

    Sleep was the last symptom to get back to normal, took about 2 years total.

    So overall it was a 2 year process as CD said it would be.

    Hope that is helpful!

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by covfefe42 View Post
    Hey lastnoirking, yea no problem.

    I didn’t use any pro hormones.

    I primarily focused on the diet and exercise parts of the protocol. Those are the 2 factors that I attribute most of my recovery to.

    I bought a bunch of the herbs and got to a point where I was cycling one per day of the week, but that was only for a couple of months.

    It got to a point where I was getting too horny where nofap was becoming a challenge, so I stopped most of the herbs and took only the PPP for about a year.

    Now I’m taking no herbs but they work 100% from my experience.

    Exercise routine was heavy lifting 3x per week and 1 HIIT session on the stationary bike. No longer do the HIIT anymore cuz I got lazy haha but still lifting every week.

    I got into the wim hof breathing way later on so it didn’t directly impact my recovery but I highly recommend it for regulating negative emotions.

    Overall I knew if I tried doing all of it at once that I would inevitably fall off track, so what I did was just focus on a couple components on the protocol that I knew I could stick to.

    That ended up being the paleo diet + herbs as I was already lifting regularly.

    Recovery was very slow for the first few months from what I remember.

    At my worst I was unable to sleep, digestive system was fucked up (infrequent bowel movements and most of those were diarrheas), low appetite, no motivation, high negative emotionality, libido nonexistent.

    First symptoms to go away was the mental stuff. Digestive system took about a year to get back to normal.

    Sleep was the last symptom to get back to normal, took about 2 years total.

    So overall it was a 2 year process as CD said it would be.

    Hope that is helpful!
    Thanks bud, appreciate the info...enjoy your new lease on life!

  3. #103
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    @covfefe42 congratulations man. Just one question, did you take protein powder? If so, which one? Also did you ever cheat on your diet?

  4. #104
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by covfefe42 View Post
    Hey guys, just wanted to check in real quick and add another recovery to this thread.

    Long story short, I got PFS when I upgraded from finasteride to dutasteride back in 2019. I had pretty bad symptoms to the point where I wasn't able to sleep for several days straight and my mind was all kinds of fucked up.

    Upon researching my condition I stumbled upon the infamous Propeciahelp forum. After reading through a dozen threads on there I thought I was actually permanently fucked.

    I was desperately looking for a way out before I accepted my fate and lo and behold, CDNuts pointed me to this forum.

    It is still so crazy that CD was just a dude who had recovered from PFS and genuinely wanted to help people recover too.

    Your act of kindness has literally turned around my entire life.

    It's been almost 3 years now since contracting PFS.

    I'm fully recovered now and have learned a ton of things about health that I otherwise never would have.

    I've been Paleo ever since starting your protocol and have never felt better.

    It feels great knowing the objective truth to the age-old question of what is the optimal human diet.

    Not to get all religious in here but I'm also starting to believe in God again after being Agnostic for so many years.

    I just can't wrap my head around me being saved from the permanent hell that is PFS.

    I was literally praying for a solution and the universe gave me one in the form of CD's protocol. Like holy shit that's so crazy to me.

    Anyways, it's weird to say but I'm actually so grateful to have had PFS.

    Before, I was a prisoner to my own vanity about my hair. Now, I am free.

    I mean, my hair is still there - not as good as when I was on Fin, but I realized that there's so much more to life than our appearances.

    It's almost like the universe has called each of us to learn that lesson the hard way. But in the end it's so worth it.

    Sorry for going on a rant, I meant to make this short but there's so much to say about this haha.

    To the guys who are still struggling with PFS, don't give up! This procotol works 100%!

    I was super skeptical at the beginning, I was like "there's no way recovering from PFS can be as simple as eating Paleo and exercising and sunning your balls" etc.

    Especially when you see forums like Ray Peat and PH where guys are trying to concoct different potions to alter their hormones to fix this shit lmao.

    But yea follow the protocol and stick to it and you won't just be cured - you will be a massively improved version of your previous self!

    Almost like Gandalf in LOTR fought the Balrog and almost died but eventually emerged as Gandalf the White.

    To CDNuts - thank you. You're an actual hero bro, no joke.

    Still amazes me that there are people like that out there. I will strive to pay it forward and help advance humanity when my time comes as well.

    I don't come on here very often anymore, but if anyone has any questions on the protocol or symptoms or anything, feel free to hit me up.

    Anyways, thanks guys and good luck!

    Thank you for the kind words and great post. It makes me feel indescribable to be able to watch you guys come from complete and utter suffering to a better version of yourselves. Just keep at it and believe it or not, you'll get even BETTER.

    Great news.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #105
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 alphacfi's Avatar
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    Hey guys. I don’t visit this page anymore but felt it my duty to come back and share that I have recovered totally from PFS. I can safely say I suffered the worst brain/psychological side effects one can from taking this “medication”. Not to say other guys didn’t have as bad as I did but I can’t imagine anything worse. I can’t thank CD enough for having this forum and sharing his protocol with me to enable me to have a daily routine that I could focus on. Also by policing this forum and keeping all the negative vibes away which is absolutely fundamentally essential when in recovery from a chronic condition like this. CD you truly are the GOAT and I can’t even being to describe my appreciation for you!
    The ups and downs and ebs and flows seemed never ending. I would feel nearly recovered sometimes for 3 or 4 weeks before having downswings that would feel almost as bad as the beginning (although in reality they probably weren’t even close to as bad). My last downswing was nearly 8 months ago. It was a descent downswing that lasted 10 days or so. I came out of it on an upswing and haven’t looked back. It was like one final punch and then bam it was gone. I literally don’t even think about PFS anymore which is kind of absurd considering how much it overwhelmed my life for such a long time.
    The main thing I will say is to implement CDs program into your life to the point that you don’t even think about it anymore. It’s a constant just like brushing your teeth. Keep making plans and having fun in life. I isolated myself for the first 6 months or so and it was the worst part of the experience. I never regretted it when I made it to a friends house or to an event. Even though I would sometimes dread the thought of it beforehand. And keep a journal of your daily routine and symptoms to keep you honest. It helps when you can look back and see that you actually felt great a few days ago or whatever when you are in the midst of a downswing.
    Finally, I used to read these recovery posts and they gave me lots of relief. Even though my symptoms didn’t match up completely with any single person. You will absolutely recover. Time+protocol=healing. God bless

  6. #106
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 strato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alphacfi View Post
    Hey guys. I don’t visit this page anymore but felt it my duty to come back and share that I have recovered totally from PFS. I can safely say I suffered the worst brain/psychological side effects one can from taking this “medication”. Not to say other guys didn’t have as bad as I did but I can’t imagine anything worse....
    So happy for you dude. Thanks for coming back and sharing, makes a big difference for those of us still in the trenches like myself right now.

    Read through your recovery thread too, inspirational and amazing to see your journey and perseverance throughout all the ups and downs.

    Wishing you all the best in your path ahead. Go get it man. Much peace.

  7. #107
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alphacfi View Post
    Hey guys. I don’t visit this page anymore but felt it my duty to come back and share that I have recovered totally from PFS. I can safely say I suffered the worst brain/psychological side effects one can from taking this “medication”. Not to say other guys didn’t have as bad as I did but I can’t imagine anything worse. I can’t thank CD enough for having this forum and sharing his protocol with me to enable me to have a daily routine that I could focus on. Also by policing this forum and keeping all the negative vibes away which is absolutely fundamentally essential when in recovery from a chronic condition like this. CD you truly are the GOAT and I can’t even being to describe my appreciation for you!
    The ups and downs and ebs and flows seemed never ending. I would feel nearly recovered sometimes for 3 or 4 weeks before having downswings that would feel almost as bad as the beginning (although in reality they probably weren’t even close to as bad). My last downswing was nearly 8 months ago. It was a descent downswing that lasted 10 days or so. I came out of it on an upswing and haven’t looked back. It was like one final punch and then bam it was gone. I literally don’t even think about PFS anymore which is kind of absurd considering how much it overwhelmed my life for such a long time.
    The main thing I will say is to implement CDs program into your life to the point that you don’t even think about it anymore. It’s a constant just like brushing your teeth. Keep making plans and having fun in life. I isolated myself for the first 6 months or so and it was the worst part of the experience. I never regretted it when I made it to a friends house or to an event. Even though I would sometimes dread the thought of it beforehand. And keep a journal of your daily routine and symptoms to keep you honest. It helps when you can look back and see that you actually felt great a few days ago or whatever when you are in the midst of a downswing.
    Finally, I used to read these recovery posts and they gave me lots of relief. Even though my symptoms didn’t match up completely with any single person. You will absolutely recover. Time+protocol=healing. God bless
    Thanks for coming back to share, it means alot to myself and the new guys coming in. Congrats on your new lease on life!
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  8. #108
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    Hey guys. I was never much of a poster or contributor here so most of you don't know me but I just wanted to say that I am fully recovered. Mirroring what alphacfi said, I don't even think about PFS anymore in my day to day life. I wake up most days with a raging hard on and have 0 mental issues anymore. I will say recovery took me much longer than most. I battled this thing for about 10 years and in the beginning had all of the symptoms bad. After a couple of years, the mental issues mostly disappeared and only the sexual symptoms remained. To be honest I was stubborn, not fully buying into the protocol until 7-8 years in. When I did, was when I started to forget about the issues at hand and things just started to get better. Going gluten free was big. If you're hesitating, just do it... For me it was probably the piece holding me back (My love for pizza was difficult to get past) Also, the only fasting I did was 16:8 intermittent fasting for decent portions of time on and off. I also joined a gym and did HIIT classes 2-3 times a week which got me into shape and helped build my resilience to stress. Like I said, I'm good now. I wake up horny everyday, go out spit game and fuck chicks.
    The protocol is the standard. Get it done and stick to it. Get away from negative websites and go live life. Accept what happened and focus on being healthy. Things will slowly start to get better, I promise.
    I'll list a couple other things that helped me. By no means are any of these things necessary to recover but I believe they help.
    -I built a cold plunge and use it every other day. (Cold Showers work fine, the cold plunge is just a little more hardcore imo. Especially in the summer when the water in your pipes isn't as cold)
    -I added 4 herbs to the herb rotation with no drawbacks. Fadogia Agrestis, Bulbine Natalensis, Akarkara, and Massularia Acuminata
    -A product called Ion Gut Support, along with going Gluten Free, cured any and all gut issues I was having
    -I used and still use Cerebrolysin and Cortexin daily. Switching between the two every couple of weeks. They help rebuild the brain and keep it in good health. It can get expensive though...
    -I also take an NAD+ shot everyday. Taking NMN or NR would accomplish the same thing.
    Recovery is possible. Don't get down on yourselves. Remain calm and stay positive. That is imo the most important thing

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karlucchi View Post
    Hey guys. I was never much of a poster or contributor here so most of you don't know me but I just wanted to say that I am fully recovered. Mirroring what alphacfi said, I don't even think about PFS anymore in my day to day life. I wake up most days with a raging hard on and have 0 mental issues anymore. I will say recovery took me much longer than most. I battled this thing for about 10 years and in the beginning had all of the symptoms bad. After a couple of years, the mental issues mostly disappeared and only the sexual symptoms remained. To be honest I was stubborn, not fully buying into the protocol until 7-8 years in. When I did, was when I started to forget about the issues at hand and things just started to get better. Going gluten free was big. If you're hesitating, just do it... For me it was probably the piece holding me back (My love for pizza was difficult to get past) Also, the only fasting I did was 16:8 intermittent fasting for decent portions of time on and off. I also joined a gym and did HIIT classes 2-3 times a week which got me into shape and helped build my resilience to stress. Like I said, I'm good now. I wake up horny everyday, go out spit game and fuck chicks.
    The protocol is the standard. Get it done and stick to it. Get away from negative websites and go live life. Accept what happened and focus on being healthy. Things will slowly start to get better, I promise.
    I'll list a couple other things that helped me. By no means are any of these things necessary to recover but I believe they help.
    -I built a cold plunge and use it every other day. (Cold Showers work fine, the cold plunge is just a little more hardcore imo. Especially in the summer when the water in your pipes isn't as cold)
    -I added 4 herbs to the herb rotation with no drawbacks. Fadogia Agrestis, Bulbine Natalensis, Akarkara, and Massularia Acuminata
    -A product called Ion Gut Support, along with going Gluten Free, cured any and all gut issues I was having
    -I used and still use Cerebrolysin and Cortexin daily. Switching between the two every couple of weeks. They help rebuild the brain and keep it in good health. It can get expensive though...
    -I also take an NAD+ shot everyday. Taking NMN or NR would accomplish the same thing.
    Recovery is possible. Don't get down on yourselves. Remain calm and stay positive. That is imo the most important thing
    Thanks for posting and congratulations. Fantastic to have some more positive news on the forum. Keep it up guys!

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyjonas View Post
    Hello guys,

    I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

    Take care guys
    Your story is full.if Shi T I saw your profile on hairlisstalj you were only mildly affected.

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