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  1. #101
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 2 (100%) DJM's Avatar
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    i think the diet and workouts question wasnt so much your schedule, but more so the macro breakdown in the diet, you said you wanna be huge, how will you do this nutrition wise? your workouts look like what? specifics please, interested, considering this heavy cycle, what your approach is

    im also interested how this will go with regards to the stack.....iv never wanted or needed to go that high with tren, curious what you get out of it results/sides wise......deca id never touch, recently had a friend who is in great shape at 200, ran only 300mg a week mainly for joints and aches, it worked great for that but puffed him up alot, a guy who is cut and an unreal arent quite in the same shape which id assume might cause estrogen issues with the combo of bodyfat and its afinity for aromatisation, compounded by the tren and how it can be unpredictable in each user.......and the said you had a history of bp issues no? both those drugs suck for that too

    i dont eat certain things at certain hours, nor do i do chest on a certain day, or even specific exercises for a given part either.....BUT i will follow certain rep schemes, poundages, rest periods, ect in a given period, and i try to hit certain amount of protein

    ***i can see you dropping that prewo inside 10days lol

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cobalt View Post
    I don't really have a specific 'plan' layed out, which is frowned upon. I know what foods and how much to eat, I just switch it up as to WHEN I eat them every day to just keep things different. ........

    Workouts also aren't planned out.....
    I don't want to sound like a dick head but if you are going to take the time and risk to inject controlled substances into your body the least you can do and have a well thought out diet and workout routine.

    To each their own and we are all adults and can make out own decisions, personally, I would not be comfortable running a cycle of aas without the basics of weight training covered. Routine, diet and rest are the foundation. supplementation is just that, a means to supplement these things not circumvent them.

    I wish you the best of luck.
    The spirit that I have seen may be the devil: and the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps out of my weakness and my melancholy, as he is very potent with such spirits, abuses me to damn me.

  3. #103
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    I think I should be more specific about my "no plan" approach:

    For example, some people like to do legs on Monday. They will warm up, do some mild weight in a machine, get some pumps going, then slam out some exercises in specific orders at specific weights. I don't do that exactly, down to the exact detail on a weekly basis.

    I have a "leg day" routine set out, and when I hit the gym, I know I'll be doing legs and I know what exercises I'll be doing. I also know what weights I'll be using, within reason depending on a couple factors.
    I don't exactly have which exercises I'll be doing in exactly which order. I may use a machine to warm up, and barbell squats to kill it. The next time, I may warm up doing normal barbell squats, but end up coming back to the rack to kill it with the same exercise.
    I also might go really heavily for a few sessions for a specific muscle group (high weight, low rep), then the next time I hit the group, go with a low weight, high rep approach to mix it up.

    My issue breaks down to the fact that my body (and mind) will come to a screeching halt when I get into a pattern. If I always did Legs on Monday, Chest/Back on Tuesday, rest Wednesday, Deads on Thursday, Arms on Friday, and Shoulders/Traps on Saturday, my body would hit a plateau within a month tops. I found this out really fast when I was getting into weight lifting more heavily some years back.
    I NEED to constantly be random with my workouts to keep things moving along.

    I say that because it applies to all things in my life. I pick out patterns in everything, everywhere. That's why I have my job, because I can troubleshoot almost anything and figure out why it is broken, based on patterns. Just last month I was relocated to a different facility while mine was closed down over the holiday. I was put on machines to help out with minor stuff because I had no training on them. After a couple days of working on them, I was solving major issues that the head mechanic couldn't solve.
    Even when I was in college, my semesters started out great, but after having the same classes on the same days at the same time, it was hell to push through the last few weeks of the semester.

    Now that I've lost everyone, I'll try to spend some time over the next few days and try to get some things typed up for some sort of a reference.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by DJM View Post
    ***i can see you dropping that prewo inside 10days lol
    The GPLC kicked my ass doing deadlifts today. Holy shit the pumps hurt like a bitch.
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

  4. #104
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxiv View Post
    I don't want to sound like a dick head but if you are going to take the time and risk to inject controlled substances into your body the least you can do and have a well thought out diet and workout routine.

    To each their own and we are all adults and can make out own decisions, personally, I would not be comfortable running a cycle of aas without the basics of weight training covered. Routine, diet and rest are the foundation. supplementation is just that, a means to supplement these things not circumvent them.

    I wish you the best of luck.
    honestly, i don't have a set workout plan either. i literally wake up in the morning and feel my body and i'm like... "what is not aching right now, what can i lift today?" and then i formulate a plan and hit the gym based on that.

    diet wise, i eat as much as i can when bulking and i only get meticulous when trying to cut. so i don't see why a plan is so necessary when if i were to use a plan i often wake up like ugh i dont want to hit that body part today or ugh i don't want to eat that right now. it just doesn't work for me either.

    that being said, i have added 35 lbs on my test enth cycle and still a week left to go!

  5. #105
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weekend View Post
    that being said, i have added 35 lbs on my test enth cycle and still a week left to go!
    Because I'm really bad at reading other logs, how much are you running, and for how long?
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

  6. #106
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJM View Post
    i think the diet and workouts question wasnt so much your schedule, but more so the macro breakdown in the diet, you said you wanna be huge, how will you do this nutrition wise? your workouts look like what? specifics please, interested, considering this heavy cycle, what your approach is

    im also interested how this will go with regards to the stack.....iv never wanted or needed to go that high with tren, curious what you get out of it results/sides wise......deca id never touch, recently had a friend who is in great shape at 200, ran only 300mg a week mainly for joints and aches, it worked great for that but puffed him up alot, a guy who is cut and an unreal arent quite in the same shape which id assume might cause estrogen issues with the combo of bodyfat and its afinity for aromatisation, compounded by the tren and how it can be unpredictable in each user.......and the said you had a history of bp issues no? both those drugs suck for that too

    i dont eat certain things at certain hours, nor do i do chest on a certain day, or even specific exercises for a given part either.....BUT i will follow certain rep schemes, poundages, rest periods, ect in a given period, and i try to hit certain amount of protein

    ***i can see you dropping that prewo inside 10days lol
    That's what I was asking to see??
    What kind or weigh are you pushing/pulling around the gym!!
    How many cals are you taking in and what's the P/F/C amounts in grams?
    Only asking because I have a 16 week test dbol var cycle coming up sometime this year and I'm just trying to gather up as much current info as possible.
    Plus we are around the same size and weight.
    Also what did you have your cals at before the cycle started.

  7. #107
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    Ran 250 mg 2x/week for 80 days now. 3 or 4 shots left, started var yesterday at 20 mg, gonna ramp
    Up to 40 in a few days until 2 weeks after my last shot then start pct. hoping to make it to a 40 lb gain then spend the last 2 weeks cutting. Muscle gains have slowed down but strength is still going up!

  8. #108
    Established Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Sorrow's Avatar
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    Training wise I understand what you mean. And life wise I can relate as well, I troubleshoot systems at work as well. I have specific lifts to work on, but I hardly ever do just that straight lift. Normally its some kind of variation. Squats with chains, then bands from the bottom, then some bands from the top, and different box heights to learn to control depth, etc. At any rate hope everything goes perfect and achieve your goals!

  9. #109
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 2 (100%) DJM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weekend View Post
    hoping to make it to a 40 lb gain then spend the last 2 weeks cutting.
    if you cut the cals it took to get to 35lbs, youll see that size go faster than it need to maintain the eating well past pct

  10. #110
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weekend View Post
    Ran 250 mg 2x/week for 80 days now. 3 or 4 shots left, started var yesterday at 20 mg, gonna ramp
    Up to 40 in a few days until 2 weeks after my last shot then start pct. hoping to make it to a 40 lb gain then spend the last 2 weeks cutting. Muscle gains have slowed down but strength is still going up!
    Damn 40 pounds!!!
    Those have to be some crazy before and after pics.
    How many cals are you taking in?

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