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  1. #121
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    What test for adrenal and kidneys?

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    What test for adrenal and kidneys?

  2. #122
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    Ok, first- I want to say that with weighlifters/bodybuilders and lot of fitness guys will have some paramaters higher than reference ranges arem especially if the protein intake is high- it is case for example with creatinine, so some elevation is normal, but when its serious its hard to say as when they were making reference ranges weighlifters/bodybuilders were not included in high numbers, and majority of them did not have as high protein intake as today- so how elevated is normal, who knows? and on other hand it does seems that same category of people do have higher incidence of kidney problems, and it seems that AAS can damage kidneys (not sure how much and which one)- so in reality its hard to tell when is time for alarm or what reference ranges should really look like , but in you case I think is better to check it more thoroughly as you creatinine is always elevated even when you dont train for few days and some other factors look suspicious- personally I think you can start with dipstick- you can buy OTC some dipstick that shows lot of stuff, and there are some that suggest kidney problems- in my case sometimes dipstick result was ok, sometimes not- and thats common for weightlifters/bbs- but if its always bad result than something is wrong.

    Chronic Kidney Disease-Exams and Tests
    Tests to Measure Kidney Function, Damage and Detect Abnormalities | The National Kidney Foundation

    As for adrenals, defintelly check cortisol, progesterone is good to see and optionally DHEA(s), preferably best is to do 4X cortisol to see how it fluctuate during day and preferably salivary (if not than just do standard)

    now, very good test is ACTH stimulation test, I would say thats gold standard when problem is present as then you can tell wheter problem lies within pituary of within adrenal gland itself.
    Last edited by Jelisej; 12-23-2014 at 08:54 PM.

  3. #123
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Here's another round of bloods.

  4. #124
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    This is really low testosterone level,
    I'm afraid that it unlikely that any kind of natural test boosters will be good enough, so you may start with HRT, tough you need to check thyroid, adrenals as you may need to supplement some of those, and before anything else start with vitamins/minerals, vit d, b vitamins, you need to check ferritin to se if iron is needed, magnesium is always helpful, you can continue with selenium and iodine,
    your SHBG is high, but on TRT thats not that bad thing, only you'll need slightly higher dose of testosterone.
    Last edited by Jelisej; 12-29-2014 at 05:28 PM.

  5. #125
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    Do you have estrogen numbers?

    Interesting how fsh is higher than LH.

    Depending on estrogen, I would try Exem with high E numbers or torem with normal/low numbers. To see what comes of it.

    Or you can say fuck it and get on test, cause that is dirt low lol and prob won't feel that great on Serms all the time anyway. But you've cycled a decent amount of times so maybe another pct would help.

    Depends what you want man. but you'll need to dial in estrogen regardless of choice so make sure you at least have one number on that before you make your next move.

  6. #126
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
    This is really low testosterone level,
    I'm afraid that it unlikely that any kind of natural test boosters will be good enough, so you may start with HRT, tough you need to check thyroid, adrenals as you may need to supplement some of those, and before anything else start with vitamins/minerals, vit d, b vitamins, you need to check ferritin to se if iron is needed, magnesium is always helpful, you can continue with selenium and iodine,
    your SHBG is high, but on TRT thats not that bad thing, only you'll need slightly higher dose of testosterone.
    Screw Low T I have NO T. Lol

    If the cost isn't to high I'll source my own bloods threw Just not sure what tests I need to look into and purchase or if there's just 1 very extensive test I can get threw them. If you know of any it would be much appreciated if you'd link me up to them or just some info on what to look for on that site.
    still need to get those dipsticks you mentioned last week.

    I have all you mentioned on hand and will start them up tonight.
    Any recomended doseages and when's the best time to take the them.

  7. #127
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    I mean megadose your vitamin d, 30k iu a day for a week should get levels up.

    Get estradiol sensitive.

    Jel is expert on acth

  8. #128
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weekend View Post
    Do you have estrogen numbers?

    Interesting how fsh is higher than LH.

    Depending on estrogen, I would try Exem with high E numbers or torem with normal/low numbers. To see what comes of it.

    Or you can say fuck it and get on test, cause that is dirt low lol and prob won't feel that great on Serms all the time anyway. But you've cycled a decent amount of times so maybe another pct would help.

    Depends what you want man. but you'll need to dial in estrogen regardless of choice so make sure you at least have one number on that before you make your next move.
    Fuck bro the dbag doctor didn't test shit I asked for and I was so pissed I just wanted to smash his laptop over his head. It's like he wrote shit down but that's all he did. When I left his office last time I figured he knew I was serious and would run more test but NOPE. Then I couldn't talk him into writing me a RX for test and pins but he was game for the Androgel so I took that but depending on price and if my insurance approves it I may or may not start that because I want the real deal and less hassle than applying a gel every morning. Plus I have plenty of Test E, Serms, AIs, and all that jive to do my own TRT.
    The funny thing is today he had no answers to any of my questions so I'll be seeing a specialist ASAP.
    I won't start anything until I get some more numbers back and the SS crews approval.

    After I get my results back from privatemdlabs I'll be doing something on my own or with the Endo depending on how long the wait is to see him or I might have to call and have me referred to another doctor.

    Really you guys think I've cycled a bunch??
    I've only ran 3 real cycles the first was Epi/AndroMass, next was PPs Tbol/AndroHard, then last and most recent was Epiandro/Trest. All of them had supports all the way threw and a long and heavy PCT after.
    Other than that it's just been 2-3 solo runs of AndroHard and those even had legit PCTs too.
    All that's been over a 4yr or longer stretch and I had Low T even before running my Very first cycle that was just AndroHard so I don't think my cycles are to blame at all.

  9. #129
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weekend View Post
    I mean megadose your vitamin d, 30k iu a day for a week should get levels up.

    Get estradiol sensitive.

    Jel is expert on acth
    Damn 30k a day.....
    I was thinking 5k a day for 2-3wks then 2-3wks at 2k then just 1k a day or is that not enough?

    Would the female hormone panel for males be legit?
    Then add a couple more to test my thyroid, and adrenals.

  10. #130
    Established Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) tallstraw's Avatar
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    ^yeah the female is just to keep costs down, you can add what you want to it.. The male panel checks a bunch more stuff though I think. After a discount code it's like 54$ I think from PMDlabs. You know why he was game for androgel right? Because that's where the kickback comes from. It isn't nearly as safe as I jectable test, the risk for transfer is high, the levels are lower, and not nearly as steady..but that's where the referral money is, hence why it's advertised on tv, not stuff like Watson ..fuckin shills man

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