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  1. #151
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 RickTheRuler's Avatar
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    Ricky’s Ride to Baseline & Beyond

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    Enjoy the Gaslamp Quarter, my friend. I’ve been there on a bachelor party and multiple times on work trips. Hard to beat.
    Yes sir, it’s where I spend my nights here. I’ve really been making the most out of this vacation. I’ve done so many activities during the day from surfing to skydiving to axe throwing...Really don’t even think about pfs anymore.. I’ve been doing well here with the ladies too, I think it’s cause I stand out. Not only do I look different than most people here , but I’m from NYC where everyone mean mugs and is pretty much serious all the time, whereas here in SoCal everyone is so chill. I’m not hard to miss, & I guess it makes them curious.

    I’ve also been trying to make time to do this video, but when I actually tried to do one in the car, I realized that it’s much harder than it looks , especially when your talking off the cuff with no set layout of topics to come across.

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  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickTheRuler View Post
    Yes sir, it’s where I spend my nights here. I’ve really been making the most out of this vacation. I’ve done so many activities during the day from surfing to skydiving to axe throwing...Really don’t even think about pfs anymore.. I’ve been doing well here with the ladies too, I think it’s cause I stand out. Not only do I look different than most people here , but I’m from NYC where everyone mean mugs and is pretty much serious all the time, whereas here in SoCal everyone is so chill. I’m not hard to miss, & I guess it makes them curious.

    I’ve also been trying to make time to do this video, but when I actually tried to do one in the car, I realized that it’s much harder than it looks , especially when your talking off the cuff with no set layout of topics to come across.

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    Looking forward to your video Rick. Glad you're enjoying your time away.

  3. #153
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 RickTheRuler's Avatar
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    Ricky’s Ride to Baseline & Beyond

    Cycle ended last week. I’m doing the 4 Andro/ R andro stack next summer for 16 weeks for sure.. it’s so good..till then if I cycle it’ll just be R Andro..

    I recently added callasthencis Monday-Friday into my routine.. its a completely separate thing from powerlifting/Olympic lifting for me but I’m doing both. I take an hour after I lift heavy to get my body weight work in...obviously with heavy lifts I have to split body parts in terms of scheduling, can’t lift heavy everyday you’ll burn out..... ,but there’s something about dips, pull-ups, handstand push-ups etc.. DAILY that help me maintain my physique regardless of how much or little I eat...Sidenote: Weighted pull-ups and dips are not part of this, they’re included in my heavy powerlifting sessions cause the reps are really low (3-8) they still have their place though ....the 45 min I put aside for calisthenics is pure body weight where I can really up the reps to 30+ and go to failure.

    The reason why a lot of guys out of jail & street workout guys are so jacked (particularly their upper body) is that whether they realize it or not, callesthenics actually cover the parameters of bodybuilding or muscle growth ; which we all know is different than strength.. parameters of building muscle mass are high reps, low rest periods, high volume, high frequency... while parameters of strength/power are long rest periods, low reps, low frequency,high intensity...

    if you ever catch a street workout dude at the bars, they fly through different workouts without much breaks.. the pumps I feel doing calisthenics are amazing, and I wanna feel that everyday. That blood just filling up that damn muscle is great. I also like the idea of being well rounded between being able to deadlift 650 lbs like a beast and also hit the bars & do all that cool stuff.. it also keeps my routine interesting. My goal when I do these bodyweight exercise is to obviously go to failure & feel a full body pump, something that’s hard to achieve when you lift for strength .

    However it is a lot of work, & during my backloading window (which is everyday now) I do eat a healthy meal but also cheat cause I’m shoving calories down the hatch to fuel this bigger workload. We’ll see how I maintain it. I rest completely during the weekend.

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    Last edited by RickTheRuler; 09-19-2019 at 07:51 PM.

  4. #154
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 RickTheRuler's Avatar
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    Ricky’s Ride to Baseline & Beyond

    I’m building hella muscle. Could be that I switched up to callasthenics till failure everyday, very high volume, very high food consumption..also getting the DHT itch, could be that too... I run my hand through my head and I see little specs of hair here and there....

    The hairloss thing is actually bothering me a bit though. Which I don’t get why me out of all people. I’m jacked, have thick facial hair, have a masculine presence, caramel skinned, tatted up....from a vanity perspective, the bald look fits me really good vs most. & I don’t think I’ll shave my head for the next 2 years or so, but just picturing the future is daunting.. I’m actually rocking a 0.5 buzzcut and I look fine, it’s kind of a preview to how I would look with the shiny dome..

    This is dumb, after all I been through after all the work I put in and still put in and will continue to put in forever, I should be happy that all this is working... but also having the same beta feelings I had before I took the pill...

    I think my little fears lie in how women would react .. I hate to admit.

    Id like some wisdom, re assurance, cyberkick in the ass, whatever it is..
    Over fucking HAIR smh. STILL..

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    Last edited by RickTheRuler; 10-03-2019 at 07:13 PM.

  5. #155
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 DefRecover's Avatar
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    It’s hard to give up that hair man. It’s why most of us are here in the first place! All totally understandable - but you got nada to worry about. You have listed the reasons why yourself. Just keep doing what you’re doing, keep buzzing, the women won’t even notice the difference (in your hair...)

  6. #156
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickTheRuler View Post
    I’m building hella muscle. Could be that I switched up to callasthenics till failure everyday, very high volume, very high food consumption..also getting the DHT itch, could be that too... I run my hand through my head and I see little specs of hair here and there....

    The hairloss thing is actually bothering me a bit though. Which I don’t get why me out of all people. I’m jacked, have thick facial hair, have a masculine presence, caramel skinned, tatted up....from a vanity perspective, the bald look fits me really good vs most. & I don’t think I’ll shave my head for the next 2 years or so, but just picturing the future is daunting.. I’m actually rocking a 0.5 buzzcut and I look fine, it’s kind of a preview to how I would look with the shiny dome..

    This is dumb, after all I been through after all the work I put in and still put in and will continue to put in forever, I should be happy that all this is working... but also having the same beta feelings I had before I took the pill...

    I think my little fears lie in how women would react .. I hate to admit.

    Id like some wisdom, re assurance, cyberkick in the ass, whatever it is..
    Over fucking HAIR smh. STILL..

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    It doesn't matter what you look like, for the most part. It all comes down to how you feel about yourself. That's it. Women are not going to know the difference in how you look when you meet them with a shaved head. You're the only one that knows that. Having a shaved head adds to your masculinity. As long as you're satisfied with it, everyone else will be too.

    You got alot going for you, this is what you need to focus on. I want to point out that if you're worrying about the future, you're not keeping yourself in the present. Everything happens in the now, which is where you need to keep your focus. By staying present and continuing to do what you've been doing, by the time two years rolls around, you're going to be in a completely different mindset then you are now. The future isn't's just the now that's not here yet.

    You have absolutely nothing to worry all.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  7. #157
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    I am not bald (yet) but when I used testosterone to try to fix PFS I started shedding a lot. That day I decided to shave it to as short as possible. Looked like a bad ass. But it really depends on what your "image" is. I had a good amount of muscles, good head shape and I had a tan and a beard. I looked good.

    It is the pasty, skinny bald guys that don't look good. But they would not look good with hair either.

    From the pics I seen from you, you would look good w/ the shaved look.

    In the end hormones working is more important to attraction from women from what I have noticed myself.

    When you feel alpha, calm, masculine, the girls come. In downswings I have the opposite and I have zero attraction. I still look the same. But the big difference is there. So we see looks is icing on the cake. And bald guys can still look good enough to not make "looks" their bottleneck.

  8. #158
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    Any updates Rick?

  9. #159
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 xxaleksi's Avatar
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    I'd imagine he's out living his life and not worrying about PFS. Based on my own experience, the more you improve, the less you think about PFS.

  10. #160
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 RickTheRuler's Avatar
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    Ricky’s Ride to Baseline & Beyond

    Quote Originally Posted by helpisontheway View Post
    Any updates Rick?
    I’m doing good. I do have PFS, but i don’t even think about it anymore. It affects me sometimes, & the few times it does it’s really nothing major.. things like pumps not being the same sometimes..needing a bit more stimulation to have sex.. I don’t mind being like this..I’ve been slacking horribly on diet cause I moved out of my parents recently so money’s tight being on my own ...I still lift hard, spring and rotate herbs though.

    Anything past 80% I can live with carefree.

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