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  1. #151
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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  2. #152
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Looking solid!

  3. #153
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scope75 View Post
    Looking solid!
    Thanks bro!

    I feel awesome after the lasagna Monday.

    Yesterday was one of the worst days ever! I'm not sure what you guys think of Roxylean by BPI, but, haven't used it for about a year or two. Had a sample, and since I just woke up all bloated and feeling like plain out CRAP. I said, man, lemme just go for it. So I took Roxylean, Axon, and you know... my heavy dose of PH's.

    Gym was closed (thank you X-mas). So I went for a sprint.

    I ate so much, stayed up late eating on Monday, so I woke up late Tuesday, like around 10am (since I was off from work as well).

    Now I haven't gone sprinting for about a MONTH! Since there are so many amazing cardio machine's at the new gym. So I decided, well the weather looks ok, lemme go for a sprint and kill the bodyfat! yeah!

    Just when I got out of my bathroom all ready and heart already going full throttle, BAM, out of nowhere! The BLAZING sun hits! Scorching heat man! And NO WIND.

    I was like: ''dude.... not happening!!!....'', but anyways, what am I gonna do... just waste this roxylean and become depressed of all the carbs I have to burn....

    So I just WENT!

    5 minutes out there.. I felt like I was dying.... struggling to breathe... I actually stopped.. started walking.... something I would NEVER do!... then mindpower, kicked it back... sprint sprint sprint! I was in a war against my own mind. I did not care at that moment if I would get a stroke... I just HAD to kill the fat!!!

    Somehow, I made it home... in 15 minutes... of sprinting, jogging, walking.... It took me about 5 - 8 minutes until I could finally BREATH normal.... well.. kinda.. normal... I then... (after I felt a bit stable) lay down on the floor, tried to put myself together. After another 15 minutes of mental struggle. Got up... and just ATE my damn tuna! Almost threw up... But I had to! I needed the damn protein!!!!!!

    The rest of the day... was spent trying to breathe... sweating like a crazy freak... and reading and watching clips on youtube.

    at 10pm... I was still sweating...

    Took a sleeping pill (seroquel about 12.5mg, which would act as an anti-histamine)... drank my bulletproof... lay in bed... sweating.... sweating... heart beat was still HEAVY.

    I think I dosed off about midnight... Today I still felt funny.. until about right now... I'm starting to feel ''stable'' again.

    crazy crazy crazy..... NEVER AGAIN!


    I looked AWESOME today. I can just FEEL how solid my abs are, I see differences in the mirror since Sunday. And I def see more definition and vascularity everywhere.

    How did this happen? I am not a scientist, but, I guess all that suffering paid off somehow.

    However, it WAS NOT worth the pain! I will never ever do this again!

    That was my x-mas

  4. #154
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Your one crazy MOFO!!

  5. #155
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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  6. #156
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    VayneZ _ Dec 30 _ 4.jpg

    Abs come out dammit!!!

    Today I'll be eating some lasagna leftovers, a local cake called ''pan boyo'' which is AWESOME, Hardcore egg sandwiches, Protein cookies and whatever else I find to be useful! War son! I'm on my way to kill delts and tri's... my head is loaded with adrenacore! 1 round scoop of Assault kickin in yo

  7. #157
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    very cut bro.
    The spirit that I have seen may be the devil: and the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps out of my weakness and my melancholy, as he is very potent with such spirits, abuses me to damn me.

  8. #158
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Better and better with every week!!
    What are these protein cookies you mentioned??

  9. #159
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Bucks's Avatar
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    9 Week Trena + Mecha + AndroS cycle

    Looking good man. Hell of a ride your taking there!

  10. #160
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxiv View Post
    very cut bro.
    Thanks man. I must admit, I am VERY happy with the results. goal-wise I still have a long path to go... I want to get extremely ripped. But so far, I am amazed at what I am accomplishing. It's mostly the diet though. The PH's are def helping, but this new diet/way of life I have adapted since November is what did most of it. When I was on AAS I looked nowhere NEAR as amazing as I am today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scope75 View Post
    Better and better with every week!!
    What are these protein cookies you mentioned??
    ahhh, just Tri-o-plex from Chef Jay. I was doing leg extensions this morning, after about working my legs for about 45 minutes on empty stomach and then I just took my 2 cookies started eating my cookies while doing leg extensions. Felt good. a few people were laughing at me... but when I just stared at them with a bold hardcore looking face while chewing my delicious tasting cookie.... they stopped laughing and looked the other way. Stupid lookers. I say, go home, sit on the toilet and stare in a mirror! Some people are just stupid

    Quote Originally Posted by Bucks View Post
    Looking good man. Hell of a ride your taking there!
    Yeah dude! Thanks! It IS one hell of a ride, especially the nausea and the head spins from the methyls and those trens... I'm happy I'm through with the Mecha's now... I can now focus more clearly.

    2 more weeks..... I'm starting to feel sad already

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