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  1. #161
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazilianguy View Post
    Hi Cd, do you still use the same PCT after cycle?

    I'm still following your advices and I'm good atm. I don't know what happened but my test boosters stopped working, I guess it started to happen when I started to eating bad food and not drinking green smoothies, and also my vitamins and minerals supplement is over. Maybe it's one thing that helps the boosters to work, I really don't know. But I'm good, waking up with morning wood some days, some days with some libido, some muscle, mentally good, with some emotion. I would say I have a little bit of everything now, before I had none or even worse I would feel tired all day etc. I hope others are getting better too.

    Thanks dude.
    No. I just jump right into herb rotation now.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  2. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freepressright View Post
    I warn people constantly that if you don't know how your body's going to react to it, avoid it. As I've said before, the consequences were gradual and got worse each time I used it. But the last time was horrible. Guessing that a 100% full recovery was 8 months, but like I said, there were milestones along the way that were encouraging.

    I still run my recovery protocol because I like how I feel on it. Plus I had run R-Andro RX and figured I could use a little rebound. I haven't stopped it for long periods of time to see if there's regression. I've had only short term breaks.
    how long did it take you to get shut down on fenugreek my bro?

  3. #163
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxLUK View Post
    how long did it take you to get shut down on fenugreek my bro?
    I don't know how I missed this question, so I hope you're still out there.

    I ran fenugreek multiple times. The side effects were gradual, and got worse with each run.

    The first time I ran it, I felt great. That's probably because of an initial spike in free test. I ran it for about 30 days.

    The next time I ran it, I noticed a little bit of a reduction in libido. I could not figure out how a compound that was supposed to elevate free test would lower my libido. After all, it was spectacular the first time around.

    The third time I combined it with bulk arginine AKG and citrulline, thinking that would provide extra insurance. This run, my penis absolutely stopped responding in some sexual situations. I could not figure it out, and still did not piece together that it was the fenugreek. Having recently come off of a PH cycle, I thought it had to be suppression, but I still had some mojo before the fenugreek.

    The very last time I ran it, it was a primary ingredient in a product called Ultra GHT. Within two weeks, my sex drive shut down completely. My muscle pumps were gone. I could not get a pump lifting... AT ALL.

    I had no stamina lifting. I had brain fog. Morning erections were non-existent. My genitals went cold on me. It was like the connection between my brain and genitals was completely broken.

    Eventually I could not even muster the motivation to walk through the gym door. It was awful. Around this time, it was revealed to me that fenugreek was a 5-AR inhibitor. It all made sense at that point.

  4. #164
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