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  1. #11
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    And alright, I can do that man. I was considering just trying a week long water fast this time, but if you think juicing would be better, I can do that.

    Do you recommend I specifically order that juicefeasting video from that website and follow their protocol? Or should I just find a generic, good juicefeasting protocol online and stick to that strictly for a week

  2. #12
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    You need to slow down first tbh. You haven't even gotten your head around fasting etc yet. Now a week of juice feasting isn't going to do shit for you, that stuff is 45 days +. I think personally fasting at all is a case by case basis, I only did a couple of 3 day fasts before I started on the actual regime. And I didnt start that all at once. A huge part of this process is getting to understand how your own body works, then adjusting to best remedy your own issues.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  3. #13
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    You need to slow down first tbh. You haven't even gotten your head around fasting etc yet. Now a week of juice feasting isn't going to do shit for you, that stuff is 45 days +. I think personally fasting at all is a case by case basis, I only did a couple of 3 day fasts before I started on the actual regime. And I didnt start that all at once. A huge part of this process is getting to understand how your own body works, then adjusting to best remedy your own issues.

    Well, given what cdsnuts is recommending, maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle here lol

    Perhaps a 3-5 day water fast?

    After that, I could start up the whole protocol: 7 natural test boosters to start, B complex, Magnesium Complex, Fish Oils, Paleo Type Diet, VSL#3 Probiotics, Meditation, workout religiously like normal, drink tons of water still, and practice HITT once to twice a week.

    Sound good?

  4. #14
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    You need to slow down first tbh. You haven't even gotten your head around fasting etc yet. Now a week of juice feasting isn't going to do shit for you, that stuff is 45 days +. I think personally fasting at all is a case by case basis, I only did a couple of 3 day fasts before I started on the actual regime. And I didnt start that all at once. A huge part of this process is getting to understand how your own body works, then adjusting to best remedy your own issues.
    A week of juice feasting will do shit for him. It will do shit for everyone.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #15
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atticas View Post

    Well, given what cdsnuts is recommending, maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle here lol

    Perhaps a 3-5 day water fast?

    After that, I could start up the whole protocol: 7 natural test boosters to start, B complex, Magnesium Complex, Fish Oils, Paleo Type Diet, VSL#3 Probiotics, Meditation, workout religiously like normal, drink tons of water still, and practice HITT once to twice a week.

    Sound good?
    Listen....I'm not wasting my time..... You asked my advice, I'm giving it to you, and now you're second guessing it? Too many cooks ruin the soup. Pick someone and listen to their advice and follow it. Stop being so indecisive. If you can swing a week long water fast, go for it. You know that means nothing but water for a week, correct?

    If not do a juice feast. one week.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  6. #16
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    Atticus, I offended you and am sorry if that is the case, it is a British sense of humour thing, same with Entropy, British people take the piss mercilessly and that is our humour.
    I was one of the quickest forced recoveries to this condition out there, and Entropy is recovered too in a similar time frame, so you shouldn't try to swat away guys like us so easy just cause we take the piss out of you a bit (referring to your post in other thread)

    Recovery is about belief as much as the doing, without either you won't achieve your aim.

    You must pick a regimen that you believe in and stick with it wholeheartedly. I advise that you stick exactly with what CD is saying to you, but right now i honestly wouldn't pick you as someone who will recover unless you dramatically change your mindset. Right now you've described symptoms that are pretty low level stuff for this condition, yet you are pannicking and jumping from one thing to the next like a headless chicken and with even less will power or staying power.

    It's pretty fucking simple, follow exactly what CD says. In truth the minor variations of what CD did, what i did and what Entropy did are immaterial, if you replicate what any of us did and continue to do you will recover fully, but the thing you're missing right now seems to be iron will, belief and the ability to commit long term to this new way of life. That's all your missing, but then that is what 99% of all guys like you are missing. Fix it, follow CD 100% for years, and you're done, and by the way, when i first read about CD and his recovery, i didn't think "i thought that might be an old variation of the new diet so i binner it after a week" or whatever similar thing you typed, i trusted in the guy, and in the fact that many other recovery stories feature paleo type diets, so i went paleo, permanently.
    What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Get on with it, and Atticus, while you're doing it, be thankful that the truly devastating feature of pfs did not occur to you - ie ED and removed libido. You will definitely get all your bulk back and your skin will recover. I myself went down to 11 stone something, and i lost the fat on my face too. I'm back to a pretty buff 14 stone now and my skin is fine. I'm 41 which means your skin etc. will bounce back easier and quicker than mine.

    So.... calm down, don't be so easily offended, get some metal into your character and like CD says, pick your horse and stick with it. Don't question it, just read about what he did, relax and do.

  7. #17
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Atticus, I offended you and am sorry if that is the case, it is a British sense of humour thing, same with Entropy, British people take the piss mercilessly and that is our humour.
    I was one of the quickest forced recoveries to this condition out there, and Entropy is recovered too in a similar time frame, so you shouldn't try to swat away guys like us so easy just cause we take the piss out of you a bit (referring to your post in other thread)

    Recovery is about belief as much as the doing, without either you won't achieve your aim.

    You must pick a regimen that you believe in and stick with it wholeheartedly. I advise that you stick exactly with what CD is saying to you, but right now i honestly wouldn't pick you as someone who will recover unless you dramatically change your mindset. Right now you've described symptoms that are pretty low level stuff for this condition, yet you are pannicking and jumping from one thing to the next like a headless chicken and with even less will power or staying power.

    It's pretty fucking simple, follow exactly what CD says. In truth the minor variations of what CD did, what i did and what Entropy did are immaterial, if you replicate what any of us did and continue to do you will recover fully, but the thing you're missing right now seems to be iron will, belief and the ability to commit long term to this new way of life. That's all your missing, but then that is what 99% of all guys like you are missing. Fix it, follow CD 100% for years, and you're done, and by the way, when i first read about CD and his recovery, i didn't think "i thought that might be an old variation of the new diet so i binner it after a week" or whatever similar thing you typed, i trusted in the guy, and in the fact that many other recovery stories feature paleo type diets, so i went paleo, permanently.
    What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Get on with it, and Atticus, while you're doing it, be thankful that the truly devastating feature of pfs did not occur to you - ie ED and removed libido. You will definitely get all your bulk back and your skin will recover. I myself went down to 11 stone something, and i lost the fat on my face too. I'm back to a pretty buff 14 stone now and my skin is fine. I'm 41 which means your skin etc. will bounce back easier and quicker than mine.

    So.... calm down, don't be so easily offended, get some metal into your character and like CD says, pick your horse and stick with it. Don't question it, just read about what he did, relax and do.
    Thanks man.

    I do have the willpower, just needed some positive, educated support and that's what I've found here. You're completely right that I am freaking out; I have been for nearly a year and 6 months. Ever since my shit shrunk up, my muscle atrophied, my face fell apart, my sleep grew weak, and my huge bouts of depression kicked in, I've been jumping from doctor to doctor, forum to forum trying to find the cure. I didn't want this to be the end of me. Thanks to people like you, it won't be.

    Very well. I'm gonna talk with my boss today at work and see if I can set a week of vacation some point in May. I will try from there to go on a full water fast for a week (And yes cd, I realize that means only water lol).

    I'll likely lock myself up in my room and play games or teach myself more Russian for that week since trying to work or anything else without food will likely result in me exploding on someone lol

    Anyways, I'll keep you guys updated. I really appreciate everything here guys. Cdsnuts, thank you so much for your patience and detail with me here. If 6 months is what it takes to get me healed, then I'll do it.

    Technically that means I'd be healed right around when October hits, which is my birthday, which is conveniently right around where I took Finasteride 2 years from then.
    Last edited by Atticas; 04-04-2016 at 07:05 AM.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atticas View Post
    Thanks man.

    I do have the willpower, just needed some positive, educated support and that's what I've found here. You're completely right that I am freaking out; I have been for nearly a year and 6 months. Ever since my shit shrunk up, my muscle atrophied, my face fell apart, my sleep grew weak, and my huge bouts of depression kicked in, I've been jumping from doctor to doctor, forum to forum trying to find the cure. I didn't want this to be the end of me. Thanks to people like you, it won't be.

    Very well. I'm gonna talk with my boss today at work and see if I can set a week of vacation some point in May. I will try from there to go on a full water fast for a week (And yes cd, I realize that means only water lol).

    I'll likely lock myself up in my room and play games or teach myself more Russian for that week since trying to work or anything else without food will likely result in me exploding on someone lol

    Anyways, I'll keep you guys updated. I really appreciate everything here guys. Cdsnuts, thank you so much for your patience and detail with me here. If 6 months is what it takes to get me healed, then I'll do it.

    Technically that means I'd be healed right around when October hits, which is my birthday, which is conveniently right around where I took Finasteride 2 years from then.

    You're still not getting it though, because you're saying "if 6 months is what it takes then i'll do it", like it's some kind of ordeal that must be got out of the way and then stopped. This is a way of life, not water fasting obviously, but fasting is the start point, then living ridiculously healthy has to be the way of life for you - as a minimum for 2 years, regardless of recovery, and when you've lived like that for so long and felt the benefits, then it will likely become something you want to do for life anyhow.
    The problem you will have with your current mindset is that you won't be feeling positive about things that are hard to do. Fasting is hard, sprints and calisthnetics are hard, sticking to a diet is hard, especially when suffering to whatever degree, so you have to enjoy all these disciplines and get jacked up by doing them, not thinking "phew, just 4 months left of this shit"
    You have to have the right mindset for all of this, cd will certainly agree with me on this.
    Right now you will definitely fail, i would bet my house on it. You need to do some thinking about the person you want to be and you need to see this as an opportunity to test your character.
    I was feeling fucking awful and suffering with around 20 horrible symptoms, yet - for example, and this really is what i did, i would get up at 6am and swim against the waves in the sea, even in the winter, and particularly when it was relatively stormy. While doing it i was shouting and screaming stuff like "You can't beat me motherfucker, nothing can" and i was laughing while doing it, and in general i saw the whole thing as an excellent challenge and test of character, and believe it or not, i came to enjoy doing all these really difficult things while in shit state physically, and i shit you not, i did all this on no more than 3 hours sleep for 6 months. While doing all this stuff - diet, exercise and mental work - i never once thought "alright i'll do it for 6 months if i have to". That shit never crossed my mind, i knew i was going to do it for as long as it took, and then at least another 2 years on top. I read that CD kept getting better and better so i thought "i'm fucking havin some of that". Entropy did the same kind of regimen too and we kept in touch, and through the majority of my healing i was basing much of what i did around the past stuff CD had written, yet i never contacted him wondering this that or the other. Why? because it's all written, and in fact every possible query is answered during various exchanges between him and a variety of fuckwits on the PH boards.
    What you guys yearn for is reassurance that this or that symptom will heal because someone elses healed, but you've got to be bigger than that, you've got to understand that you won't heal by repeatedly re-visiting your symptoms, checking whether they've got 1% better today and asking someone else about their's, you've got to break away from that crap. The reality is that if you commit to what CD has said and is saying to you, you will be a much better man at the end of it all and all of your symptoms will be gone, but only with the right mindset.
    While i'm here i want to clarify that you should not cultivate a constant aggressive battling mindset, no, you need to relax like a sleeping lion whenever you can, thinking of either nothing at all, or just the mundane things in life or looking forward to something nice or remembering something nice, but then switch to alpha man for the exercise and when taking the herbs etc. You can't recover by being constantly frightened or worried or battling in your head. This is why CD recommends meditation and via centrepoint as it requires nothing but listening and it will create the beginning of a quieter mind so that you can eventually relax and not think about anything.
    I hope you get what i am saying as it's very hard explaining a mindset, but this is very definitely the thing you are missing, it's ragingly obvious to me from your words.
    I've done my best here and hopefully made up for taking the piss. Good luck fella, but like i say to so many, you don't need any.

  9. #19
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    I can't stress enough how important mindset is in this whole thing. English just hit the nail on the head. I've constantly tried to tell guys that but unfortunately it's one of the hardest things to do. Do yourself a favor....

    STOP going to propecia help.
    STOP reading horror stories of what this drug can do.
    STOP thinking about your symptoms (easier said than done.....but you HAVE to constantly work at it)

    You have to know, that what you are undertaking will have nothing but POSITIVE benefits for you. You're always going to be moving in the right direction should you stay the course.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  10. #20
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    They're right you know. This isn't six months. Or a year. Or two years. And magically you'll end up healed. It's a lifestyle choice that results in improvements overtime. I can't speak for these guys but I didn't wake up on morning and run down the street yelling "I'm cured!, hallelujah I'm cured!" I actually realised one day that the only symptom I still had was tinnitus... Was a good day. Still keeping up the lifestyle though.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

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