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  1. #11
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Swill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K8668B View Post
    Nice!! Amen to that! That's good to hear! I wouldve never thought otherwise, but its still nice to hear. The tough part is finding an understanding one... hehe
    You'd be surprised... I've found and married my understanding one... all whilst dealing with PFS. There are some good women about and this if anything filters out the ones that aren't worth your time. Now I'm on the road to recovery she's finding out what she's got herself in for

  2. #12
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Durantia37's Avatar
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    How did you introduce the fact that you had PFS? Right up front or later on?

  3. #13
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 K8668B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durantia37 View Post
    How did you introduce the fact that you had PFS? Right up front or later on?
    Good question. I wonder this myself.
    Always improve, always evolve, never give up.

  4. #14
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Swill's Avatar
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    I was quite up front about it at a relatively early period and as things got more serious I kinda explained it in more depth... I think the biggest worry in it all is our sub-conscious male pride of it all and how it makes us 'feel' to say you're having trouble sexually to a girl, I think we have trouble with the stigma far more than they do typically.

    When you think about it, how hard is it really to say "I just want to let you know I'm having some issues sexually and with libido because I had an adverse reaction to a drug I was prescribed, but i'm working on getting better and its just a matter of time, so bare with me." It can be as little a deal as that and generally the response will surprise you.

    If the girl pushes for info regarding the drug, tell her as much as you feel comfortable doing so, you can say it was some hormonal supplement a doc pushed on you and you weren't made aware of the side effects. Hell, tell them anything, you can always clarify it further later on if you end up getting closer. I was surprised to find that I found it more difficult to admit that it was vanity related due to a hair loss pill than I did admitting I have some issues sexually.

    And if you're having a hard time in the act, its not a killer thing to instead of letting it mind fuck you, you can simply say, "I'm having some issues with my health right now" and playfully suggest there are other ways you can make her happy (your tongue) and make it all about her. Inject a bit of fun into it, take the pressure off yourself, and focus on the moment rather than stressing. You'll even be surprised who may show up to the party a few minutes later when you get more aroused down the line without the pressure on you.

  5. #15
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Durantia37's Avatar
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    Great response, thanks man. I can't imagine having the energy/time to date someone while working and doing the protocol and having PFS, but if the right opportunity arises I'll take your advice for sure.

  6. #16
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 DrivenToRecover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swill View Post
    I was quite up front about it at a relatively early period and as things got more serious I kinda explained it in more depth... I think the biggest worry in it all is our sub-conscious male pride of it all and how it makes us 'feel' to say you're having trouble sexually to a girl, I think we have trouble with the stigma far more than they do typically.

    When you think about it, how hard is it really to say "I just want to let you know I'm having some issues sexually and with libido because I had an adverse reaction to a drug I was prescribed, but i'm working on getting better and its just a matter of time, so bare with me." It can be as little a deal as that and generally the response will surprise you.

    If the girl pushes for info regarding the drug, tell her as much as you feel comfortable doing so, you can say it was some hormonal supplement a doc pushed on you and you weren't made aware of the side effects. Hell, tell them anything, you can always clarify it further later on if you end up getting closer. I was surprised to find that I found it more difficult to admit that it was vanity related due to a hair loss pill than I did admitting I have some issues sexually.

    And if you're having a hard time in the act, its not a killer thing to instead of letting it mind fuck you, you can simply say, "I'm having some issues with my health right now" and playfully suggest there are other ways you can make her happy (your tongue) and make it all about her. Inject a bit of fun into it, take the pressure off yourself, and focus on the moment rather than stressing. You'll even be surprised who may show up to the party a few minutes later when you get more aroused down the line without the pressure on you.
    Thank you for this. I'm actively trying to begin a relationship with a girl, and this was definitely helpful.

    I think its also important to make it clear to the girl that she is a huge help to you through your "health issues". Don't make her feel like she has to take care of you, just that she is a valuable partner during a tough time. From my experience, women love to feel the impact and potential positive influence they can have on you.

    Plus, meaningful relationships are always built overcoming adversity together...romantically or otherwise.
    Last edited by DrivenToRecover; 05-23-2017 at 09:44 PM.
    Its only work until its routine

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