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Thread: Recoveries

  1. #191
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Bomb attack
    Bomb ATTACK ducking

  2. #192
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I can't
    Those orange bastrds
    Bomb ATTACK ducking Christ church ducking
    Bomb ATTACK ducking Christ
    Bomb ATTACK and you have massive muscle wastage

  3. #193
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I Wan TO HER husband and father
    Ducking useless whitewash cunt
    Ducking useless selfish malicious software

    I wanna bomb attack together ❤
    BOMB ATTACK DUCKING HARD ornag bastrds

    Bomb ATTACK
    Ducking cunt ducking Christ

    Ducking useless whitewash cunt
    Bomb ATTACK
    Bomb Attacks


    Ducking gimp cunt
    Ducking useless whitewash cunt
    Bomb Attacks
    Ducking orange basards
    Ducking orange bastrds


    Bomb Attacks ducking
    Ducking cunt ducking

  4. #194
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Bon 've

    Bomb Attacks ducking

    Bomb ATTACK ducking Christ church ⛪


    Bomb ATTACK
    BOMB ATTACK DUCKING PROTOCOL and On Thursday night 🌙and

    The ducking Christ church orange bastrds bom
    Bomb ATTACK
    Ducking cunt
    Bomb ATTACK
    Bomb ATTACK
    Bomb Attacks
    Bomb Attacks ducking Christ
    Ducking orange basards


  5. #195
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by AltRoute View Post
    Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

    As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

    To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

    This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

    Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.

    BOMB ATTACK ducking r
    Ducking useless whitewash cunt
    Ducking useless selfish malicious software
    Ducking useless selfish malicious fat cunt
    Ducking orange basards
    Ducking orange basards
    Ducking orange bastrds
    BOMB ATTACK ducking Christ
    Ducking orange bastrds
    Ducking orange bastrds
    Ducking useless whitewash cunt

    Go my
    BOMB attack



  6. #196
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    BOMB ATTACK ducking Christ ducking




    BOMB attacks on propecianhell

    I want to massacre those orange bastrds


  7. #197
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    Bomb attack ducking protocol

  8. #198
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    Honestly man, it's the worst accusation of em all lol. If it was just because of time I guess I can kick back, eat pizza and kill a case of beer every night for two years straight.....And voila!
    That's what I did one's recovers and only needed hcg

    Not this fucking yank shite Tony Robbins assault course nietzchean fucking pish

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    Honestly man, it's the worst accusation of em all lol. If it was just because of time I guess I can kick back, eat pizza and kill a case of beer every night for two years straight.....And voila!
    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    CD e mailed me and specifically asked me to post as i don't visit forums anymore, so please don't waste time asking me questions etc. But i hope this helps some...

    I used propecia for about 6 months about 4 years back, i got bad symptoms that worsened after coming off and reading propecia help for many hours at a time. I didn't realise then the effect the mind has on the body - if you want to know how bad i was, well, i was pretty fucking bad, pretty much as bad as it gets, and i read all the stories on
    I created a protocol that was right for me, based on the common denominators of 20 or 30 recovery stories. Looking back the best thing about this was that i believed in it 100%, and the consistency of my approach and the constant reinforcement of only surrounding myself with recovery stories and positive people like CD and others like him created a belief in recovery that was stronger than my belief in the bullshit narrative the idiots had created on P. help. This mystical condition is not specific to "pfs", it is simply the result of intense and long lasting stress added of course to a chemically altered hormonal balance. This has been confirmed by the many tens of guys who have followed a similar protocol and recovered 80 to 100% very quickly (ie within 18 months or so)
    It took me around 18 months to recover all physical and sexual capabilities to the point that i was before, and then some. I still (obviously) have some mental issues with this very frightening period of my life, but i view it as a positive thing in general and it was in many ways the best challenge of my life so far, simply because i found it difficult.
    The protocol was very close indeed to CD's. I didn't fast for more than 5 days at a time, and i didn't do pro-hormones. I found some anti estrogen drugs helpful in very small quantities for a period, otherwise it was all healthy stuff, focusing on mind, diet, body. I've written tons of stuff on it all so you can find it on here, but to be honest you may as well just go to CD's website. You will recover for sure - if - you relax your mind more and more over time, whilst eating very healthy and living healthy. You don't need anything special, you just need to relax, start enjoying life again more and more each day, and get away from all the worrying talk, all of it.

    This stuff takes time to dismantle your worrying mind, it takes a great deal of daily positive reinforcement to turn the tide and you must stop making such a big fucking deal out of it all, which is what created and worsened many of your symptoms in the first place. I know this stuff for sure because i'm back in peak condition, but you will question it, that my friend is the issue you need to reverse and then you will see the "condition" start to disappear.
    Ducking gimp


    Want tightening your car you cunt

    You stickiness wipe

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    Honestly man, it's the worst accusation of em all lol. If it was just because of time I guess I can kick back, eat pizza and kill a case of beer every night for two years straight.....And voila!
    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    CD e mailed me and specifically asked me to post as i don't visit forums anymore, so please don't waste time asking me questions etc. But i hope this helps some...

    I used propecia for about 6 months about 4 years back, i got bad symptoms that worsened after coming off and reading propecia help for many hours at a time. I didn't realise then the effect the mind has on the body - if you want to know how bad i was, well, i was pretty fucking bad, pretty much as bad as it gets, and i read all the stories on
    I created a protocol that was right for me, based on the common denominators of 20 or 30 recovery stories. Looking back the best thing about this was that i believed in it 100%, and the consistency of my approach and the constant reinforcement of only surrounding myself with recovery stories and positive people like CD and others like him created a belief in recovery that was stronger than my belief in the bullshit narrative the idiots had created on P. help. This mystical condition is not specific to "pfs", it is simply the result of intense and long lasting stress added of course to a chemically altered hormonal balance. This has been confirmed by the many tens of guys who have followed a similar protocol and recovered 80 to 100% very quickly (ie within 18 months or so)
    It took me around 18 months to recover all physical and sexual capabilities to the point that i was before, and then some. I still (obviously) have some mental issues with this very frightening period of my life, but i view it as a positive thing in general and it was in many ways the best challenge of my life so far, simply because i found it difficult.
    The protocol was very close indeed to CD's. I didn't fast for more than 5 days at a time, and i didn't do pro-hormones. I found some anti estrogen drugs helpful in very small quantities for a period, otherwise it was all healthy stuff, focusing on mind, diet, body. I've written tons of stuff on it all so you can find it on here, but to be honest you may as well just go to CD's website. You will recover for sure - if - you relax your mind more and more over time, whilst eating very healthy and living healthy. You don't need anything special, you just need to relax, start enjoying life again more and more each day, and get away from all the worrying talk, all of it.

    This stuff takes time to dismantle your worrying mind, it takes a great deal of daily positive reinforcement to turn the tide and you must stop making such a big fucking deal out of it all, which is what created and worsened many of your symptoms in the first place. I know this stuff for sure because i'm back in peak condition, but you will question it, that my friend is the issue you need to reverse and then you will see the "condition" start to disappear.
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    I'll go ahead and post my story as well.

    I'm 27 years old, from the United States. I'm a former member of the United States Marine Corps who now works as a contractor for the government, after graduating from college with an Engineering degree in honors, in a very demanding job role that requires you to be on your game technologically and intellectually at the same time. I took Saw Palmetto extract, 320mg daily, for the better part of almost two months before noticing that things just weren't the same anymore. I no longer had the mental sharpness that had allowed me to excel in my field from the get go, nor did I have the lust for life and excitement for life that I had before. Believe me, if you can be excited to wake up everyday when you're in exotic locales like Afghanistan and Iraq, then you should be excited to wake up in your brand new house on a daily basis. I no longer saw any gains or reason to go to the gym, nor did I care to ever have sex. This was the biggest clue to me that something was wrong....I normally pestered my girlfriend (and soon to be wife) for sex about daily.....sometimes twice a day haha. Given that I took Saw Palmetto for symptoms of acute prostatitis because I didn't want to go the VA for a checkup and get antibiotics (and later learning that Saw Palmetto doesnt help prostatitis at all, go me), I wasn't even aware of finasteride or the Post-Finasteride Syndrome because I wasn't a sufferer of MPB and had no reason to take the drug or consider it. So, I went online and Google'd "Saw Palmetto brain fog", because in all honesty, when you can't think clearly or react to anything with intelligence very quickly, that's the most concerning symptom of all. Low and behold, I found r/Tressless on reddit, and it was a post where someone was clearly experiencing the same thing I was. One of the commenters said "Sounds like you could have PFS. Check".......and so began the worst two weeks of my life after reading that stuff. I was praying, hoping that I would be one of the guys who returned to normal within "14 days" as stated on the website and by Merck (for finasteride). Of course, me taking Saw Palmetto and seeing that two of the longest sufferers of PFS took Saw Palmetto, and that one of the worst cases on the website (who ended up taking his life) also took SP, I was pretty sure that my life was gone. That I would lose everything, my woman, my friends, my a highly motivated, competitive, and driven individual, that wasn't something I could take.

    Two weeks went by, leading to a month with little to no improvement. I couldn't sleep, had night terrors, my dick was twisting and curving as well to go along with not working at all.....suicide was within reach. I suffer from PTSD as well, and combine the two and I was a living hell for a long time. I stumbled upon CDs post on Propecia Help, but wasn't read to buy in at first due to people there claiming it was "BS, not true, he can't drink, blah blah blah", until finally I said, I have absolutely nothing to fucking lose at this point, lets see what I can do.

    I bought into the regimen 100%, and have followed it for near 10 months now I believe? May will be around a year, and I'm sitting pretty at near 85-90%, with just a few things left to go. Eye floaters, libido, and dick curvature being the only remaining symptoms. Keep in mind, I had the following: brain fog, ED, dick twist/curve, muscle wastage, eye floaters, blurry/unfocused vision (THE WORST), dry skin, eye bags and hollowing eyes, bone pain, no drive or aggression, shrunken genitals......the damn list goes on but you guys get the point. If I can recover, ANYONE can recover. I've also recieved a promotion at my job, gained a very in-demand and difficult tech certification, got engaged, continued to plug away at my Master's degree, and am in the, no doubt, best shape of my life.

    Life is what you make it, PFS or not. You're the only one who can continue to make your life great, or a living hell. The choice is yours.
    Your story is ducking shite

    Your account on OH is far less dramatic you lying cunt

  9. #199
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    Bomb attack

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    G mbgry

    - - - Updated - - -

    Bomb Attacks

  10. #200
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Bom and On Thursday night 🌙

    Ducking orange bastrds want to execute those cunting orange bastrds

    I was recovered from pfs and recovered years ago

    I was recovered from pfs and recovered years

    I was recovered from pfs and recovered years

    I was recovered from pfs and recovered years ago

    I was recovered from pfs and recovered years

    I was recovered from pfs and recovered years ago

    I was recovered from pfs and recovered years ago

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