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  1. #201
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) nate3993's Avatar
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    how much osta? and what MT product u taking? i'd pct after osta just to be sure man. some people get shut down, some don't. quality of research chem may have to do with it. i know for me shuts me down. 2 weeks in and my libido was shot. so everyone's different. just a mild 4 week run of some clomid should serve you well.

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by nate3993 View Post
    how much osta? and what MT product u taking? i'd pct after osta just to be sure man. some people get shut down, some don't. quality of research chem may have to do with it. i know for me shuts me down. 2 weeks in and my libido was shot. so everyone's different. just a mild 4 week run of some clomid should serve you well.

    I'm running two caps of celtic labs ostabol. Nothing super high, just trying to keep strength gains up. It's also being alongside with nolva to kill this gyno.

    As for the MT, it's the clear stuff. 100% bullshit, but hey, for $10 I won't complain.

  3. #203
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    Did not feel anything on the clen today. No shakes, no heat, or anything.

  4. #204
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    I've been back to the idea of cycling again... Considering doing a high dose 4 week run on the epiandro rx and something like epistane or epitren at a relative dose. Someone convince me otherwise.

    Some other good news. One week in on nolva and my left nipple has started to decrease in size/puffiness. It's not just mental either. I thought it would take months for this to happen.

  5. #205
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    Insane leg workout today. Doesn't look like much on paper, but the intensity was out of this world.

    Leg extensions (Warmup)
    3x30 150lbs

    Low bar ATG squats
    315x10 (belt)
    365x8 (wraps/belt from here on out)

    Leg press
    Didn't count reps/sets. Loosely put on knee wraps, filled the sled, knees to chest reps until failure. Strip a plate off each side, go until failure. Repeat until sled is empty, no rest.

    Leg extensions
    5x50 120lbs

    Hamstring Curl machine
    200lbs 5x20

    I'd like to make a shoutout to whoever the dimepiece was that walked up and offered to spot me once I hit 405 on squats. I've never seen you before, but god damn did you give me some quality motivation there.

    I'm also fairly certain now I am going to do a 4 week prohormone run. Thinking 30mg of epitren, nolva on cycle and in pct, and a 300-400mg epiandro. Say I'm set in my ways here, are there any other compounds I should add in instead? I'm not really set yet, but lets just assume I am at this point.

    Scratch the PH run, I'll finish off this cut with the osta/clen. If I'm not happy from there, I"ll just pin instead of wasting time.
    Last edited by KGPL; 06-20-2014 at 12:46 PM.

  6. #206
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    Hit some chest/back/shoulder/calves/abs today. Saturday is my "do it all" day normally.

    Incline barbell
    135x20, 185x10, 225x5, 245x3, DROPSETS 225x4, 185x6, 135 wide grip for 12 reps, 95x5. The pump was mind blowing, never dropsetted inclime barbell before.

    225x8, 275x5, 185x12

    Cable flies
    didn't count, but did more dropsets

    didn't count.

    straight arm pulldown ropes
    dropsetted again.

    Hammer strength row, one arm
    Heavy, high reps

    Lateral raises
    Cheat form, heavy high reps

    Machine chest press
    huge drop set, full stack all the way down to the last one. Failure on each set.

    Guillatine press
    Light, slow, and controlled. 135 for 5 sets of 8. Nice stretch with this one.

    Calf raises
    Cable crunches

  7. #207
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    Rest day tomorrow, I forgot how much gluten bloats me up. Just had my "refeed" for the week. Pizza. I don't even like pizza, definitely wasn't the best choice.

  8. #208
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    Getting bloods done today to just see where I'm at. Sitting in a waiting room right now actually. I'm leaning towards cycling though, there's really not a better point in my life (except years down the road) for me to do it. I feel like a bipolar 13 yearold girl here with how back and forth I am.

  9. #209
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    Results are in. Total test of 893 ng/dL. Nolva could be effecting this a bit, but it wouldn't be by much. It's pretty high right now as it should be.

    I'm going to go through with it. A four week cut cycle. I talked to my doc about the compounds I was considering, and he obviously doesn't know much about them, but all he did say is that if I do take this path, natural production will cease no matter what I take, so don't make that the deciding factor in it, go based on other side effects and what we can actually control. We have weekly appointments set up on saturdays, but if no problems show up we don't need to use these he said. These would just be blood pressure checkups probably, but it's still support.

    I am cycling with Super DMZ 3.0 at two caps a day for four weeks. Nolva use will continue for a few months as well. Clomid will be introduced during pct alongside the nolva.

    For general support, I'll be on multi's, creatine, high doses of fish oil, 3 gallons of water a day, and 2 caps IML cycle support at night. Anything else I should add in?

  10. #210
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Dude your test levels are more than twice of what mines were last time I checked them! I envy you

    Since the cycle is kinda mild I would say it's way better than a lot of other options there are. I know your mind is set for this, so I'm just gonna really hope that this makes you shine and that you get the results you are looking for. And that afterwards you will maintain the high level of natural tests you have. Because that my friend is a genetic gift!

    Looks like we will be running at the same time bro! May the force be with you young skywalker

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