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  1. #201
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmoore View Post
    Hey Maxout777 what brand of Polyrhachis Ant you take. On Lost Empire I see Black Ant? Also Kombucha is ok to drink since it has traces of alcohol? and what brand you take?
    He uses this: Black Polyrhachis Ant Extract - Lost Empire Herbs

    Hope you don't mind Maxout....
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  2. #202
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmoore View Post
    Hey Maxout777 what brand of Polyrhachis Ant you take. On Lost Empire I see Black Ant? Also Kombucha is ok to drink since it has traces of alcohol? and what brand you take?
    See CD's answer for the Ant. For Kombucha, it really has trace alcohol in it......not enough to be concerned about. This is the issue a lot of PFS guys have is they over-think this kinda stuff. Eggs have beta-sitosterol in them, which for example is a 5AR inhibitor (if we're really getting deep into it, it's actually one of the main ingredients in Saw Palmetto, which fucked me)...however eating a shit ton of eggs isn't going to make your dick quit working. Nor is avocado, or anything else the guys on the other forums avoid. Just a massive mind fuck for no reason......I've been there too, mainly because of shit I read on there. I'd never suggest or do something that I thought would hurt me or anyone else. For example, ironically I used to take Muscle Pharm's Shred Matrix a few times a year and I looked at it the other day in an ad online, and low and behold, it had Saw Palmetto Berry in it, but not extract. Never once did I have any problems on it.......but the first time I took liquid Saw Palmetto Extract gelcaps, well the rest is history. It's all about amount and strength of what you take......8 mg (if that) of beta sit in eggs and avocado aren't doing anything to you. As long as you avoid the main things, (hard alcohol, pharms, SP extract, fenugreek, nettle) you should be g2g.

    As far as Kombucha brand goes, doesn't really matter but normally I get GT's Kombucha or Kevita Master Brew.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    He uses this: Black Polyrhachis Ant Extract - Lost Empire Herbs

    Hope you don't mind Maxout....
    No problemo senor.
    Last edited by Maxout777; 12-20-2016 at 06:55 PM.
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  3. #203
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Thanks Maxout and CD for the info and advice about over thinking on food and supplements on what to avoid and not. It really puts things in perspective for me. I can't wait for my first batch of herbs to come in. I just found this forum this last week and copied CD's protocol on a word document along with Maxout and will implement it. I already workout hard 6 days a week for about 20 years now and diet will not be a problem. Any recommendations on order of the herbs to take like Monday would be a T Booster and Tuesday would be a Cognitive one etc... also since Monday I have been doing juicing until lunch everyday and food for lunch and dinner and it has been great. I feel like I have more energy and mental clarity. Can't wait till I probably do a 2 week juice feast. Thanks you guys for this great info and protocol to follow.

  4. #204
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmoore View Post
    Thanks Maxout and CD for the info and advice about over thinking on food and supplements on what to avoid and not. It really puts things in perspective for me. I can't wait for my first batch of herbs to come in. I just found this forum this last week and copied CD's protocol on a word document along with Maxout and will implement it. I already workout hard 6 days a week for about 20 years now and diet will not be a problem. Any recommendations on order of the herbs to take like Monday would be a T Booster and Tuesday would be a Cognitive one etc... also since Monday I have been doing juicing until lunch everyday and food for lunch and dinner and it has been great. I feel like I have more energy and mental clarity. Can't wait till I probably do a 2 week juice feast. Thanks you guys for this great info and protocol to follow.
    The herbs don't have to be taken in any particular order....that is completely up to you and your preference. Just get as many of them as you can afford and make sure to rotate them properly. The more you have in your arsenal the more varied the ways you're going to boost testosterone is. This is important. You want to hit it from as many different angles as possible. What works well for some, may not work well for others, and vice versa. So this is why you want to have ALL of your bases covered.

    This is actually a good way to go about juicing if you've never done it before. You're getting your body primed and ready to get clean. Seeing as you've been juicing a little every day, it's not going to be so much of a shock to your system as someone who just jumps right into a couple week juice feast cold. The cleanse is one of the most important aspects of starting this program and it's the one that most people skimp out on.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 12-21-2016 at 05:58 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #205
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    i just want to ask, were you suffering from brainfog/emotional numbness aswell as sexual symptoms? im wanting to know how did the emotional numbness go away, what were the first things you noticed as you were beginning to feel alive again?

    i'd just like to know the progression of things like were you able to feel small vibes again, then slowly take interest and appreciation in things?

  6. #206
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxLUK View Post
    i just want to ask, were you suffering from brainfog/emotional numbness aswell as sexual symptoms? im wanting to know how did the emotional numbness go away, what were the first things you noticed as you were beginning to feel alive again?

    i'd just like to know the progression of things like were you able to feel small vibes again, then slowly take interest and appreciation in things?
    I don't recall exactly when it happened but it was definitely gradual. Appeared, went way, came back, repeat, until it just stayed.

    Brain fog lifted most noticeably after my juice feast.
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  7. #207
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 DrivenToRecover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxLUK View Post
    i just want to ask, were you suffering from brainfog/emotional numbness aswell as sexual symptoms? im wanting to know how did the emotional numbness go away, what were the first things you noticed as you were beginning to feel alive again?

    i'd just like to know the progression of things like were you able to feel small vibes again, then slowly take interest and appreciation in things?
    Yep. Gradual return of appreciation/enjoyment for things.
    One of the things that has come back for me first is that music is enjoyable to listen to again. Especially EDM. It gives me goosebumps again Whatever kind of music puts you in a good mood...blast that shit. I do it basically every morning now and its a huge mood boost.

    I also went downtown for new years last night and was thoroughly enjoying being sober and just people watching lol...Random drunk girl saying I was cute, random drunk girl whipping out her tits, and today at the grocery store I got to bust a dudes car window with a rock because he locked his keys in haha

    If I could give advice to anyone really down mentally (me 8 months ago) its that you still need to go out and try to live life in the same way. Doing stuff that was fun before might not be as fun but its a helllllll of a lot better than sitting alone in your room all day on your computer...even if that's what you feel like doing. (also me 8 months ago)
    Last edited by DrivenToRecover; 01-01-2017 at 04:33 PM.
    Its only work until its routine

  8. #208
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrivenToRecover View Post
    Yep. Gradual return of appreciation/enjoyment for things.
    One of the things that has come back for me first is that music is enjoyable to listen to again. Especially EDM. It gives me goosebumps again Whatever kind of music puts you in a good mood...blast that shit. I do it basically every morning now and its a huge mood boost.

    I also went downtown for new years last night and was thoroughly enjoying being sober and just people watching lol...Random drunk girl saying I was cute, random drunk girl whipping out her tits, and today at the grocery store I got to bust a dudes car window with a rock because he locked his keys in haha

    If I could give advice to anyone really down mentally (me 8 months ago) its that you still need to go out and try to live life in the same way. Doing stuff that was fun before might not be as fun but its a helllllll of a lot better than sitting alone in your room all day on your computer...even if that's what you feel like doing. (also me 8 months ago)
    This last paragraph is spot, damn, on. Folks who are struggling have to stop making PFS the centre point of their whole day, and start living life again. Thinking of this shit sun up to sun down, is not going to get anyone anywhere.

    There ain't no traffic along the extra mile.

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  9. #209
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 DrivenToRecover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    This last paragraph is spot, damn, on. Folks who are struggling have to stop making PFS the centre point of their whole day, and start living life again. Thinking of this shit sun up to sun down, is not going to get anyone anywhere.

    Its so much easier to have the right mentality when you have a clear path laid out in front of you though. The biggest component of depression/hopelessness, to me, is not seeing a future for yourself.

    Unfortunately, there are a few choice websites that seem to facilitate that hopeless attitude, and its so damn counterproductive. I get mad at myself for buying into it for the short time that I did...

    CD, when your site is up and running, I think it would be amazing if the search engine optimization eventually lead people to your site before any others for any sort of propecia/pfs problems. I'm just imagining if the first (and only) thing I read online was "relax, you're gonna be okay. Here's how you fix this."
    Last edited by DrivenToRecover; 01-01-2017 at 06:35 PM.
    Its only work until its routine

  10. #210
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrivenToRecover View Post
    Its so much easier to have the right mentality when you have a clear path laid out in front of you though. The biggest component of depression/hopelessness, to me, is not seeing a future for yourself.

    Unfortunately, there are a few choice websites that seem to facilitate that hopeless attitude, and its so damn counterproductive. I get mad at myself for buying into it for the short time that I did...

    CD, when your site is up and running, I think it would be amazing if the search engine optimization eventually lead people to your site before any others for any sort of propecia/pfs problems. I'm just imagining if the first (and only) thing I read online was "relax, you're gonna be okay. Here's how you fix this."
    You're spot on about that too. I wish the first place people went wasn't a hopeless pit of "you're doomed and nothing ever gets better, I lost my wife, my career, my everything...." I mean that is just too much on a person. I too, was in that helpless state and made a post on PH right after stopping. My biggest regret was shitting myself senseless by reading that every day on the hour at work. Had such a panic attack I ended up leaving to go the ER three days in. Literally had to force myself to go to work and hated every moment of the day. That's all a thing of the past now.

    Positivity would've went a long way back then and I wish I had found this site even sooner than I did. That's why I still argue with users on the other site from time to time. The constant need of undisciplined people who will not try to better themselves to disprove and put down that any recovery protocol can work, sets the new guys back who stumble upon those sites and could get started right away on recovery. I believe, and this is just my opinion, that the quicker you start the protocol after crashing/deteriorating, that it helps speed up your recovery. But unfortunately people don't start it early because all they see on the other sites is some Jack wagon who's been posting there for years telling people how it doesn't work because "he's tried it" but fails to mention he only did one or two parts of the routine. It's really annoying to me. The amount of time that guys spend trying to say that CD isn't really recovered and that alcohol or going off herbs, or straying from his diet knocks him "back into PFS" is just ASTOUNDING. I have never seen so many grown ass men try to personally attack someone or keep up with another man's affairs.

    End rant.....I talk too much. So much for being concise, I was doing really well too!
    Last edited by Maxout777; 01-01-2017 at 07:35 PM.
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