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  1. #231
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    How's things going???

  2. #232
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Scope my friend! Man... I think it's been almost a week since I've been on this forum..... Been so busy lately, working overtime and also been busy with personal responsibilities. But PCT is going smooth, in my opinion. Haven't had the chance to take pics, but I feel as if I'm losing bodyfat. Today I weighed 77.1kg, about 170 pounds, last week I was 172 pounds... I believe I've lost most of the weight in bodyfat... I don't believe I've lost size in muscle. I actually feel stronger, both physically and especially mentally, where I am right now!

    Sunday is my last day of PCT, and then I'll be taking 2 weeks off of everything except caffeine and amino acids.
    Then I'll start adding fatburners and L-Carnitine... in the game! And 2 weeks after that I will add Demiurge! And I'll see when I will run leanxtreme as well..... It's gonna be 8 weeks of shredding! I'll also be lowering protein next week... and increasing fat. Carbs will stay the same... twice a week... one day refeed... one day low cruise

  3. #233
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Didn't know if no post was good or bad but for you and your mindset I figured you be on track.
    Keep it up and these next 3-4 months should be interesting.

    Only a 4 week pct after all the shit you ran??
    I'd go 6 if not 8 weeks for pct. lol

  4. #234
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scope75 View Post
    Didn't know if no post was good or bad but for you and your mindset I figured you be on track.
    Keep it up and these next 3-4 months should be interesting.

    Only a 4 week pct after all the shit you ran??
    I'd go 6 if not 8 weeks for pct. lol
    Yeah dude, I really appreciate you looking out though! Means a lot!

    Well this year should be pretty interesting indeed, I'm starting my shredding cycle lean enough already, so can't wait to see results. The only worry I kinda have is my vacation lol. But even on vacation I will be eating carbs 3x a week, and make sure to consume a lot of healthy fats.

    Since I ran hCG throughout the cycle, I believed that recovery would be very smooth. And this week, I started having these crazy sexual dreams... and I would wake up and have to really hold on very hard in order not to have a wet dream upon awakening! So I guess the Sustain Alpha is working solidly, libido is OUT OF CONTROL SON!!!!! I also feel pretty much myself again, and mentally focused and my body's feeling recovered.

    So I believe I have recovered enough... but that's how I feel. I still have 4 more days of clomid. And will probably finish my TRS stack next Wednesday and also my DAA. I'm also taking Lipotrophin-PM to aid with the sides of DAA (Macuna Pruriens) and also my ZMA and GABA until Wednesday!

    Should be well recovered by then... sucks big time that we cannot get bloodwork here on the Island... Will have it checked at a private clinic when I'm in the States FOR SURE!!!

  5. #235
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Update! Weighing 172 pounds (which I like... I want to stay above 170 for now and get ripped and stay above 160 at the leastttt when I am completely ripped)

    This is one day after my 4 weeks PCT (Which I have decided to gradually lower dosages down for another week), so I'm running one more week PCT, but certain supplies shall end around mid-week, like Sustain Alpha and EndoAmp. I have enough Toco-8 and DAA (from Primaforce, the best I could get on this limited little Island), and will run these together with 25mg of clomid, for 8 more days. I shall thus finish on Monday next week with my LAST dose of 25mg clomid, DAA and Toco-8. (Also taking Lipotrophin-PM to help with the cortisol levels raise from the DAA).

    I took these pics this morning, and honestly, imo I look terrible. I have to admit my bodyfat is still really low, and I'm happy about that, but I feel like I've gained fat... and that makes me feel like a woman on a bad period!

    Feb 11_VayneZ.jpg

    Feb 11 4_VayneZ.jpg

    - - - Updated - - -

    Feb 11 2_VayneZ.jpg

    Feb 11 3_VayneZ.jpg

  6. #236
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Has the diet or training changed any??

  7. #237
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scope75 View Post
    Has the diet or training changed any??
    I look horrible right!!!! Nope, I just increased my protein intake, but only by 30 grams more a day. I'm thinking of lowering it back to maintenance level and then increasing my fat intake when this week is over. Any other tips? I'm down for ideas!

  8. #238
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
    I look horrible right!!!! Nope, I just increased my protein intake, but only by 30 grams more a day. I'm thinking of lowering it back to maintenance level and then increasing my fat intake when this week is over. Any other tips? I'm down for ideas!
    I'd try just what you have planned out.
    You seem to do fine on low carb so use that to your advantage.
    I eat shit load of saturated fat and protein sun-sat week then kill the carbs Saturday.
    You'll need more carbs than me because your workload is higher so eat to feel good while lifting.

  9. #239
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    You know Scope funny you should say that! Wanting to keep my protein low, I only ate about 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Ate 5 rice cakes. Ate 2 Banana's. Then I made this BIG ASS BOWL o 2 cups of oatmeal, 1/2 cup of bran grain cereal, 1/2 cup of Fiber one cereal and loaded it up with Cinnamon and nutmeg. And loaded it with almond milk!!! After that Loaded about 1/2 cup of blue berries.

    When I was about to began eating I told myself: VayneZ... this is too much..... Not used to eating THIS much these days!!

    BUt I went for it... until the last bit, I did NOT get full! And when I got to the gym I realized how VEINY and pumped and ripped I was looking!!! Was like MAGIC!!!! Carbs went straight to the muscles! Man.... what a treat!!!

    Scope in Carbnite it's refeed of carbs how many times a week??? and also you do just like normal carb cycle? CarbNite days, you OVERLOAD with ALL 6 meals during the day???

  10. #240
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Orginal CarbNite is 1 refeed a week for 6-8hr leading up to your bed time for me its 4pm-10/12.
    CarbNites are LC during the day then hog wild in carbs and shity food for 6-8hrs.
    I'm loving it!!!
    Your leaness and work load will need more of you back loads if you don't want to jack the fat and protein super high.

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