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  1. #241
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Sounds like an awesome idea! I might try to inculcate that into my routine see how it works.

    By saying ''more back loads'' you mean more than once a week carbs? or Make the one carb day even HIGHER in carbs? I've read that Pauline Nordin (my favorite bodybuilder chick) only refeeds ONCE a week, and her body is just SWOLE and JACKED! wow!

    But I'm not sure if she means by refeed, ''the only carb day of the whole week'', and the other 6 days are completely carbless... have yet to research deeper

  2. #242
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    No more back loads means another evening of carbs.
    My main backload is Saturday so I've been thinking about adding in a smaller backload on Wednesday to fuel me the back half of the week and then backload again on Saturday.
    So Saturday and Wednesday you have carbs in the evening only.

    I've not tried this but that's what I WOULD do.
    If you give it a go let me know what your think about that plan. Seems simple and effective.

  3. #243
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    My Carb days right now are Monday and Friday. The other 5 days, NO carb (except the little bit I get from Almonds, veggies, but it's def lower than 20 grams a day). Would it be wise to go ALL out on Carbs Monday, and Friday, just about during a small 3 or 4 hour window before I sleep?

    I appreciate your advises bro!

    Monday coming I'll carb up, and then go 6 days carbless!!! Carb up again Monday (the week after), carb up BIG Time on that day!!! and then, I'm down for a new tweaakkkkk! So let me know what you think about the idea, or if you would change a few details, and also why. Thanks Scope!!

  4. #244
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    I can't really recommend anything because I have t tried it myself but a Monday Friday backload sounds fine and I'd leave that alone if its working.

    Your second plan also sounds good and would be more of a BF dropper but not much if any gains.

    And no problem. Hope it works because I know its working for me.
    Last edited by Scope75; 02-14-2013 at 11:41 PM.

  5. #245
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scope75 View Post
    I can't really recommend anything because I have t tried it myself but a Monday Friday backload sounds fine and I'd leave that alone if its working.

    Your second plan also sounds good and would be more of a BF dropper but not much if any gains.

    And no problem. Hope it works because I know its working for me.
    Yeah makes sense. Next week, when I go 6 days off of carbs, my main aim is to get my body ready for cutting. The week thereafter I will start with Raspberry Ketones, L-Carnitine, Axon again and Alphamine! I'll also drop my protein to maintenance level and gradually up the fat intake!!! to about 8-10 TBSP of coconut oil a day (including all 4 meals which I cook about a total of 2 TBSP's of coco oil for all of them put together), and a bit more oz of veggies per meal (on the no carb days).

    And might cycle through my 8-week cutting. 1 week: 6 days carbless, one day HEAVY refeed ALL day (or would you advise just 6 or 8 hour-before bed window only???). and then second week: 1 Day refeed, 3 days carbless, 1 day CarbNite, 2 days carbless, and then same as week 1, and so on.

    Well that's the PLAN! Scope verify my friend! And anyone else!!! h2s where are you? DJ? Sorrow? xxiv? Mark? Rodja? NOA?! where ya'll homies at???? Gotta have my crew back me up on this idea or help me fix lil details, because I gotta go to Miami RIPPED!

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
    I gotta go to Miami RIPPED!
    I don't know how much more ripped you are going to get. You're pretty ripped and at a reasonable bf. The whole carb manipulation stuff is beyond me. The only advice I can offer is pretty basic stuff, keep up the diet and increase cardio.
    The spirit that I have seen may be the devil: and the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps out of my weakness and my melancholy, as he is very potent with such spirits, abuses me to damn me.

  7. #247
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Love that plan and its how I eat.
    I eat about 10-12tbs Coconut oil a day and the fucking fat is just melting away and I don't do a minute of fucking cardio because its just not needed the way I eat and train.
    I won't do carb during the days and would keep them to after 4-5pm.

    Here's how I go about my day
    6am 20oz coffee 2tbs co
    8am 20oz coffee with 2tbs heavy whipping cream and 2 the co
    11am 12oz turkey 4tbs CO
    12:30-1 4oz turkey 2tbs CO
    4pm lift
    6pm 45g hydro whey 6g leucine 2tbs CO
    7:30 1.25# beef patty 85/15 half pound bacon spinach

    I eat like that day in and day out.

  8. #248
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxiv View Post
    I don't know how much more ripped you are going to get. You're pretty ripped and at a reasonable bf. The whole carb manipulation stuff is beyond me. The only advice I can offer is pretty basic stuff, keep up the diet and increase cardio.
    Hahaha no seriously man, I'm a fatass now! But I appreciate your compliment though! And I will take your advise to heart and continue to KICK this!!!!! no mercy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Scope75 View Post
    Love that plan and its how I eat.
    I eat about 10-12tbs Coconut oil a day and the fucking fat is just melting away and I don't do a minute of fucking cardio because its just not needed the way I eat and train.
    I won't do carb during the days and would keep them to after 4-5pm.

    Here's how I go about my day
    6am 20oz coffee 2tbs co
    8am 20oz coffee with 2tbs heavy whipping cream and 2 the co
    11am 12oz turkey 4tbs CO
    12:30-1 4oz turkey 2tbs CO
    4pm lift
    6pm 45g hydro whey 6g leucine 2tbs CO
    7:30 1.25# beef patty 85/15 half pound bacon spinach

    I eat like that day in and day out.
    Scope, the way you eat, is really really similar to mine! I really think I'll up the coco's next week! As for Protein, I eat a bit higher than 1 gram per body pound, at least till I'm done shredding! Then I might up it, since I know my body will get fat if the protein is too much. I would try the whole carb day again after my 6 days carb-free, since my body will DEVOUR them toward muscle cells BIG TIME, being all depleted from insulin activity, thus glycose release is in HIGH demand for the muscle!, and then next time I try the 6 days carbless, I'll try the refeed ala CarbNite, ala Scope's!

    Depending on the next day when I wake up, I'll compare which one worked better.

    This game is all about learning about your body... and I am just beginning to scratch the surface of this amazing creation of the body and mind connection. It's all mental. All mental.

    Here's a few things I ate today:

    Halfway through. about 80 grams of lean ground beef, 2 whole wheat bagles, 2 cups of Whole wheat grain, about 35 grams of avocado, and 4 slices of whole wheat toasted bread. (Should've taken the pic before I started eating! Was too hungry)


    kinda a bit of a dessert I ate with my 5th meal... and gonna eat some with my 6th and 7th meal!!!! Cornbread! tastes AWESOME!!! and 0 of every fat! Perfect for carb day


  9. #249
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    6th Meal, eating it right now!!!! 2.5 cups of oatmeal, 1 cup of Blueberries, 1/2 cup of fiber one cereal, cinnamon, nutmeg, LOADED with Almond milk!!!


    After Cardio this morning... in Carb Depletion!

    Feb 15 2_VayneZ.jpg

    - - - Updated - - -

    Feb 15 3_VayneZ.jpg

    feb 15_VayneZ.jpg

  10. #250
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Only reason not to carb up during is hormones and the body burns more fat by loading them in the evening.
    There's a lot more to it than that but my dumb ass can't explain it over a message. Lol

    And your the fucking Posing King!! Lol

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