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  1. #261
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    So Finally went to visit the Chiropractor today. Turns out I have a few minor issues with L4 and L5 part of my vertebrae (If I remember correctly). The scan showed that this area was green, which is not bad, but It could turn into something bad. Also a certain area around my neck.

    The doc cracked my lower back and neck... felt sooooo good. And I have to come back Friday morning so that he can further work with me. He seems to be very familiar with bodybuilding/powerlifting. And advised me to go lighter and just do more reps or more sets (more volume work) for these 2 weeks and then slowly adapt to heavier weights. He said my muscles are ready for the weight, but my ligaments aren't and it should be a gradual process.

    It makes sense what he says. Yesterday I did train my lower chains light... did really wide stance squat with only 135 pounds. And it just felt like something was missing. Tomorrow I'll go hard on bench, since that part of me is fine, but Friday... Posterior Chains... I guess I'll just rep out and go around 60% of my max effort.

    Any advises or experiences with Chiropractors and the vertebrae issues let me know.

  2. #262
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    2nd appointment with the Chiro today. Cracked my back good. And he specifically told me to avoid deadlifts and squats. I can however target specific parts of my Posterior Chains and definitely core. So I guess I'll hit that today.

    Didn't wanna argue with the doc, but you guys think avoid deadz and squats COMPLETELY?! or are there forms to do it, with lighter weight that would not upset L4 and L5 levels of the vertebrae????

    No squats and no deadz is like the severest torture.

  3. #263
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 5 (100%) O_RYAN_007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
    2nd appointment with the Chiro today. Cracked my back good. And he specifically told me to avoid deadlifts and squats. I can however target specific parts of my Posterior Chains and definitely core. So I guess I'll hit that today.

    Didn't wanna argue with the doc, but you guys think avoid deadz and squats COMPLETELY?! or are there forms to do it, with lighter weight that would not upset L4 and L5 levels of the vertebrae????

    No squats and no deadz is like the severest torture.
    To me, I'd play it by feel. If you can do them, just work with LIGHT weight, and work to perfect your form. Record yourself doing these sets and break them down to improve yourself while you heal. If your body doesn't like it, don't do it. I'd work on my core and lower back though.

  4. #264
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Doc said I can squat and dealift again! So I'll be getting adjusted this week, lighter weight. Hopefully next week I can record some videos for the strength contest!!!

    Been watching a lot of Dan Green vids... and reading. Very very inspired am I right now

  5. #265
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 0 burlyman30's Avatar
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    Re: tHE BRuTaL MaCHiNe VaYNEZ: Journey to AESTHETICzZzZz

    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
    Doc said I can squat and dealift again! So I'll be getting adjusted this week, lighter weight. Hopefully next week I can record some videos for the strength contest!!!

    Been watching a lot of Dan Green vids... and reading. Very very inspired am I right now
    Good news!
    All advice given is for entertainment value only. And it's free. Take it for what it's worth.

  6. #266
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    After thinking this through (I would say not really ''wasting'' about 2 hours of my morning).. comparing pictures of 2012, 2011.. And the amount I was eating back then. Also taking to heart advises from all of you. And having a conversation with Ryan especially, brought me to this solution:

    I dropped Yohimbe out, and reduced the ECA stack for 2x a day instead of 3x. I will gradually drop this throughout this month until I am stimulant free (with the exception of black coffee).

    Looking at my diet as of late, I would say I am happy with the mass and size, but I believe that my protein is way to high and perhaps my fat is not high enough. Carbs I will leave as is, in order to see what happens.

    Since I am currently around 185, and looking to drop a bit bodyfat I will be doing the following eating routine throughout the remaining months of this year, while focusing on AM cardio, and staying and growing as strong as I can:

    Was currently Eating about 6-7 a day, and each meal would have 40 grams of protein. 4x meals are solid, and 1x's Casein before bed and the other iso whey before workout. The 7th meal is my casein which I drink when I wake up during the night.

    I will reduce especially all the powdered protein to 30 grams of protein and reduce the casein I have next to my bed to about 20 grams only.
    The whole protein meals (fish, eggs, turkey, chicken, lean meat) will be reduced to around 33 grams of protein, which in my calculation will be:
    140 grams of fish, turkey = 33 grams of protein
    105 grams of steak, chicken= 32 grams of protein

    My eggs (breakfast) will be reduced to: 5 egg whites (18 grams pro) + 2 whole eggs (12 grams pro) + 1 slice of roastbeef (4 grams pro) = 34 grams of protein

    Iso hydro whey during the end of a work out will be a scoop and a half = 37.5 grams of protein (since my body really needs it at that time)
    The other 3 days a week that I don't workout with weights, I'll be having only a scoop and about 1/4 = about 30 grams of protein
    Casein before bed will be about 30 grams of protein. And the one I keep next to my bed when I wake up, will be only 20 grams of protein).

    So, my protein intake will be about 215 (if I wake up during the night), and about 195 (if I sleep throughout the night, which rarely happens). So this will be about 1.1/1.2 x my desired bodyweight in pounds. Again, this will be a 2 month trial to see how it effects me. I might lower it even more if I have to!

    Currently eating veggies (avocado, brocolli, sprouts, squash, carrot, cauliflower, eggplant, etc) with the 3 meals of chicken/fish/steak etc. at about 70 grams per meal. With breakfast I throw in a hand of cut up green and red peppers and mushrooms. I know this does not provide much fat.

    My main fat source comes from Coconut oil. Which I have been cooking all my 4 meals with. and have been taking 1 TBSP in the morning on empty stomach and 1 TBSP in my whey protein shake. So this would roughly amount to 4 TBSP's of coconut oil a day, which is about 60 grams of fat. Here is where I need advise. I am thinking about upping it to about 6 TBSP's per day, good idea? or is there another solid fat source that is recommended?

    I've been doing CarbNite's twice a week. Only for 5-6 hours heavy load, and end it 2 hours before I sleep (I drink my casein as the last meal). Had the bad habit recently of eating Natural Peanut butter 2-3 TBSP's before I sleep (kinda got addicted), but will BREAK this.

    My Carbnite's are heavy simple carbs, starting in the workout around noon (either Karbolyn or Glycoject) in my protein shake. Then about 500 grams of baked potato or 4 cups of white rice and then a box of marsh pebbles or rice krispies.
    I keep my protein and fat really low DURING the carb intake phase. In the AM protein and fat is normal.

    So this is my plan for these 2 months. Any input from you guys would be much appreciated always. And also with this particular kind of routine, where the best time for the natural peanut butter? (if it even has a right place).

    Step by step.... I'll get back in shape!!!

  7. #267
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    I have the same problem except with not natural peanut butter because natural peanut butter kinda sucks.

    I would drop carbnites altogether, eat carbs every day in moderation and make everything you eat clean. Eat your peanut butter on a pb&j with good whole wheat bread preworkout.

  8. #268
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    In the state of mind I am in right now, I'm def open to try something different. I've been doing CarbNite's/Carbloading for almost a year now. My whole way of eating, selecting carb choices has changed.

    But at this point I feel like a baby. Have to re-learn everything again about complex carbs. Going back to the basics as Ryan puts it.

    If I start eating carbs daily, I should probably switch over to pure complex carbs correct? Maybe just Post workout carbs should be simple?

    What should my macro's be? 40% Protein / 30% Fat / 30% Carbs?
    Skipping carbs in the morning and on my 3 non training days carbs only for dinner?

    I'm open for your suggestions Weekend and Ryan! Need you guys to help me build something up, since at this point I'm clueless.

  9. #269
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    Eat the carbs whenever. For fatloss I notice a better result when I eat them earlier in the day. For fatloss i would do 50% protein, 30% fat and 20% carb. Just don't eat any fruity pebbles or whatever da fuq.

    Potatoes, oats, brown rice give me the best result. Especially baked potatoes without any oil, just some salt and cayenne pepper.

    To lose fat you should eat well below maintenance and train heavy and hard. Stay strong. You weigh 181 right? If so, I would do around 2000 calories. That's 250 G protein.

  10. #270
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    ^ this is all just what has worked for me.

    Intermittent fasting has also given me great results. Doing that I fasted until 5:30 pm every day M-F for 3 months, ate whatever I wanted as long as it was after my workout. Any subsequent meals were basically protein only and maybe a piece of fruit. Fatloss was impressive but I was dipping below 2000 cal most days for sure

    - - - Updated - - -

    Eat your eggs whole.

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