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  1. #281
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    Fuck normal training. I was completely in the zone, amped up on clen, PH is fully flowing, and hemavol/noxygen had me BLOWN up.

    Hit everything I wanted to today.

    Incline barbell
    135x20, 185x10, 185x10, 225x6. Shoulders felt a little tight, backed off.

    Incline dumbell.
    3x8 100lbs

    Cable flies all angles
    Didn't count anything.

    Did some light shoulder pressing with dumbells standing

    Decided I wanted to rack pull just to piss off a worker.
    3x10 585 with straps, bouncing off the pins.

    Some pullups with no pain at all

    Rear delt flies

    Some quality motivation walked in, holy gym sluts. Will pursue later and add to the kill count thread when someone makes it 2 for 1 maybe? Yes please.

    Decided I wanted to get a bit of a pump without overdoing upper body...

    Some curls
    cable pushdowns with various grips

    At this point, My arms were honestly the tightest they've ever been. Vascularity off the charts.

    Grabbed some 100lb dumbells and did hammer curls. Fuck yeah. Cheated, but who cares. Felt badass. Sets of 5 reps.



  2. #282
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    madness... That's where it's at yo!

  3. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
    madness... That's where it's at yo!

    hahaha. I'm mixed on this cycle though. I'm extremely pissed off, but also more alert and confident. It's kind of a strange combination. Definitely a mood change, just not sure if it's a good or bad thing?

  4. #284
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    Decided I wanted to hit more chest and shoulders, because I haven't in so long.

    Definitely down on strength. I'll give it a few days and see where I get

    Incline barbell
    135x20, 185x12, 225x5, 225x5, 185x10

    Flat bench
    135x10, 185x10, 225x10

    135x10, 225x15, 225x8, 225x8 (no pain or signs on mental hesitation on here, but I never get gains off decline)

    Tons of lateral raises/front raises with dumbells

    Standing smith shoulder press
    Just a 45 on each side for 3 sets, high reps. Didn't want to go crazy yet. Tried seated barbell and it didn't feel so hot.

    Machine chest presses

    20 minutes cardio, misc ab stuff.

  5. #285
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    Sounds like your shoulder is doing better, good to hear.

    What do you do for cardio?
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

  6. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cobalt View Post
    Sounds like your shoulder is doing better, good to hear.

    What do you do for cardio?

    It's close to 100%, should be a fun 3.5 weeks from here on out.

    For cardio, it's definitely mixed from session to session. My current gym doesn't have a stairclimber, so I'm left with stationary bikes, walking at 4mph on a steep incline, or those arc trainer things.

    In all honesty, it varies. Depends where the motivation is

  7. #287
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    If your knees are solid, high box HIIT for 8 minutes! I did that this morning after forever and man did I sweat!!

  8. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
    If your knees are solid, high box HIIT for 8 minutes! I did that this morning after forever and man did I sweat!!

    I wish I could... There are no high boxes at my gym, just some stupid low box for stepups and shit.

    Legs today after a nice few days of not training them. Anyone notice that their legs lose definition for a few days after a leg day? My legs were looking a little off for the past few weeks, big, but lacked definition. I'll grab a pic on monday after some carbs are in me, they seem to blow up when I do that.

    As a side note, abs are starting to come in when hitting a most muscular type pose . Only downside is I got genetically fucked with my chest

  9. #289
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    Legs definitely didn't recover all the way yet... No legs until next friday, getting back on my split.

    Today felt ehhhh, but pushed through. I almost fell with 135lbs on the bar, not sure wtf happened, but it threw me out of my zone.

    135x15, 225x10, 315x5, 405x4, 425x1, 455x0 (got it halfway, then got stuck and chest started to dip, game over)

    Front sqauts
    135x15, 185x8, 225x6, 275x3, 315x1, 325x1 This was AWESOME. All this squatting did wonders for my front squat.

    Leg press
    didn't count. Stopped using a million pounds on here because I can get a better workout with lighter weights.

    Leg extentions
    10x10, 8 seconds rest, 120lbs.

    Hamstring curls
    calf raises

    15 minutes cardio

    I need to get a bit tanner, then get some pics with a decent camera. I'm personally impressed, just gets better every day.
    Last edited by KGPL; 07-19-2014 at 12:45 PM.

  10. #290
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    Nice work on the legs. I need to throw front squatting back into my routine.
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

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