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Thread: Recoveries

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    This is absolutely amazing stuff here. I need to be in an environment that promotes healing and not despair. Every time someone post a treatment that works on other forums, someone shoots it down. Hope and support is what those guys need. This recovery plan takes a lot of heart. It's not for everyone and so is full recovery. I'm sure this is the hardest situation any of us had to endure. I wish I would of found this site first and not the countless of horror stories on line. I have to recondition my mind and only focus on the positive. People in both camps recover. Most recoveries are off line and move on with their lives. The one's that recover believe they will, the victims stay in that mind frame and the stress actually keeps their body from healing. It makes sense, you have to believe in the process of recovery and trust. I don't care about exactly how these conditions work to a T, I just want to heal. You guys got it figured out.
    Stick to the plan, my friend. And all will be as it should be. You just have to put the work and commitment in.

  2. #22
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Let's try and keep this thread for recoveries only guys.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  3. #23
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Orginally posted by Champster:

    I don't think I can edit the title but obviously I mean boost your LOW T (*SoCal Edited This For you)

    I say that I'm a 'lurker' but I actually didn't know that this forum existed until only a few days ago. But I would refer to the cdnuts recovery thread on propeciahelp while I was struggling with my health. Here's my story:

    2012-2013: using finasteride
    January 2014: quit finasteride because of lowered libido, had extremely high libido for a few weeks, then I crashed

    PFS symptoms: zero libido (none at all), numb genitals, shrunken genitals, depression

    2014: trudging along in life with all these pfs problems, really had no idea what was going on
    2015-2016: started the cdnuts/boost your lot T protocol.

    First did a four week juice feast and then started on a paleo diet with the supplements. Then I added in T boosting herbs, usually 10-12 of them which I rotated daily. I started carb backloading at the same time I started the T boosters. Then I started doing DHT prohormone cycles followed by PCT. In the middle of 2016 I started adding coffee in to my routine and my recovery really started ramping up. My depression that I had some days basically disappeared instantly at this time! I was feeling happier, more motivated, more social. I was doing better at work and in my personal relationships. I was so excited that the protocol was starting to work for me. I still had zero libido and numb genitals but I kept on the protocol because I new it could take time to heal.

    At the end of 2016 I started researching around and I found that many PSSD sufferers had the exact same specific symptoms as me: zero libido and numb genitals. And I found that many PSSD sufferers recovered using a natural herb, licorice root. I knew I had PFS and not PSSD since I had never taken SSRI's but the symptoms these guys were describing were very similar to mine. I did a lot of research on the safety profile of the herb and then finally decided to add it to the cdnuts/boost your low T protocol. I started out just trying it on the weekends to see how I would react. I tried it one Saturday and felt kind of bad and I stopped taking it the next day. On Tuesday of that week I had what seemed like a miracle to me. The numbness down there went away for like 10-12 hours. I was shocked as I hadn't felt that in years! The next weekend I took the herb on Saturday and Sunday. Sure enough on Wednesday of that week the numbness started to go away and this time I could feel an actual libido! Once again I hadn't felt something like that in years! It was like something had switched on in my brain and it lasted about 36 hours.

    So I continued playing around with this on the weekend and after a few weeks the numbness was pretty much gone and stopped coming back. I worked up to taking 1/4 teaspoon of 4:1 licorice root extract powder dissolved in a mug of hot water three times a day on Saturday and Sunday. I kept taking my T boosters and kept on my paleo diet with carb backloading. Kept working out and focusing on maintaining a positive mindset. And every time in the middle of the week I would get a raging libido again like I was a teenager! Once I had worked up to this dosage, my libido started to stay at a higher level each week. It would increase in the middle of the week, then it would fall down a bit but it stopped falling back down to how I felt during my pfs years. I started feeling like a normal human being for once! Things stopped swinging between superhuman sex starved teenager libido and complete eunuch zero libido. It just stayed at a consistent level through the week and It actually stopped mattering when I took the herb. I wouldn't feel any change.

    One weekend arrived and I just never took the licorice root extract again and I've been living life ever since then. I stick to my diet and workout routine during the week but I'm back to beer and pizza with the guys on the weekend .

    I'm so happy to say that the cdnuts protocol really works. It took me over two years and there wasn't a lot of progress in the beginning. But I hit a major upswing in the middle where my depression really seemed to get better. And then right around 2-2.5 years I finally got my libido back.

    I think keeping faith in God really helped me along the way too.

    It's really true that once you start making progress with sexual sides, it's like you make a big improvement, then you have a set back, then more improvement, and so on, until everything levels out.

    Best of luck everyone!!!
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  4. #24
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    Just a question, when this guy says "Then I started doing DHT prohormone cycles followed by PCT"....what does it mean he used as PCT? herbs cycling or something different?

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Mal View Post
    Chi's Recovery

    Here's the original post: SolvePFS Login


    I will follow this up with several sets of bloods from Bouloux’s lab in 2011 and then recent ones from 2016 shortly, then add the same post to PH. I will also add some photos from when I suffered and today.


    PFS is essentially severe CFS with the root cause lying in the gut. For one reason or another finasteride disrupts the micro biotic balance in the gut and damages the gut lining. This results in malabsorption of nutrients and a prevalence of pathogens (not parasites). Pathogens are essentially disease causing bacteria (whereas parasites are organisms which can live off the body but be completely harmless).

    The downstream impact of problems in the gut is on the whole endocrine. For example Serotonin, a neurotransmitter and hormone found almost predominantly in the gut, is completely suppressed. Adequate serotonin is required for deep sleep, calming anxiety and relieving depression. It also assists in memory, regulates appetite, cell growth, wound healing, sexual desire and mood. On the contrary low serotonin causes anxiety, fatigue, insomnia and a host of other awful symptoms. This is just one hormonal impact of a dysfunctional gut, but there are others.

    Why us?

    The reason only a sub-set of finasteride users get affected is because this sub-set of people have a weaker than optimal gut, diet and immune system before the occurrence. Note it is also possible to feel completely normal, yet have a weaker than optimal gut and immune system before the finasteride related issues, at least if that is the way you have felt your entire life or the process of decline was so gradual as to be undiscernible.

    Our weaker than optimal gut and immune systems was susceptible to decline and deteriorating health conditions anyway, however that doesn’t mean we would have suffered discernible or deteriorating health in our lifetime. It took the introduction of a potent chemical to completely throw a delicate balance out of whack – for many the crunch point was cessation of the drug – which in itself would have constituted a change in chemical balance. Others suffer at different times dependent on lifestyle, diet and existing health factors.

    My symptom List (no particular order)

    Shrunken balls
    Insomnia / poor unrefreshing sleep
    Low or no libido
    Poor or no erections
    Penis curvature to left
    Muscle wasting (particularly back of shoulders, upper/lower arms, wrists and fingers)
    Mild gynecomastia
    Pain/flare ups in gyno lumps
    Cuticle recession
    Low tolerance to stress
    Long refractory period
    Low tolerance to light
    Poor memory
    Poor focus
    Hair thinning (particularly pubic and lower legs)
    Slow wound healing
    Skin ageing (wrinkles forming under eyes)
    Sunken eyes
    Blurring vision / focus
    Bloodshot eyes
    General weakness
    Facial changes, more feminine at times
    Increased susceptibility to colds and sneezing
    Lowered body temperature


    Today I do not suffer from any of these symptoms and in fact I am healthier than I ever have been. The only thing I have is some lines under eyes, but then I am nearly 30 now (I became ill at 24) and I don’t deem mine to be any worse than friends my age, in fact better because I don't really drink alcohol.


    Nutritionist & Tests

    Gillian Hamer - London
    Comprehensive Parasitology (checks Pathogens)


    Bionutri Ecobalance (inner 2 at breakfast, outer 2 at lunch)
    Bionutri Tyro-plus
    Bionutri Tara-cyn
    Biocare Liquid Vitamin C
    Biocare Liquid Trace Minerals
    Biocare Liquid Multivitamin
    Spatone Iron sachet
    Ionic Zinc
    Viridian Digestive Aid
    VSL3 probiotic or Primal Nutrition Probiotics (spore forming)
    Lugol’s Iodine (occasionally)

    Herbal Tinctures

    Swedish Bitters


    Breakfast = Steamed Vegetables (preferably fresh/home-grown/cruciferous)
    Lunch = Salad + Meat/Fish
    Dinner = Meat/Fish + vegetables
    Intermittent fasting 1 day p.w.
    Cook with coconut oil if required
    Buy high quality pasture/grass-fed and wild fish only
    No fruit (only small handful of berries every few days)
    No nuts
    No nightshade fruits and vegetables (e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, aubergine)
    No sauces
    No oils – high quality extra virgin olive oil OK occasionally on salads, but don’t overdo
    No dairy
    No carbohydrate foods (e.g. pasta, rice, potato, bread)
    No sugar
    No alcohol
    Only drink spring water
    Herbal Teas: Pau D'Arco, Nettle Leaf
    Treat: Avocado, Kale, Lemon and Spring Water smoothie
    Treat: Hot Water, Lemon, Celtic Sea Salt


    Run 5k x 3 per week
    Hills sprints x 1 per week
    Gym x 1-3 times per week, big movements only (e.g. squats, chest press, overhead press, dips, pull ups, deadlifts, clean, snatch)
    Yoga daily
    Some meditation

    Other lifestyle

    Use perfume and paraben free body and hair wash
    Use fluoride free toothpaste
    Do not use deodorant or spray chemicals on body
    Wake up between 5:30-6am every day - boosts cortisol/adrenal function
    Attach a shower filter to remove chlorine
    Take freezing cold showers only, morning and night (easier after exercise)
    Do not lie down during the day to rest/sleep
    Aim to be asleep by 10:30
    Do not use electronic devices after 8pm (including TV, mobile, laptop)
    Grow your own organic vegetables – to maximise nutrition and remove risk of chemicals
    Spend time outside in the natural light
    Walk in forests and near rivers
    Go swimming in lakes
    Read books about health and nutrition
    Remain positive
    Don’t give up
    Try to see friends as much as possible
    Remove stressors
    Do not visit the internet researching your condition
    Avoid mirrors
    Cut out people that cause you stress

    Final note

    I just want to add that all this stuff wasn’t some wild punt in the dark and wasn’t introduced overnight. It was a 3.5year process of research, listening to my body and learning. However, I firmly believe that full recovery can happen to anyone, irrespective of the severity of symptoms and time suffered, within a few months (possibly weeks) if you can get the balance of things mentioned right. To add weight to this, 6 months before full recovery I was still having massive set-backs and terrible episodes of awfulness. However when you’ve cracked the code it doesn’t matter – everything is in your favour to recover.

    Today, 5 years post crashing I feel brilliant. I can eat carbs and sugar as and when I want, but I try to limit it. I (nobody) feels good eating these shit foods. I ate plenty of cake this Christmas though and that feels good, just it’s not something I want to make a habit of knowing how bad this stuff is. It’s difficult though in our modern society – sugar and carb is prevalent – which is a great threat to health and longevity. Today I try to live a paleo lifestyle, which is in essence what the above recovery list is but with additional things thrown in. It is not so complicated, but you need to believe and stick to it. And by the way the Bionutri supplements are absolutely critical to this – I recall when I ran out on several occasions, my world started to implode again.

    I really hope this helps.

    Does anyone know how long did he take to recover using this regimen?

  6. #26
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 DrivenToRecover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biatch View Post
    Does anyone know how long did he take to recover using this regimen?
    Just an fyi, he's recommending a ketogenic diet, but he doesn't explicitly spell that out. Imo keto is not the way to go for this ride. I felt horrible for weeks trying to do this as my first protocol.

    Everything else he recommends is pretty solid!
    Its only work until its routine

  7. #27
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    Just wanted to post this, guys called norbert with regards to recovery...

    The healing phases of PFS - post-finasteride-recoveries

  8. #28
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Hey guys, just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I believe I am getting close to being fully recovered.

    My poison of choice was saw palmetto. I won’t bore you with the details of the side effects I experienced, you can go back to some of my old posts if you want to see what I went through.

    After my crash, many doctor and naturopath visits got me nowhere. I had found this site a little later but didn’t fully commit to CD’s protocol. What a mistake that was. I wasted precious time. I could have begun my recovery sooner, but was looking for “another way, an easier way”. Guess what, Fellas?! In my opinion there isn’t another way out of this. CD’s regimen is what got me out of the deep dark parts of hell I was experiencing.

    After starting the juice feast I noticed a few improvements. Cycled the herbs for a few months and sort of felt like I wasn’t gaining much. In that time I did have some ups but the downs came afterwards. I kept with the program regardless.

    It wasn’t until after my second cycle of Super R Andro / started taking Pine Pollen everyday I noticed huge gains. Memory, confidence, libido, etc....

    I now feel I am pretty close to being fully recovered. I’m definitely a better person at this point. Now I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my health and knowledge. This whole ordeal has created a hunger to learn and always be improving.

    Gentlemen, strive to always grow and improve yourself. Breathe and believe. You’ll get there, it won’t be easy, but it’s definitely possible.

    Blind faith is what it took for me to fully commit to CD’s protocol, I did it and it works.

    CD, thanks again for your time and effort on this board. Thanks for sticking around and giving us help when our own doctors couldn’t give us any. Your posts gave me my life back. I hope your site grows and becomes a staple for men trying to better themselves.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by CannonBalls View Post
    Hey guys, just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I believe I am getting close to being fully recovered.

    My poison of choice was saw palmetto. I won’t bore you with the details of the side effects I experienced, you can go back to some of my old posts if you want to see what I went through.

    After my crash, many doctor and naturopath visits got me nowhere. I had found this site a little later but didn’t fully commit to CD’s protocol. What a mistake that was. I wasted precious time. I could have begun my recovery sooner, but was looking for “another way, an easier way”. Guess what, Fellas?! In my opinion there isn’t another way out of this. CD’s regimen is what got me out of the deep dark parts of hell I was experiencing.

    After starting the juice feast I noticed a few improvements. Cycled the herbs for a few months and sort of felt like I wasn’t gaining much. In that time I did have some ups but the downs came afterwards. I kept with the program regardless.

    It wasn’t until after my second cycle of Super R Andro / started taking Pine Pollen everyday I noticed huge gains. Memory, confidence, libido, etc....

    I now feel I am pretty close to being fully recovered. I’m definitely a better person at this point. Now I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my health and knowledge. This whole ordeal has created a hunger to learn and always be improving.

    Gentlemen, strive to always grow and improve yourself. Breathe and believe. You’ll get there, it won’t be easy, but it’s definitely possible.

    Blind faith is what it took for me to fully commit to CD’s protocol, I did it and it works.

    CD, thanks again for your time and effort on this board. Thanks for sticking around and giving us help when our own doctors couldn’t give us any. Your posts gave me my life back. I hope your site grows and becomes a staple for men trying to better themselves.
    Great news. How long were you on the pine pollen every day for before you felt you were nearly better? I believe it has been instrumental in getting me to within a whisker of a full recovery.

  10. #30
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    We are talking about the powder here right? Not the tincture?

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