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Thread: Recoveries

  1. #41
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    Stop postponing your fucking trip right now. Take the protocol with you to somewhere beautiful and secluded, visit a few temples, maybe hit up some monks if its that part of Asia.

    Just being in a completely different climate amongst a different culture, amongst nature too if you can will put you out of your normal comfort zone and that = more dopamine and more androgens.

  2. #42
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Its ALL OVER... I have RECOVERED

    Semen Back to normal in quantity and quality
    Hi Guys ,

    Rahaysa here , wanted to post a good update .

    My semen (ejaculate ) has returned to normal quantity and quality . I ejaculate every two or three days and able to get at least a spoonful of thick white fluid. when I first crashed in 2013 Jan I used to get a drop or two of clear water like fluid .. it has gradually changed to the current state over a period of 3 years + and in the current state it has been consistent for the last six months or so.

    I am thinking of taking a fertility test , but haven’t got the guts yet to do it since I don’t want to hear anything negative ... I will keep pushing on the right things and get a test soon and post the results .


    The above was the message I wrote on this forum on 08-29-2017 (6 months ago) and few days back I woke up to a beautiful smile from my wife telling me that she is pregnant and the ultrasound confirmed the same... 8 weeks and 2 days PREGNANT...
    Little did I know all my fears of being infertile and unable to father a kid would be washed out just 6 months after I wrote the above message ..

    to reiterate the fact ... I was complete infertile when I crashed in Jan 2013 ... I would get a couple drops of pure liquid like semen (I doubt it was indeed semen) .. but 5 years down the lane to impregnate my wife is a huge relief and the most happiest news of my life .

    As I had mentioned in several of my posts recently my life has gotten better and better by every day.. it has got to a point where I dint feel bad most of the days , I could have normal sex without PDE5 Inhibitors and cum properly... most of all other sides which I had have almost disappeared over time with doing the protocol... only sides which remain today are a bit of stuttering, and confusion of choice of words (very manageable).

    what I want to assert is the fact that as soon as I got to know that my wife is pregnant some sort of weight got of my head ... I felt as if a huge boulder was just removed from my head ... and after that every day now I feel the libido surges and urge to have sex ... the fact that PFS is as much a mental illness as a physical one is so true ... I hope ENGLISH see this and feels happy that someone is realizing his prophecy... I was in fact bogged down extremely due to the physical sides of the PFS , but I underestimated till very recently the Mental effects PFS has ... the pressure to perform in bed ... the pressure to assure yourself and the world that you still are a man .. takes a huge toll on your mental health ...

    Having said all that .. I am quite confident and happy to say I HAVE RECOVERED from the HELL the PFS is .. this has been a long and torturous journey both physical and mental , but to most extent (90%) its over and I will further work towards becoming better and better .. I am even thinking of doing couple rounds of prohormones ...

    I have my detailed story on Solvepfs and few posts on SWolesource as well. but just to reiterate it for the benefit of people who see this post following is my timeline of events with PFS...

    Started fin April 2010
    stopped fin august 2011 (no crash, only strong sides )
    started saw palmetto Jan 2012
    stopped saw palmetto Dec 2012
    Crashed hard Jan 2013 while on business trip to USA
    saw CDnuts post on propecia help during June 2014 ..
    started Protocol vaguely march 2015
    Started the actual protocol the main parts like juice feast, herb rotation, HIIT( I never did pumping, prohormones or heavy weightlifting ) June 2016
    started noticing benefits from Around December 2016..
    Huge differences started coming during second half of 2017..
    started feeling confident in sex and did it enjoying without PDE5 inhibitors from June 2017...
    started feeling very comfortable and normal from seep 2017..
    as of today I feel 90% (after the load of impregnating my wife got of my mind)..

    Only other thing I used apart from herbs is pramipexole and it did help me (JQD advice)

    there is nothing that I can answer that the LEGEND CD as already not answered. so if you have any questions just go to his site, everything most of us found out by scrolling through his posts is all ot one place now ...

    I want to reiterate the fact that if not for that post (I Am CURED) from CDNUTS I would have been dead 3 years ago... I just can’t THANK you enough CD.. you are the MAN ...the True MAN...

    testimonial to your site from my end is coming soon it has been long DUE...I wish that you continue to stay here help more and more people and also in the process make money ( I will buy any new herbs I need through your site )

    I will stay here for Couple more weeks , just to answer any questions (there are none) any new bee might have regarding recovery

    for all the Help I received from this site and other two sites , I am really grateful, all this mess has made me a better human being ...

  3. #43
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Hi folks,

    So here goes, I took 1.25 of finasteride daily for less than a week in October 2016 then woke up with genital numbness, basically felt like my dick was gone and like it had been injected with an anesthetic, that’s the best way I can describe it. Immediately quit but things didn’t improve and what followed was the most crushing depression and anxiety I had ever experienced, it floored me, I rapidly lost weight and bulk and my personality was gone, felt like the living dead and like my soul was removed. My sleep had gone, days and days without sleep, pacing my apartment etc, my record was 5/6 days of no sleep.I began having suicidal thoughts, this was a progression over oct/nov/dec leading to me researching ways to commit suicide and planning it out. I didn’t particularly want to die but I wanted the horror I was living with to stop (it’s near impossible for me now to comprehend how bad I felt)

    Visited many doctors, some good, some bad, one endo was good, his approach was similar to cds in that there’s no magic fix with this but with enhancing ones health you will eventually pull through, that gave me slight bit of hope but that hope was crushed when I signed up to prop help, The countless negative horror stories fed my fear and the thought of this is over ive blown my life im going to be like these guys living like this for years on years etc took a firm hold. I said no way am I going on like this, it was then I really considered ending my life, began ringing suicide hotlines, tried to get myself sectioned to a psych ward but doctor gave me anti depressants instead, I didn’t take them, I’d read enough shit about them too. After one nights researching on prop help I decided to say fuck it, brought a bottle of vodka and some painkillers, walked to a local river bank in the rain, knocked them back and passed out, woke up hours later, had thrown up in my sleep so thankfully not enough pills to finish me. I don’t know subconsciously if I knew I didn’t take enough pills to finish me, possibly some incling of a survival instinct keeping me hanging on.

    I was at rock fucking bottom, i had lost approx 4 stone, grown a beard and also my numbness was there along with cock now curving badly to left and a loss in size and girth. I had a long term partner at that stage, sex was completely gone, there was nothing getting me turned on and my tool was not standing to attention so sex life and interest in it had evaporated, if salma hayek walked into my room in a bikini it wouldn’t have made a difference, libido, urge had vanished.

    All of the above led me to almost losing my job, that was really difficult, I had gone from a very popular chatty guy with my colleagues to being completely withdrawn and silent, with people talking about me that he aint right anymore he’s lost his mind etc how could they possibly understand what was happening to me, how could I tell them that a fucking tiny hair loss drug had totally destroyed my mind and body, Hell I didn’t blame people for thinking I had gone insane, one cannot possibly understand pfs until you live it. I was hauled up to my boss basically with get your shit together or your gone, the only thing that kept my job was that I had a huge amount of good karma in the bank with my employer as before this I was an excellent worker, hadn’t recorded a sick day In years, good to colleagues and staff i managed, that was why they couldn’t get their head around the 180 I had done.

    During this period I had came across cds posts over at ph but they weren’t sinking in, I was still far too cut off to let any light in, after my failed suicide attempt I guess a survival instinct told me you have to get fucking out of this, you can’t go on this way.

    Signed up here I think at approx Christmas 2016, my initial posts are not a good reflection of how severely fucked up I was, it’s a personality trait i have to always put the good side out when I’m talking to people, but honestly internally I felt at deaths door.

    Over the following months I introduced pieces of the protocol, it was a very slow and sloppy transition but there were signs that my depression and anxiety was slightly fading, I enjoyed the positivity of the forum and never felt like shit after reading the posts, in the midst of this I was still using alcohol to control my anxiety, this was probably the worst move i made during all of above, alcohol magnified my physical and mental symptoms, the anesthetic feeling felt stronger in my junk after consuming alcohol etc so that was a problem.

    Over the coming months I get better at applying what’s laid out here, the best thing I did was hitting gym in mornings before work, something I’m still doing and found my mood etc really improved from the morning workouts.

    It was May 2017 that I fully embraced the protocol, did a second juice feast and completely removed the alcohol, daily herb rotation, daily pine pollen, breathing exercises in evening before bed, eating clean, removal of gluten. I consistently chipped away from that point, I was going to use prohormones but maybe I was too much of a pussy there and over cautious lol but anyway I decided against using them.

    So over the coming months my mood improved, sleep returned, libido improved, feeling in penis improved, but it was really in last two months things really have ramped up, the only thing I added in was zinc and copper day on and day off that was approx 6/8 weeks ago and definitely had a positive impact on my libido/urge for a lady.

    Today as I type I put myself at 90%, the biggest indicator of my recovery has been the return of my creativity, I am also a musician and before this I was a prolific songwriter wrote an album etc then came pfs and it was gone, over the past year there have been flickers of it returning but not like now, I also teach guitar and started teaching as a small business during pfs as a distraction to obsessing about the condition, id recommend that to guys during this, whatever it is give yourself a focus away from pfs, it’s not easy as it still sits at the back of your mind and will for some time but that’s ok you will slowly push it away with introducing other hobbies. But teaching an instrument and songwriting are two very different disciplines, the teaching was a distraction but i still wasn’t fully right and I couldn’t write or find the inspiration to write. Again, the upswing ive experienced in the past two months libido wise has coincided with me writing again daily, recording demos, the creative process, like a switch has been turned back on and colour has returned to my life.

    In conclusion below is my position now

    Numbness - completely gone
    Depression - gone
    Sleep - 8 hours average
    Weight - healthy and stable
    Libido - back with a vengeance, i recently split with my long term partner (not pfs related) so im not having regular sex but I want it and during last few encounters with ex feeling was back and all was good and working in the junk department. I’m kind of a shy dude with ladies but my confidence is back and that’s the key, an interesting point to mention on this is that during my pfs I worked with a girl and still do who is good looking but never anything between us, since my upswing and return of confidence I’ve been told by someone else that she has a crush on me, that gave me a boost, I wasn’t directly flirting with her but I guess I was exuding confidence again and that’s what it’s all about with attracting the ladies.

    So that’s really it fellas, my only remaining symptoms are slight fluctuating curve and girth reduction from pre pfs days.

    To all the new guys starting the journey you will make it through, stay the course here, don’t give in no matter how bad you feel, don’t subscribe to people e saying you won’t get better, you have it within you to beat this, don’t over complicate with introducing different supplements etc, keep it simple and relax, the only way is up.

    To cd I plan to subscribe to your website going forward and continue your methods for improving general health and thank you man from almost losing my life to where I am now I have no doubt that’s down to what you’ve created here, you gave me hope in a world of darkness.

    God bless


  4. #44
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Beautiful guys....both of them. Remember....KEEP GOING. You'll be surprised at just how great you can feel everyday.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #45
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coppersocks View Post
    (Crash date: 26th January 2017)

    Here I finally stand.

    It's been a while since I posted any kind of meaningful update on my progress and there was a reason for that. I think that everyone throughout their PFS recovery will at some time or another need to take time away from thinking about it. I can now see what English and some of the older crowd meant when they talked about leaving the forums and why they did it; the PFS mentality is really fucking hard to get over. The checking of symptoms, the reading about others progress and looking for another silver bullet that will finally kick-start or speed up your recovery (they never come btw). I needed to just forget about PFS for a while and if symptoms came I just tried my best to ignore them and get the fuck on with living, which is what I did. I did however tell myself that when I was completely free from symptoms that I would post here and I've been waiting to do this for a looong time, I said I would get here and I did. So I'm at once immensely proud of myself and grateful to CD and everyone else here for all the advise and support that may have literally saved a life.

    There's no point in me going into what I did each and every day because other than a few experiments that I tried for various symptoms you know what to do; the protocol. Just do it, stop asking the questions, learn it, absorb it and do it. When you are starting out you want to know what each and every symptom means or is caused by, you want to know what each supplement has made people feel like and whether you're better off with one over the other. I get it but honestly; I couldn't really tell you the difference between Butea Superba and Tongkat Ali if someone gave me them blind. I couldn't tell you if skin brushing is more beneficial that not applying xenoestrogens. But why does it matter if you are doing all of it? Some things I notice the benefit of in a short time frame, others I don't really. PFS is such an extreme and profound assault on our bodies and our sense that it is easy to become totally obsessed with every little change in our subjective experience day-to-day "Is this a good day?" , "Is my libido coming back again? Should I try getting hard to find out?", "I'm tired today, I must be crashing again!"... This all does you no good whatsoever. Did you think like this before you crashed? No, of course not. So the aim should be not to think like this, to stop constantly worrying about WHY you feel like something. Because until you can do that you will never be free of PFS, even after you have recovered. I'll say that again; you will never be free of PFS until you can let go of worrying about PFS. That should be your number one aim. Can't get hard today? So what? There are plenty of happy old men who can't. Tired today? You think every new mother with a baby who cries through the night is unhappy or totally unproductive? Of course not. People get shit done through all kinds of malady's and experiences. People can be happy in all kinds of states, from the massively disabled to the terminally ill. So your worry about your dick not being hard as it was yesterday is in the grand scheme of things nothing. It's not a thing.
    That said I get it, PFS fucks not only with the endocrine system but with the neurochemistry of the brain. It can at times literally be impossible to feel happy or motivated or not to worry and feel anxious. Everything from dopamine to allopregnenolone and GABA is affected. I remember I read a study over on the Ray Peats site that showed PFS suffers have a similar brain chemistry to those with PTSD or traumatic brain injury. So; I'm not downplaying how negatively PFS can affect your day to day subjective experience. You feel like absolute shit, suicidal in my case, particularly early on. But that is where the protocol comes in. It doesn't matter how bad you may feel; you follow that template and even on your worst days you are edging towards where you want to be. Even on your worst days all you need is a little trust in what you've already committed to and just take that little bit of effort to do it. Let's face it, once you know the protocol it's really not rocket science; you either do it or you don't. All the protocol asks of you is to have a little fight in yourself. It's OK to skip the gym if you're really not feeling it. Hell it's OK to not shower at all that day if your feeling particularly bad and just want to stay in bed but what's not OK is not doing the things that you are able for. Know how you felt before all this shit and fight for that back because it won't just come (go look at PropeciaHelp for proof). And on top of that you'll be a better man for having had to fight for it because you've earned it and you'll know what fight is.

    So let me reiterate if there's any confusion. The protocol works, it gives your body and mind what it needs in order to get better but you need to do it and you need to supplement it with the kind of thinking that doesn't lead to obsessive or anxious thoughts and negative mind frames; otherwise you will never get better. That is why the meditation and breathing aspect of this is SO IMPORTANT, maybe the most important. You won't get better unless you move out of your bodies way and let it do the healing that it needs and that you give it the tools for in terms of nutrition, supplements and herbs.

    That all said I know there will be people really interested to hear a more detailed account of my symptoms and journey so I'd recommend looking up my thread for more info but I'll lay it out here a little too;
    Symptoms included everything; no libido, no erections, massive brain fog, no sleep, soul crushing fatigue, anxiety, massive depression and suicidal thoughts, muscle wastage, large blue veins and spider veins appearing on my genitals and elsewhere, cold and rubbery dick, eye floaters, tinnitus, visual snow, blue flashing light in my eyes, the list goes on....

    First month after quitting
    All of the symptoms just kept getting worse, anxiety and depression overtook me as I all I could find online was horror stories. I went to see one of the leading researchers into PFS in Europe and even he told me that I basically out on my own. Said I might get better, I might not. I was broken. I was a 30 year old man and I begged my mum to move in with me. The way I saw it my life was over and I nearly dropped out of college, I did fail some assignments over this time.

    Second month
    I somehow found this site, much of it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, I've a history of fitness and gym work but this level of supplementation was new to me. Regardless I jumped in, I had nothing left to loose. I did the juice feast and bought the herbs and just started. I didn't find any noticeable improvements over this time other than more energy during the feast once I got used to it. With pfs you always have ups and downs but looking back and reading my posts any upswing was a small one. My mind was shook by what had happened to me.

    Month 3 -6
    Again looking back I was nowhere near well, I don't know how I managed to scrape through uni but I did. My mum still lived with me for most of this time, cooking and doing my laundry for me- you know the kind of stuff that mums love to do! Anyway that help gave me a foundation to focus on recovery. I began to realise that I needed to look past PFS if I was to ever be free of it. I already had a trip to South America planned for august and I told myself that I was going to enjoy the summer PFS or not. I made plans for concerts to go to and trips to see friends I hadn't seen in a while. I did these things and they helped massively but to say I was OK during all this time would be a lie. Libido and sensation wasn't there most of this time, brain fog had a habit of kicking in at the worst times and my moods were dramatically swinging. Sleep however did slowly improve and this helped with energy levels also.

    Month 7 - South America
    I already wrote about this in a post so I won't bore people here but needless to say it was the time of my life and helped me divorce my feelings of well being from those of my symptoms. I went with two friends and I told them flat out what was up. My symptom profile was much the same as the previous couple of months though energy levels were definitely getting better. A few days in my libido wasn't the best but I kissed a girl and felt movement and knew that I'd be OK in that department if I needed it. That gave me the confidence to enjoy myself, I talked to girls, I hiked for days in mountains, I zip-lined across massive canyons, I drank a bit, I took some drugs, I hooked up with a few lovely girls whom I still friends and chat to every now and then, I went to three of the worlds world wonders, I was happy. Read that again; I had symptoms and I was happy. I was doing things I loved with people I loved, I enjoyed who I was for the first time in a long time. I realised that I could socialise, I could entertain and I could make people happy to be around me all the while. That ability was still within me and so I knew that with a little fight I was gonna be OK. The last couple of days in South America my two friends left two days before so I was by myself in Buenos Aires just enjoying my own company and chatting to people who I had met along my journey over text. I went to art galleries and museums and parks and coffee shops and just basked in the sunshine. My last year of uni was coming and I decided that I was gonna put all my effort into it regardless of how I felt.

    Month 8 -13
    After a month out of most aspects of the protocol during SA I jumped straight back on. Since then it's really been nothing but improvement coming in waves. I did my first R-Andro run just before SA and did another mid November through to early January. Most of my symptoms have improved drastically. I did find that I had a downturn of libido around Christmas that lasted until around mid January. Brain fog stopped being a weeks long issue and would come for a few hours at a time. It was also very manageable as I realised that people couldn't really tell when I had it and meditation has helped me just to get on with it if it ever did crop up. My mood swings became a better also and much less frequent. I have to say that switching to proper paleo nutrition with no grains or sugar and very little dairy helped me feel much sharper and present. I now only eat any grains if I really feel like it like a bowl of oats in the morning. I always avoid gluten as I find that it reliably has a detrimental affect on energy as well as brain fog and anxiousness. I rarely suffer from any kind of anxiety now however and these past few months I feel as mentally robust as I ever have in my life. This fight has changed me forever and I'm glad I went through it. I also met a girl whom I went out with for about four months of this time and she really helped me realise that much of this internal struggle that we are going through is just that; internal and it doesn't need to have a broad impact on every aspect of your life. We enjoyed doing everything couples do and despite my libido wavering near the start of our relationship she was understanding and that created an environment of ease and less pressure which in turn increased my libido when with her because I wasn't worrying about whether I would be in the mood or not; I just was or wasn't. Unfortunately we had to break up for circumstantial reasons but I'll always be thankful to her for how she helped me get out of my own head and helped me fully realise what I began to in South America ; that people like being around me and I like being around them -PFS or not.

    Symptom wise I am pretty much symptom free other than slight bouts of not feeling with it but I'm pretty sure that's just part and parcel of being alive; some days good and some days bad. My libido is fine and my ED is non existent. I get going by just thinking about sex and I the thought of sleeping with people excites me. I have no complaints. Nothing else really to report other than I still have tinnitus, visual snow and I'm a bit more veiny (some girls love this though) but I've learned to live with them as they are the kind of thing that once you get them they never fully go; so why fucking bother worrying about them? They're there now and they're scars to show what I've been through. I still do the protocol along with taking a few other supplements and I feel great 90% of the time. Energy is really good and very rarely do I even think about symptoms in any kind of ongoing way. My hair started to shed again after my second R-Andro run and has continued to do so, I'll likely have to shave it in a year or so but you can't even really tell right now. Again, who cares? There's plenty of happy and fulfilled bald people, why would I not be one of them?

    Daily Supplement Stack
    I know there's gonna be really interested in what I take outside of the protocol so I'll list anything I do or have taken here:

    Protocol Herb
    Pine Pollen (3 teaspoons)
    Vitamin D
    Ginkgo Biloba
    Vitamin K (2 drops Kuinone sublingually)
    Pansterone (2 drops applied to testes)
    Piracetam 5g
    Creatine 5g
    1g Vit C
    15mg Zinc
    Alphas-Liopoic Acid
    L carnitine
    13mg Methylene Blue

    Protocol herb

    15G BCAA's

    I also have a couple cups of coffee a day generally and usually either chamomile or green tea.

    That's it really, I'm fine and can't really complain about any aspect of my life now. All the problems I have now are normal person issues, I'm free from PFS and the worry it creates. I'm now grateful to have gone through it and it's impossible not to feel some kind of contentment when you encourage yourself to feel gratefulness for aspects of your life. You may not feel 100% some days but we're not living in war torn nations or on the streets, we aren't terminal and we still have things to look forward to. When you actually internalise those thoughts recovery comes faster and colour bleeds into the world again. One thing that I think everyone should do throughout this journey is actively seek out someone going through the same issue and help them, it will help both of you I promise. The misinformation and panic that surrounds PFS has literally taken lives through suicide, every one of those ended lives is an unnecessary tragedy that could have been prevented and if no one else can help then it's up to each and everyone of us to pass on the help and support that we were lucky enough to receive. On top of that, the feeling of purpose that helping and caring for your fellow person causes is one of the best ways that I have found to help you lift your thought processes above the PFS cloud, there is a reason that those who live in commune with one another report higher levels of happiness as well as longer life spans. So don't lock yourself into your own struggle, help lift the burden of others in the same way CD has and you'll find your own easing along with it. I have been in communication with multiple people now regarding PFS as I left a paper trail across various hairloss and health forums and the only thing I ask of them is that they fight for themselves and when they are ready - they do the same, they go and help someone else dealing with this and point them towards this forum. All roads should lead here instead of to places like propeciahelp, PFS shouldn't take any more lives. So if the only thing you do when you are better is leave one little comment somewhere on some random forum that mentions this forum or that tells people there is help then do it, because you never know who's Google search that shows up in during their lowest moment and you might drastically improve or even save someones life.

    Anyway that's it, if anyone has any questions I'm happy to answer. I intend to be more active here as I want to help as much as possible and using the forum no longer takes the toll on me that it used to before I was better. Thanks again to CD, I seriously owe you, Tubzy and others a drink. Here's to the next adventure!
    This was a beautiful read Coppersocks. Thanks for sharing.

    Thank you for the kind words. It's posts like this that I live for!
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 03-15-2018 at 09:06 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  6. #46
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    congrats guys, I've seen all of your stories in the past and there aren't many words more beautiful than "cured" or "full recovery" in the world to PFS sufferers. Keep fighting everyone, my story will be here soon enough, along with many others.

  7. #47
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    Recovery is a dirty word.

    A lot of recovery stories are worthless to be honest.
    I don't care for them at all, they're mostly rubbish from dubious sources but here goes.

    I took finasteride for seven years. From seventeen years old. Coming off and going on everytime I cared about my (still lustrous) hair.

    Back in August 2014 I developed full blown pfs to the pint my partner left me.

    For the first month I didn't sleep more than an hour a night, even with benzos or ambien. I discovered that forum and a few people stood out. CD, English, chi, mitch, cap who hasn't recovered but I bet he has now.

    I took the Cdsnuts protocol and modified it to suit my body, I took seven herbs at the time, went full keto and loaded post workout.

    I know there's going to be questions here and I encourage them. It took me eight months to get functional. And a further year or so to say I'm recovered. I still have a few residual symptoms too but I actually find them to be nice reminders.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  8. #48
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 jacknap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    A lot of recovery stories are worthless to be honest.
    I don't care for them at all, they're mostly rubbish from dubious sources but here goes.

    I took finasteride for seven years. From seventeen years old. Coming off and going on everytime I cared about my (still lustrous) hair.

    Back in August 2014 I developed full blown pfs to the pint my partner left me.

    For the first month I didn't sleep more than an hour a night, even with benzos or ambien. I discovered that forum and a few people stood out. CD, English, chi, mitch, cap who hasn't recovered but I bet he has now.

    I took the Cdsnuts protocol and modified it to suit my body, I took seven herbs at the time, went full keto and loaded post workout.

    I know there's going to be questions here and I encourage them. It took me eight months to get functional. And a further year or so to say I'm recovered. I still have a few residual symptoms too but I actually find them to be nice reminders.
    what are your residual symptoms? what helped the most for your sleep?
    From rock bottom to rockstar, baby.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
    what are your residual symptoms? what helped the most for your sleep?
    Mostly magnesium actually but it took a few months from the crash to get any kinda restful sleep.

    Residual symptoms are quiet tinnitus in my left ear, rare morning wood (but I get nocturnal so I think it's rem sleep issues) and for some reason I have more hair than pre fin? Weird stuff.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    A lot of recovery stories are worthless to be honest.
    I don't care for them at all, they're mostly rubbish from dubious sources but here goes.

    I took finasteride for seven years. From seventeen years old. Coming off and going on everytime I cared about my (still lustrous) hair.

    Back in August 2014 I developed full blown pfs to the pint my partner left me.

    For the first month I didn't sleep more than an hour a night, even with benzos or ambien. I discovered that forum and a few people stood out. CD, English, chi, mitch, cap who hasn't recovered but I bet he has now.

    I took the Cdsnuts protocol and modified it to suit my body, I took seven herbs at the time, went full keto and loaded post workout.

    I know there's going to be questions here and I encourage them. It took me eight months to get functional. And a further year or so to say I'm recovered. I still have a few residual symptoms too but I actually find them to be nice reminders.
    Thanks my man.

    Except the recoveries on this site. They are not rubbish nor are they from dubious
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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