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Thread: Recoveries

  1. #51
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    I see zinc here used here and there in these recovery stories but im so weary of it obviously with it having 5ar inhibiting properties

  2. #52
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 RickTheRuler's Avatar
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    I commend him on his preserverance.

    But damn he made it way too complicated.

    Makes me even more grateful that I just hopped on here immedeately. Literally days after crashing. It’s all here!
    Last edited by RickTheRuler; 07-24-2018 at 03:15 PM.

  3. #53
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 jacknap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basementdweller View Post
    Has anyone seen this guy's recovery page? It's pretty great (don't agree with all of it but still). Took him 8 years before he even know what was wrong with him, and an additional 8 to recover from it. You have to translate it from French

    Welcome - A-LIFE-AFTER-PROPECIA - PFS Recovery Story
    yeah I emailed him actually told him about here too. Last time I checked he wasnt fully recovered tho like 70-90% tho i think

    found him when I first crashed.
    From rock bottom to rockstar, baby.

  4. #54
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    My story was quoted in this thread. I want to give an update that I am still doing well. I also want to give a warning. Don't ever take licorice root. I overemphasized the effect licorice root had when I got similar pronounced fluctuations at other times in my journey. I think I recovered mainly from living healthily and fluctuations in androgenic activity that eventually made me get better. Licorice root can raise your blood pressure a lot and I think there are many dangers to it. Just focus on the healthy lifestyle and protocol. Hang in there.

  5. #55
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 jacknap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by champstar View Post
    My story was quoted in this thread. I want to give an update that I am still doing well. I also want to give a warning. Don't ever take licorice root. I overemphasized the effect licorice root had when I got similar pronounced fluctuations at other times in my journey. I think I recovered mainly from living healthily and fluctuations in androgenic activity that eventually made me get better. Licorice root can raise your blood pressure a lot and I think there are many dangers to it. Just focus on the healthy lifestyle and protocol. Hang in there.
    thanks for coming back and sharing. great to hear you're still doing well.
    From rock bottom to rockstar, baby.

  6. #56
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Total Male Optimization INBOX: "You are amazing!!"

    Kevin via
    Mon, Jan 28, 4:28 PM (9 days ago)
    to me

    From: Kevin <>
    Subject: You are amazing!!

    Message Body:
    Hey mate,

    I've been living a total nightmare since 3 years because of Propecia and PFS. I almost lost everything (my own biz, my longtime girlfriend, and my life) but I fought super hard and worked on myself a lot, trying everything : Yoga, lots of meditation, lots of gym (which I've always been doing), lots of acupuncture, reiki, sleeping enough, eating good food, hypnosis, and it all helped but too slowly and it didnt stop my crazy creepling anxiety and depression that started when I PFS-crashed (fainting followed by panick attacks every 2 days, massive depression, brain fog, total cognitive impairement, sleeping 16 hours a day, a freakin nightmare that evenmade me become suicidal for a week at 26 years old). I litterally went from a super successful young guy, ultra confident (an real alpha male), running my own successful business to a 150 years old totally brain and body fucked person, scared to even go to restaurant because of an internal, unexplainable feeling of total terror, 24/7/365 during more than 2 years. I discovered your program a few months ago and applied it right away. It is doing miracles and I feel I'll soon be MUCH stronger than ever before. It is wroking super well on me and very quickly because I was already applying lots of your tips before, but the T supplements and the brain ones are doing miracles. I wanted to thank you for putting all this together for free and tell you that you inspired me to build a similar website with my own tips. If it happens to get some traffic and I can generate some money, I'll give all of it to the PFS foundation.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH and god bless you, you saved my life (I am dead serious). I am about to start another business beside the one that I almost had to sell (because I couldnt work anymore because of PFS), and I got my long term girl friend back and we are planning on the next, more serious steps. and this is thanks to you.

    Take care

    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 02-08-2019 at 10:01 AM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  7. #57
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zardoz View Post
    Right, I'm not going to call you an idiot, mate. But you have just posted this pretty complacent and self indulgent monologue about how you're scared you can't recover and you've ruined your life in the fucking RECOVERIES section. Which is kind of selfish and more than a little stupid. Could you be a lad and delete it? We have an introductions thread literally right beneath this one.
    Thank you Z. I've already deleted the post. The number one thing about being successful in this endevour is being able to follow directions.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  8. #58
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    Fellow PFS sufferers and soon defeaters,

    Today is the day I want to share my big achievement with you.

    I know some of you quite well but you don’t me at all so I would like to write a little introduction about myself. I am 34 years old German dude based in Berlin. I stopped taking Finasterid in 2017 a second time when the trouble began. Today, almost two years afterwards I started crying in my kitchen after realizing one of my biggest triumphs in life. All the pressure and miserable being, all the dedication and work I put in were released and I had goosebumps all over my body. I knew the moment has come to post my recovery story for the men who accompanied me on the worst rollercoaster ride of my life.

    You know that shit too well so I only lay out the two main symptoms of my PFS: Depression, erectile dysfunction. Luckily I found cd’s story and this forum quite fast and tried to create an introduction post but it somehow didn’t work out. So I took that as a sign and to be honest I was kind of all over the place so that I couldn’t take the energy to write it again. What followed were obsessive information seeking, getting anxious about all the coming changes in my life, bitter moments in an young adults life. Even without having PFS I would have been in one of the worst periods of my life (splitting up with ex girlfriend, partying too much as a touring DJ, job I didn’t like). I couldn’t stand the whole situation anymore in autumn 2017. At this moment I was maybe to 70 percent on cd’s protocoll but I haven’t felt any improvement. I decided to quit my job, pause my music career to go to Costa Rica. Not sure if that was the best decision in my situation but after having a miserable month there full of depression and being lost I found surfing as one of the foundations of my recovery. What did it do what I missed in my first months of getting on the regimen. It fucking focussed my mind while being in the water - on the next wave and how I was going to chase it. If you have ever surfed you know what I mean. And this is essential stuff here. Surfing kind of got me out of my thinking spirale direction hell of having PFS and all the other negative thoughts. It gave my mind some air to breath. After 4 more months of surfing, being on the protocoll to 90 percent, reconsidering my situation I decided to go back to Germany in march 2018. Until then depression improved, erectile dysfunction didn’t. I was ready to give it all for a full recovery. Being back in Germany I started my juice feast for 14 days and got a membership in a close gym. 98 % protocol from this moment on until today. Depression got better and better. Starting my new job was another milestone and things started to improved faster. This again is essential. Through this job I found my training buddies and started to work out four times a week during lunch break, it gave me a stable social environment and structure, room to develope my professional skills and it kept me superbusy. I had to organize my day to 100% - I started to just function. Coming back late in the evening I just was dead from all the work and sticking to the routine so that I felt asleep in seconds. Until today I am in this mode but getting stronger and more capable of achieving stuff everyday. Depression disapeared completely during my first and only circle of R-Andro in autumn 2018 (another milestone), erectyle dysfunction disapeared end of 2018. Oh god, some of you know that feeling already when you hold your blood full, hard dick in your hands for the first time after this shit happenend. Priceless.

    Through this journey I became an even more driven man, I learned to listen to my body and my mind. I realised that my life is my responsibility and only mine. I can achieve everything if I just dedicate myself to the right things. And I am very thankful for that because I know that this is a blessing not everyone has in their life. How couldn’t I see it before...

    Before I come to the details of my regimen I want to thank especially the man who layed out the way in the first place. CDnuts. I’ve learned that sharing knowledge is one of the most fulfilling things. You must be very proud of yourself reading success stories like this. Well earned my man. I can easily write that you gave me hope in my darkest moment and that you are one of the main reasons for my recovery. Thank you so much. I would love to come to the US one day to just shake your hand and have a coffee with you. Great man.

    Cleaning up the mess you’ ve made – Juice feasting
    I juice feasted 14 days. I didn’t notice the withdrawal phase because I had a superclean diet for one year already. The biggest impact I notice was the sharpness of my mind after 3 days until the end. Depression lifted to 100 % and I felt like a genius – very focused and smart. Being a lightweight the weight drop was a bit threating for me to be honest but one year later I weight 10 kg more (never weighted more in my life). I had three juice recipe which worked very well. I started to experiment after 10 days because I was not being able to stand them anymore. This was a mistake and it led to gastritis. I recommend you to create a plan for everyday of your juice feast.

    Diet was one of the hardest parts of the protocol. I had to learn a lot about foods and how I prepare them to eat clean. Today my routine is based on cooking PALEO meals for the day in morning while eating breakfast. I re-introduced clean grains and I feel well eating them. Sometimes I eat in restaurants with friends but the selection is limited.
    Carb backloading didn’t work so well for me. Eating a lot of carbs in the evening caused bad sleep for me. One of the dealbreakers for sleep was having the last food intake 3 hours before going to sleep.
    For me coffee was a bit strange. It made me feel better but when the effect disapeared I felt worse. And it’s not good for my digestion so I cut it from the list. I am only on cold showers nowadays. haha

    Daily supplements
    As layed out until today.

    I started with HIIT bodyweight (freeletics). Now I lift heavy. I don’t split anymore, I do a full body work out three to four times a week to gain weight faster. I feel fucking amazing through exercising. I will lift until I die.

    Testosteron boosting supplements
    As layed out until today. One of the dealbreakers was finding a way to order from lost empire herbs being based in Germany. German customs is a bitch – I can tell you that.

    Cold water therapy
    Everyday, amazing.

    Calming the mind
    Every evening half hour of meditation. Wim hof breathing caused me anxiety back in the days. Not sure why. Maybe I’ll give it a shot again.

    Optimizing the brain
    L-theanin works greats. Didn’t try the rest.

    I feel that this is one of the most important areas of my recovery. When I sleep well I am fucking boss, when I sleep bad I am a shadow of myself. I tried everything to improve my sleep. Today I wear Bluelight blocker glasses in the evening . I don’t touch any eletronic device with displays 2 hours before I go to sleep. I eat at least 3 hours before I go to sleep. I meditate for 30 min in the evening to calm my mind. I listen to Holosync if I am not able to feel asleep. Sometimes I wear earplugs when my neighbour is too loud. Supplements didn’t help much.

    Pumping for penile health
    I have done it and improved my size.

    Sun your boys
    Whenever I could in Germany, in Costa Rica this was an easy one.

    Sun your body
    Read above

    I rarely masturbate. When I masturbate I give myself a least 60 minutes to consciously enjoy the ritual. Haha, what a freak I am. Longest time I didn’t masturbate = 21 day. No porn.

    Skin Brushing
    Have done it for 1 ½ years. Felt good. Have to reintroduce it.

    What else?
    - Sauna helped to relax and sleep well.
    - I tried a couple of other supplements but wasn’t consistent with them.
    - For sex I used penis rings. If your penis is a grower they work perfectly to get him harder.
    - Back in the days I couldn’t hang out with some of my friends anymore due to my lifestyle changes. This is a hard one. My whole social environment got erupted and I felt very lonely. Be patient. New friends will come. Nowadays I am into meeting new people and building new relationships with people who are as ambitious as me and who live healthy without booze for that reason. And I am able to hang out with my old friends again without problems. Observing them getting high doesn’t do anything to me.
    - Sometimes I couldn’t follow the regimen to 100 % because of situations I didn’t see coming. For me it seems impossible to always be 100 % on the protocoll. I had to learn not to punish myself. Very important for not freaking out.

    Left symptoms
    I get kind of a strange feeling in my testicles after ejaculation for a couple of hours. Not sure if I had this before PFS already. It’s not bothering me and it’s far from being painful. Besides that I am in the best shape of my life and it’s getting better everyday.

    I hope this post gives some of you the courage to continue the journey. You will get through it if you stay consistent. I will check in a week again but forgive me if I don’t answer a lot of questions. I am very busy and every information you need is layed out already more than once. Keep it up. Philipp.
    Last edited by PHBO; 02-17-2019 at 08:51 AM.

  9. #59
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PHBO View Post
    Fellow PFS sufferers and soon defeaters,

    Today is the day I want to share my big achievement with you.

    I know some of you quite well but you don’t me at all so I would like to write a little introduction about myself. I am 34 years old German dude based in Berlin. I stopped taking Finasterid in 2017 a second time when the trouble began. Today, almost two years afterwards I started crying in my kitchen after realizing one of my biggest triumphs in life. All the pressure and miserable being, all the dedication and work I put in were released and I had goosebumps all over my body. I knew the moment has come to post my recovery story for the men who accompanied me on the worst rollercoaster ride of my life.

    You know that shit too well so I only lay out the two main symptoms of my PFS: Depression, erectile dysfunction. Luckily I found cd’s story and this forum quite fast and tried to create an introduction post but it somehow didn’t work out. So I took that as a sign and to be honest I was kind of all over the place so that I couldn’t take the energy to write it again. What followed were obsessive information seeking, getting anxious about all the coming changes in my life, bitter moments in an young adults life. Even without having PFS I would have been in one of the worst periods of my life (splitting up with ex girlfriend, partying too much as a touring DJ, job I didn’t like). I couldn’t stand the whole situation anymore in autumn 2017. At this moment I was maybe to 70 percent on cd’s protocoll but I haven’t felt any improvement. I decided to quit my job, pause my music career to go to Costa Rica. Not sure if that was the best decision in my situation but after having a miserable month there full of depression and being lost I found surfing as one of the foundations of my recovery. What did it do what I missed in my first months of getting on the regimen. It fucking focussed my mind while being in the water - on the next wave and how I was going to chase it. If you have ever surfed you know what I mean. And this is essential stuff here. Surfing kind of got me out of my thinking spirale direction hell of having PFS and all the other negative thoughts. It gave my mind some air to breath. After 4 more months of surfing, being on the protocoll to 90 percent, reconsidering my situation I decided to go back to Germany in march 2018. Until then depression improved, erectile dysfunction didn’t. I was ready to give it all for a full recovery. Being back in Germany I started my juice feast for 14 days and got a membership in a close gym. 98 % protocol from this moment on until today. Depression got better and better. Starting my new job was another milestone and things started to improved faster. This again is essential. Through this job I found my training buddies and started to work out four times a week during lunch break, it gave me a stable social environment and structure, room to develope my professional skills and it kept me superbusy. I had to organize my day to 100% - I started to just function. Coming back late in the evening I just was dead from all the work and sticking to the routine so that I felt asleep in seconds. Until today I am in this mode but getting stronger and more capable of achieving stuff everyday. Depression disapeared completely during my first and only circle of R-Andro in autumn 2018 (another milestone), erectyle dysfunction disapeared end of 2018. Oh god, some of you know that feeling already when you hold your blood full, hard dick in your hands for the first time after this shit happenend. Priceless.

    Through this journey I became an even more driven man, I learned to listen to my body and my mind. I realised that my life is my responsibility and only mine. I can achieve everything if I just dedicate myself to the right things. And I am very thankful for that because I know that this is a blessing not everyone has in their life. How couldn’t I see it before...

    Before I come to the details of my regimen I want to thank especially the man who layed out the way in the first place. CDnuts. I’ve learned that sharing knowledge is one of the most fulfilling things. You must be very proud of yourself reading success stories like this. Well earned my man. I can easily write that you gave me hope in my darkest moment and that you are one of the main reasons for my recovery. Thank you so much. I would love to come to the US one day to just shake your hand and have a coffee with you. Great man.

    Cleaning up the mess you’ ve made – Juice feasting
    I juice feasted 14 days. I didn’t notice the withdrawal phase because I had a superclean diet for one year already. The biggest impact I notice was the sharpness of my mind after 3 days until the end. Depression lifted to 100 % and I felt like a genius – very focused and smart. Being a lightweight the weight drop was a bit threating for me to be honest but one year later I weight 10 kg more (never weighted more in my life). I had three juice recipe which worked very well. I started to experiment after 10 days because I was not being able to stand them anymore. This was a mistake and it led to gastritis. I recommend you to create a plan for everyday of your juice feast.

    Diet was one of the hardest parts of the protocol. I had to learn a lot about foods and how I prepare them to eat clean. Today my routine is based on cooking PALEO meals for the day in morning while eating breakfast. I re-introduced clean grains and I feel well eating them. Sometimes I eat in restaurants with friends but the selection is limited.
    Carb backloading didn’t work so well for me. Eating a lot of carbs in the evening caused bad sleep for me. One of the dealbreakers for sleep was having the last food intake 3 hours before going to sleep.
    For me coffee was a bit strange. It made me feel better but when the effect disapeared I felt worse. And it’s not good for my digestion so I cut it from the list. I am only on cold showers nowadays. haha

    Daily supplements
    As layed out until today.

    I started with HIIT bodyweight (freeletics). Now I lift heavy. I don’t split anymore, I do a full body work out three to four times a week to gain weight faster. I feel fucking amazing through exercising. I will lift until I die.

    Testosteron boosting supplements
    As layed out until today. One of the dealbreakers was finding a way to order from lost empire herbs being based in Germany. German customs is a bitch – I can tell you that.

    Cold water therapy
    Everyday, amazing.

    Calming the mind
    Every evening half hour of meditation. Wim hof breathing caused me anxiety back in the days. Not sure why. Maybe I’ll give it a shot again.

    Optimizing the brain
    L-theanin works greats. Didn’t try the rest.

    I feel that this is one of the most important areas of my recovery. When I sleep well I am fucking boss, when I sleep bad I am a shadow of myself. I tried everything to improve my sleep. Today I wear Bluelight blocker glasses in the evening . I don’t touch any eletronic device with displays 2 hours before I go to sleep. I eat at least 3 hours before I go to sleep. I meditate for 30 min in the evening to calm my mind. I listen to Holosync if I am not able to feel asleep. Sometimes I wear earplugs when my neighbour is too loud. Supplements didn’t help much.

    Pumping for penile health
    I have done it and improved my size.

    Sun your boys
    Whenever I could in Germany, in Costa Rica this was an easy one.

    Sun your body
    Read above

    I rarely masturbate. When I masturbate I give myself a least 60 minutes to consciously enjoy the ritual. Haha, what a freak I am. Longest time I didn’t masturbate = 21 day. No porn.

    Skin Brushing
    Have done it for 1 ½ years. Felt good. Have to reintroduce it.

    What else?
    - Sauna helped to relax and sleep well.
    - I tried a couple of other supplements but wasn’t consistent with them.
    - For sex I used penis rings. If your penis is a grower they work perfectly to get him harder.
    - Back in the days I couldn’t hang out with some of my friends anymore due to my lifestyle changes. This is a hard one. My whole social environment got erupted and I felt very lonely. Be patient. New friends will come. Nowadays I am into meeting new people and building new relationships with people who are as ambitious as me and who live healthy without booze for that reason. And I am able to hang out with my old friends again without problems. Observing them getting high doesn’t do anything to me.
    - Sometimes I couldn’t follow the regimen to 100 % because of situations I didn’t see coming. For me it seems impossible to always be 100 % on the protocoll. I had to learn not to punish myself. Very important for not freaking out.

    Left symptoms
    I get kind of a strange feeling in my testicles after ejaculation for a couple of hours. Not sure if I had this before PFS already. It’s not bothering me and it’s far from being painful. Besides that I am in the best shape of my life and it’s getting better everyday.

    I hope this post gives some of you the courage to continue the journey. You will get through it if you stay consistent. I will check in a week again but forgive me if I don’t answer a lot of questions. I am very busy and every information you need is layed out already more than once. Keep it up. Philipp.
    Thank you Philipp.

    Yes, sharing information is very fulfilling, but sharing information that can change someones life, is in itself, life changing.

    If you're ever in the U.S., let me know. I'll take you up on that handshake.

    All the best my man.

    "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." -Albert Pike.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 02-17-2019 at 04:51 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  10. #60
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saucyjack View Post
    Around 3 weeks into recovery program.
    Hit the juice feast first and my god that was hard.
    Headaches and fatigue kicked in which brought me to the brink of quitting a few times. I get the point of it is to clear your body out and cleanse the system. And after day 3, it got better, I felt better too.
    Cold water therapy every day since decided to give the whole TMO a go, and I actually look forward to it now!
    After a week on the juice, cutting all the things i like such as sugar, milk and bread, its got to the point where I started not to miss them.
    Once back on solids, diet was high in vegetables and fruit. My beloved Vimto has been confined to the cupbaord and drinking a .ot of water with meals etc now instead.
    Ive started to feel good and havent been near any scare stories online.
    Two weeks into recovery and Ive had 4 early morning boners in a row. Been using bathmate daily and found last couple of days have been able to get somewhere near hard pre pump.
    First sex experience, I felt massive pressure to perform as before. Almost to prove to myself more than anything else, which rsulted in a fade away and not being able to finish off.
    Hey Im around three weeks in here. A month ago I had a limp lifeless member which had zero movement so I'm on the right road and totally happy with progress!
    This is a mental thing as much as anything now, and it was just a little reminder to keep on with with good stuff I've been doing so far.
    Id say am around 80-85% so far and feel lucky that Ive found TMO and cdnuts protocol, which has given me a rope ladder out of a very dark place.
    This thing IS working for me. Not quite there yet but huge progress in a short space of time.
    Thanks for your feedback but this is the Recovery section. Feel free to come back and post here when you're out of the woods. Congrats on your progress so far.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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