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  1. #81
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Alright, so it's been about a week or more since my last post on here.


    Improvements ----- So I'm seeing some positive changes come about. My energy is definitely higher than it was months ago, i'm putting on muscle literally by the day, my genitals have been appearing normal sized more and more often, and the stubborn belly fat I developed with PFS almost, almost seemed like it was fading a bit.

    What still needs work ------ my facial skin is still suffering and not recovering as fast as it used to, but that's pretty much been the norm since developing PFS. Sleep is also pretty hit and miss, but I will say getting myself to block out pretty much any light from getting in my room, as well as sleeping naked, has made sleep really easy for me when I need it.

    Let's hope this continues working!

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atticas View Post
    Alright, so it's been about a week or more since my last post on here.


    Improvements ----- So I'm seeing some positive changes come about. My energy is definitely higher than it was months ago, i'm putting on muscle literally by the day, my genitals have been appearing normal sized more and more often, and the stubborn belly fat I developed with PFS almost, almost seemed like it was fading a bit.

    What still needs work ------ my facial skin is still suffering and not recovering as fast as it used to, but that's pretty much been the norm since developing PFS. Sleep is also pretty hit and miss, but I will say getting myself to block out pretty much any light from getting in my room, as well as sleeping naked, has made sleep really easy for me when I need it.

    Let's hope this continues working!
    How long did you go for in total ? How did switching over to water only in the middle of it work out for you ?

  3. #83
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5 alpha victim View Post
    How long did you go for in total ? How did switching over to water only in the middle of it work out for you ?
    5 days. 3 days juice fast, 2 days water fast.

    Switching over to water SUCKED. Like, with the juice fast, at least you get some energy from the juice, but with water, YOU JUST SIT THERE and feel like you're going to die all day lol

    I think the biggest things the fast does for you is clear out your system a bit, give your body great nutrients, and give you a huge boost in HGH.

    That being said, I now do things on a regular basis to boost testosterone and HGH and I think that alone is doing a great number on any recovery I may be experiencing. That and herbs, forsure.

  4. #84
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    How much of an improvement do you feel you have got from the herbs? I have a few sitting at home but I haven't tried them yet as last time I took tribulus it caused a major crash.

  5. #85
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snell1234 View Post
    How much of an improvement do you feel you have got from the herbs? I have a few sitting at home but I haven't tried them yet as last time I took tribulus it caused a major crash.
    Man, the herbs work for surrrre. My energy, libido and dick size are all doing fiiiiiine since being on that stuff. The brain clarity is still hit or miss for me, but that may be possibly due to the sleep problems I'm still going through from time to time.

    I definitely recommend it

  6. #86
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    Which ones in particular did you get the most from?

  7. #87
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snell1234 View Post
    Which ones in particular did you get the most from?
    Pine Pollen Tincture alongside Tongkat Ali are probably the two herbs I saw the strongest/fastest results with.

    I let like 4 people try my PP Tincture.... 1 of them reporting more energy, 1 reporting random boners, and 2 reporting getting massively horny (1 of which actually told me he could stop using Cialis now after using it a couple times)

    It gave me harder morning wood and just erections in general for a while, as well as seemingly improving my well being in general.

    The Tongkat Ali tastes like the inside of raw baboon anus; That stuff is straight up disgusting. HOWEVER, that being said, it seems to make you pretty aggressive, seemed to boost my energy, and seemed to counter act my body's adaption to pine pollen tincture after I had taken it for like a month straight (by the end of the month, it didn't seem to react as strong with my body and almost seemed like it could have possibly been taking a turn in the opposite direction).

    All in all, the herbs work... that, working out, and intermittent fasting are doing some crazy stuff for me.

    If I could just get my sleep and tight skin back!!! But we'll see in time

  8. #88
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Alright, so I've been speaking with Maxoutt777 and I believe the last big step I'm missing here is taking the prohormone CDN has mentioned.

    He's reported good results with it so far, and the part that really interested me was the fact that he reported good side effects with his skin (one of the things I'm always complaining about)

    To me, this is one of the last missing puzzle pieces. I'm getting my sleep back, I'm getting my energy back, I'm getting my dick size back and the fat in my lower abdomen appears to barely exist anymore. The last piece I want to fix is my skin, and I think the raise in DHT will help with thickness, oil, repair and hopefully tightness again.

    I'm very wary to take a prohormone as I've always wanted to be more of a natural type lifter, but at this point in my life, I just want to get back to normal. So eventually.... I believe I will be buying Super R-Andro RX.

    Once I do, I will report back here as well as update everyone on my results.

  9. #89
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    So... update.

    I've officially decided I will not be partaking in using the pro-hormone CD mentioned.

    You guys for fun can compare me and Maxoutt777's results here in the forums, as we had both basically done the exact same regime up to this point.

    The reason I refuse to take a PH for now is because I want no one to look at me, my gains, and my health, and point to steroids as the way I achieved it. When people see the shape I'm in and the kind of person I am, I want them to realize I'm an animal with or without steroids... not, "Oh, well he only achieved that kind of body/health because of steroids".

    So for now, I will be continuing taking herbs, creatine HCL, manipulating HGH through intermittent fasting, meditating, working out, taking cold showers, juicing from time to time, and will probably be introducing a sleep agent because that is still one area of recovery I'm lacking in.

    My wit has gone up, my motivation has gone up, my strength has gone up, my lower abdominal fat seemed to have diminished a little bit even though I'm bulking, and I've been waking up with morning wood on a pretty regular basis now and am going to go get my test checked soon again (was 470ish I think 2-3 months ago).

    I think I can do this guys. Stay tuned.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atticas View Post
    So... update.

    I've officially decided I will not be partaking in using the pro-hormone CD mentioned.

    You guys for fun can compare me and Maxoutt777's results here in the forums, as we had both basically done the exact same regime up to this point.

    The reason I refuse to take a PH for now is because I want no one to look at me, my gains, and my health, and point to steroids as the way I achieved it. When people see the shape I'm in and the kind of person I am, I want them to realize I'm an animal with or without steroids... not, "Oh, well he only achieved that kind of body/health because of steroids".

    So for now, I will be continuing taking herbs, creatine HCL, manipulating HGH through intermittent fasting, meditating, working out, taking cold showers, juicing from time to time, and will probably be introducing a sleep agent because that is still one area of recovery I'm lacking in.

    My wit has gone up, my motivation has gone up, my strength has gone up, my lower abdominal fat seemed to have diminished a little bit even though I'm bulking, and I've been waking up with morning wood on a pretty regular basis now and am going to go get my test checked soon again (was 470ish I think 2-3 months ago).

    I think I can do this guys. Stay tuned.
    I think you made the best decision man. Keep doing what you're doing. Maybe you should stop herbs for a month and then take again. I also don't think it's a good idea to take anything for sleep, it will eventually get better with your protocol.

    If you want you can call me on Skype. Joocar2 is my address.
    Following cdnuts protocol is the way to reverse pfs. I achieved 75% once and then I started taking progesterone cream thinking that would accelerate my recovery, huge mistake.

    The herbs stopped working for me, so I decided to stop and restart later to see if I will improve even more.

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