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    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilien View Post
    Sorry to dig up this topic but there are a some misinformation here.

    Just FYI there are NO HEAVY METALS in covid vaccines. Also ARNm technology isn't new, it has been studied and already used in certain illnesses with success for decades. Now of course you can have doubts since we don't have the full picture yet and we lack recoil on the effect of Spike protein in the long run, like a lot of treatments. There will also be adverse reactions for a minority of people, but it also saves a lot of lives everyday.
    So in the end it's all a matter of personal judgement call, weighting the benefits/risks balance.

    I could argue that there will inevitably be anti-vax circles that will indirectly harm or kill people, potentially from their family, their friends. Currently in my country, most of severe cases, long haul Covid and deaths are from people that didn't get the vaccine, that is a fact.
    Now I don't make any judgment, I'm myself reluctant to get the shot in my PFS state, but things are not this black&white scheme you're painting.

    If one day you have a severe illness, will you reject an efficient treatment because you had PFS in your life and all of a sudden all the science is corrupted ? We are biased from what we went through (like anyone), another reason to not loose our critical mindset.
    Man....I wasn't gonna even touch this one, but......

    Anti-vax circles that kill people......this to me doesn't make sense. The anti-vaxxers should be the ones dying, NOT the vaccinated ones? If you get vaccinated, you shouldn't have to worry about the unvaccinated, otherwise, why even get the vaccine? What's the point if you can still get sick? I mean, if you took a circle of people who didn't get their polio vaccine, Do you think the vaccinated would have to worry about getting polio? No. Something doesn't add up with ALL of this.

    Not to mention the time in which they just whipped up a new vaccine with NO clinical testing, safety studies, NOTHING. You know where the studies are??......they are being done right now, in real time, to every single person who get's vaccinated. That doesn't sit well with me. Especially knowing now what we know about pharmaceutical companies.

    There have already been countless stories of people who were decimated by the vaccine. They know this (big pharma) and it's the "cost" of doing business for them. I understand doing things and sacrificing for the greater good, but who wants to be the unknowing martyr and ruin their lives or lose it all together? NOT ME.

    Sickens me.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 08-23-2021 at 10:25 AM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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